Six stars E ranker

Once he reached the forest Adam changed his last hunting ground. Most of the rabbets were blow the E rank. So they don't give a lot of energy points. This time he searched for stronger creatures. After a while, he found his new target: a big dim brown bull the size of an elephant. It was scary with the bruises all over its body and the big spiraled horns that shows how long and cruel his life was.

"From this bull's horns, I can tell he had lived more than thirty years," Adam remembered reading in a book that the bulls grow one spiral in a decade.

Adam tried to ambush the beast when it was still asleep, but he didn't pay attention to the tree branch that sounded like cracking mines in the silence wild night when he stepped on them.

The beast stood like a mountain in front of Adam who was caught by surprise. The bull instinctively attacked with his horn, but Adam who saw that coming countered with his knife. Unfortunately, the knife couldn't pierce through the bull's tough skin, and adam took the hit head-on. He was smashed to a tree with a bleeding head and a blurry sight.

The bull's horn started to shine green then he dashed toward the nearly unconscious human to strike his fatal move.

"ZZZZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" a loud noisy insects' sound suddenly cracked in the ghost-quiet forest.

The mountain-like charging bull stopped his dash midway paralyzed. Then he started bleeding from his mouth, nose, eyes, and ears. He died silently without being able to express his immense pain.

"Such rare talent like yours shouldn't go to wast, young boy. You had better not die in front of an insignificant lowly creature." a man seating cross-legged on the head of a big black cat said.

Adam couldn't see the man because of the blurry sight he hardly managed to say: "Who.. are ?" But the man faded in the dark without an answer.

Adam who could no longer endure was about to blackout when the big black shadow of the dead bull entered his body. His injuries were healing at an incredibly fast speed visible to the naked eyes. After ten breaths his injuries were healed and his stamina was recovered. Plus the energy inside his body almost doubled. The bull was a C rank monster. If the mysterious man didn't save him, Adam would have been dead by now.

After the near-death experience, Adam decided to return home. But before, he returned Adam took the bull's horns because they seemed very expensive. As for the other part Adam wanted so badly to take them but the horns were already very heavy.

"That mysterious man must have been watching me from the moment I came to the forest. Maybe even before that. He seemed to know what's my ability, yet he had no intention of harming me. Especially, when I was in my weakest states. But why he kept spying on me? He must have a motive. Everybody has one. I must be more careful next time." Adam kept thinking in the calm night on his way back to the city about that man's intention.

Once at the city, Adam sold the horns in the hunter's market.

"Wow! That's an expensive staff young man. It must be the horns of a C rank best. Where did you find it?" the shopkeeper asked in surprise.

"I took it from a dead bull in the forest. It seems like the hunter was a high ranker who didn't care about it." Adam replied

"You are so lucky, young man. I will give you 50000$"

Adam took the money in disbelieve. He had never imagined he would earn such wealth from hunting monsters.

Adam created an account in Independence bank and stored the 50000$ in it.

After that, he bought an energy measurement device like the one used by the headmaster back then. And a short, two-edged sword. They cost him 1000$ and 500$ respectively.

Adam was heading back home when he remembered he should buy some new clothes for his mom. She had to buy used clothes because she couldn't waste money on new ones. She had to pay the rent and her son's school bills.

When Adam returned to the market again, he had an undesirable encounter.

"Hey! Cripple, what are you doing here?" Adam heard a familiar voice behind him. It was one of Ilyass's underlings.

"Watch your mouth stupid he is an E ranker who has already beaten both of you," Ilyass said to the boy on his right.

Adam was surprised by Ilyass's behavior. He didn't expect he would be on his side.

"If you are here to prepare for the tournament. I will advise you to buy a fighting technique. When we have fought each other back then I realized that you have a strong body. But your fighting skills were very poor."

"I am here to buy clothes for..."

Ilyass interrupted him: "Clothes! You are wasting your parents' money on some stupid clothes instead of improving your self. It looks like I have wasted my time talking to a stupid commoner. Let's go boys."

Ilyass left angrily without giving Adam a chance to defend himself.

Adam who didn't care much about others'opinions just bought the clothes and then returned home.

When he entered he found his mother waiting for him in the living room.

She said: "Do you know, what time is it? It's 3 am, and you have just returned home. I have called you plenty of times but you haven't responded. You have made me dead-worried, Adam. where have you been."

"Sorry, I have lost my phone when I was in the market to buy some clothes. So I kept searching for it." he couldn't tell the truth that his phone was broken during the fight with the bull, because she will be more worried if she knew her only child is risking his life in the forest.

Adam gave his mom the new clothes and the 1000$ he gained after selling the rabbets claws. He told her he obtained the money after winning a competition at school.

After he closed the door of his bedroom, Adam took the measurement device from his backpack. and put his hand on it. It showed 672E.P on the screen.

"Yes, I did it. I am a six stars E ranker right now".