The deal with Sunbo Family 3

Adam opened his eyes slowly then quickly closed them as he was blinded by a bright green light coming from his lower-body. He was lying down on something cold and hard, not a bed obviously. This time, he narrowed his eyes and tried to cover the light with his hands, so that he can see what was happening to him. Anxiousness started to grow inside him as he remembered the last thing that happened before he lost consciousness.

Soon a graceful girl voice sounded close to him. "You are finally awake."

Adam sighed in relief as he recognized the owner of the voice. It was no other than Yassmine.

The bright green light that was blocking Adam's sight dimmed. Now he can see that the light was coming from Yassmine's hands that were pressed on his abdominals. Adam's cheeks became reddish from the contact. The goddess of our school is touching me. Oh! my god. Her hands are soft. I must be dreaming.

Yassmine caught Adam's blushing face. She couldn't help but turn red as well, as she knew that he misunderstood the situation. "Ehh! I … I was ..just healing your wounds. You have blacked out after that gangster hit you in the stomach."

"Where is he right now? Is someone hurt?" Adam asked, his face turning serious as he remembered the blonde-haired man.

"Don't worry! The Man went out as soon as you had lost consciousness. He said that he will leave this village for your sake."

"He was so weird. He kept addressing you as his king. Have you meet him before or something?"

"Never met him before," Adam responded as he kept looking around. He saw Yassir standing beside Mr.Ayoub and the other member of Sunbo Family. They were encircling the thugs that were with the blonde-haired man. They were held captive for interrogation.

"It looks like we are still in the warehouse. How much time has passed since I blacked out?"

"Ten minutes."

"Only ten minutes!! I felt like I have been sleeping for a whole night."

"You were able to wake up quickly because I treated your wounds. It's a new ability I awakened a week ago after I had broken through the D-rank. So now, I am dually awakened. I can control both wind and white energy."

"Waaww!! That's amazing. You are truly a genius."

Yassmine blushed while muttering: " No, I am not. After all, my mother, the leader of the white lotus Family, is a white energy controller while my father is an air bender. The chance that I will acquire both of these abilities was very high."

"And even with all of this, I wasn't of much help in the fight today."

"Don't say that. You were of great help to me. If you hadn't healed me, I will be still screaming from pain."

"Thank you," Yassmine said timidly while covering her blushing face with her hands.

Adam stood up, patted her head gently then headed toward Yassir and Mr.Ayoub.

"How are you doing, man? Are you still hurt?" Yassir asked when he noticed Adam's figure coming toward him.

"I am fine."

"Sorry I haven't noticed that you woke up. I have been busy interrogating these thugs." Yassir said while rubbing his hair.

"It's nothing. Anyway, did you find anything useful?"

"We Have asked every single one of them separately, and they all said the same thing. This man appeared only a week ago in the south area. He promised a great fortune to the homeless if they joined his gang and he beat the one that refused mercilessly. So all of them agreed."

"Did they told you his name or anything that can lead us to him?"

"His name is Kassim Sakaly. Although he was strong, It seems that he is just a madman. You shouldn't bother yourself about him anymore. He said that he will leave this village and won't come back."

As soon as he finished his sentence, Yassir noticed Adam's dark sullen face.

"What's happening, man? Did I say something that offended you?"

"Th... that bastard... has used dad's name. " Adam said unable to stop his hands from shaking.

"Does that mean that man really knows you?"

"Wait! Don't tell me that your father has sent him. "

"Dad is already dead. He passed away when I was still three years old." Adam said calmly.

"I am so sorry. I didn't m..."

"No problem," he said before Yassir could even finish his sentence.

"Boys, are you ready? We are returning back to Sumbo Family's headquarters." Mr.Ayoub called them.

"We are coming."

The trick back home was very quiet, Adam kept silent all the way back. Because he was confused by what he just heard. But one thing is for sure: He can't go after that man right now as he is still too weak. So he must train harder to protect himself and his friends.

When the group arrived home, they were welcomed by a group of Sumbo Family members, mostly women, and children.

"Thank you, heroes…." They cheered joyfully.

"You saved our family. "

A maid accompanied Adam and his friends to the guest room where they had dinner with Mr.ayoub and his wife. Then, as they had agreed to. Mr.Ayoub gave the group the Sumbo Family's three original skills, Inner Energy Fist, Weapon Reinforcement, and Weapon Enchantment Technique, and their copyrights.

"This is the inheritance of my Sunbo family. I hope you took good care of it and use it wisely."