Arrogant people

Deep in Stealthy Cloud Forest, where the strongest creatures live. A place that no one in Independence city dared to approach, two men were having a casual conversation.

One of them, probably in his forties, his features unclear due to darkness. He was sitting cross-legged on the head of a giant black cat. Right in front of him was the other man, a blonde-haired in his twenties.

He said: "I can't believe this. You tricked me. The king was very weak. You said that I will have a good fight."

"Has he controlled his ability yet?"

"Not, at all. He is still oblivious to the origins of his power."

"I can feel that the day of his awakening is coming soon. he will swallow everything. Independence city will never be the same. It's time for the Dark Shadows to take control."


Adam arrived home late from Frost village. Unlike any other night, he went straight to bed. He wasn't in a good mood to practice his skills. He kept thinking about the identity of that man who called himself by the name of his father.

"Why would he do that? And why he addressed me as his king? And what if he decided to take revenge. I wouldn't be able to defend my self."

"No, I am maybe just overthinking it. If he wanted to kill me he would have done it back then. I am sure about one thing, he knows me very well. And knows my father." Adam kept thinking for some time before sleep came relieving his tired mind.


Adam woke up lazily not to the alarm sound but the doorbell.

"Come on man, we are late." Yassir's voice sounded from the front door.

Adam quickly washed his face, wore his clothes then left the house.

"You came again," he said while rubbing his sleepy eyes. "Is coming to my house every morning a part of your morning routine?"

"I guess so. Do you know that you would be late for school if I didn't pick you up? You should be thankful instead."

"I haven't heard the damn alarm," Adam said as he entered the car.

"Your mother didn't wake you up?"

"She goes to work very early."

"So I will come to wake you up every day," he said while slamming his big clenched hand on his chest dutifully.

"No!! Your babysitting job demand is declined."

"I am still coming. Anyway, when do you plan to use the pill I gave you?"

"Pill? What pill?" Adam had no idea what Yassir was talking about.

"The pill is the wooden box. Don't tell you have lost it. It's very expensive. You won't find another one even if you search for it in every store in the market." Yassir sounded a little bit offended.

"Ah! The pill, yes yes I have it. But I am keeping it until I become stronger. You know, I can't waste such a great treasure now." Adam lied. He hasn't even opened the wooden box yet.

"Anyway, what's the pill effect? You haven't told me."

"The pill is created by fusing the flesh of thousands of beasts that are specialized in defense and some rare herbs to detoxify it to make it safe for the fighter to consume. But still, make in mind that the pill will be a little bit painful."

"I..think... it's time for me to... th_ank you for all of the good things you did to me."

"Don't mention it. We are friends."

"Yeah, we are."

The boys reached school ten minutes earlier. As always, the place in front of it was crowded. A bunch of stupid teenagers bragging their latest purchases, talking behind the back of each other, or wasting time on childish pranks. Suddenly, their activities stopped as their gazes focused on Yassir who just stepped out of his flashy black car. They were looking at him with eyes full of esteem and admiration. He was strong, handsome, rich, and the successor of one of the five biggest families in the city. He was one of the school stars.

The crowd shifted their sight toward Adam as he came out of the car. They're joyful gazes quickly disappeared and were replaced by anger and disdain. To them, he was like a bag who ruined a beautiful sight.

"What is such a loser doing with brother Yassir?" a girl said to her friend not giving a damn that Adam will hear her.

"He must be seeking his money."

"He is taking advantage of Yassir's kindness."

"We should help Yassir get ride of him."

Adam didn't pay attention to them. He was used to this kind of sick treatment. As the school's previous cripple(incapable of storing world energy), people were used to treating him badly. They said he was a disgrace to their school. But the true reason why they harassed him was that he used to be weak, and unable to fight back. So they preyed on him like hungry hyenas just to feel better than him

He looked at his watch. Then he said to Yassir:" There are 10 minutes left before school starts. I am gonna buy something to eat from the store. I still haven't eaten breakfast."

"Ok see you in class."

Adam speed-walked to a bakery near the school. He bought a lemon juice and a croissant(a French crescent-shaped roll made of sweet flaky pastry, often eaten for breakfast).

As soon he came out of the store, his way was blocked by three beautiful girls that were standing right in front of the shop. They all had blue eyes and black hair. They were wearing the same black leather short skirts that showed their flawless white skin, the same high heels, and white shirts and the same expensive jewelry. They were the three twins goddesses of Independence high.

Adam sighed as he was expecting something like that to happen.

"Hey! Cripple, from today onwards I don't wanna see you bi*ching around brother Yassir anymore. Is that clear?" Amina the one in the middle said arrogantly.

Adam's face became furious: "Who the hell do you think you are to command me like that?"

"Look at him, girls. He is talking back to me" she said while walking toward him. When she reached him she lifted her hands ready to slap him. But her arm was blocked midway. He grabbed her wrist violently than he squeezed it. "How dare you?" he intimidated her.

"Aaahhhh" she screamed and shook her hands trying to break free. "Release me right now. Don't you know who I am? My boyfriend is gonna kill you."

Adam didn't care about her threatening. If someone attacks him, whether it is a boy or a girl, he will also definitely defend himself. He pushed her back. Then started walking to school.

I dare you to come to school. I will make you pay back for humiliating me.