A tough situation

In the first two hours, Adam attended the history class. As he wasn't interested in it, he spent the time refining his Inner energy with the Inner Energy refining technique the headmaster had given him.

Even though the principle of fusing inner energy to obtain a purer type of energy was simple, the process wasn't. It was very slow and needed a lot of focus. Because the slightest mistake can turn the energy unstable. Thus, badly injuring him.

The classroom was far from a good place to practice his skill, as the voice of the teacher and the casual laugher of the students were constantly disturbing him.

"If only I can strengthen my mind, I will be able to listen to the teacher and train my skill at the same time." Adam thought to himself.

"Wait a minute! I think I can do that," he whispered to himself as he thought about something.

"If Inner energy fist and enhanced vision(a skill he personally created) use Inner energy to strengthen the fist and eyes. I can use the same principle to strengthen my mind."

Soon Adam started gathering inner energy from all around his body and directing it toward his mind. The result was immediate, as soon as he finished filling his mind with inner energy. A strong feeling of freshness chased all his tiredness. His mind became clear and seamed capable of processing much faster.

Adam looked at the teacher in surprise his moves and voice became very slow. It was like watching the world in slow motion mode.

"Wow! This feels really good."

Adam started to refine his Inner energy again full of excitement and expectations. The process became much easier now. His refining speed seemed to be ten times higher.

Adam's control over his Inner energy reached a very high level. He also gained more understanding of the principles behind inner energy fist and inner energy refinement. But after ten minutes of training, Adam suddenly felt so tired, and slightly dizzy. He felt a strong urge to sleep. Then his eyes closed uncontrollably as he put his sweaty forehead on his desk. He was drained off inner energy.

After 1 hour and 20minutes;

"Adam, wake up. The class is over." Yassmine shook him gently.

Adam opened his eyes slowly still feeling sleepy. He saw both of Yassmine and Yassir stand beside his desk.

Yassir smiled at him then said: "You look exhausted, have you slept well last night?"

"Not enough, I guess"

Yassmine put her soft right hand on his brow while leaning forward then she said: "let me see if I can help you."

"I am ok, I just feel tired." Adam felt embarrassed.

A bright green light flickered from her arm. She was using white energy to heal him. After one minute the bright light faded away. A little bit of Adam's energy was restored.

"Thank you!" he said.

Yassmine covered her blushing face with both her hands while she said apologetically:" I am sorry! I am a very beginner at controlling white energy. This is what I can do for you now."

"No, I feel much better right now."

"Guys we should go to the gymnasium, the fighting training class will start now." Yassir reminded them.

The three of them speed-walked to the gymnasium. The teacher and most of the students were already there. The teacher showed them some fighting moves, then ordered them to do the same.

After an hour, the combat practice began. Every student has to choose a sparring partner to practice with. The partners will change after every battle.

"Hamza, you have to kick that bastard's ass. He harassed me when you weren't around." the beautiful girl Amina, Adam had met in the morning said to the tall muscular guy beside her.

"What? He dares to hurt my girlfriend. Don't get mad, babe. I am gonna beat the crap out of him."

As soon as the teacher told his students to chose their partners, Hamza chose to fight against Adam before anyone else get to choose him. He was like a hungry animal eager to eat his prey.

"It looks like brother Hamza wants to beat that loser so badly."

"Haven't you heard, he disrespected sister Amina this morning at a grocery store."

"He must be out of his mind to offend one of the three goddesses, he needs to be taught a lesson."

"He deserves everything that will happen to him. Since he became friends with brother Yassir, he started acting arrogantly."

"Brother Hamza, let that cripple know his place."

Soon all the students that were supposed to spar with each other gathered around Adam and Hamza. They were excited to watch the show.

On the other hand, Yassmine was worried about him. She checked his conditions back in the classroom and he was drained out of energy.

"Sir, this should be a combat for practice. But Hamza seems very serious about it. You should stop this fight." she told the coach.

" People always unleash their power if they are under pressure. Both of them will fight with everything they got so as not to be embarrassed. And that's exactly the objective of these fights."

"You don't understand, Adam..."

"Start the fight!" the coach shouted loudly interrupting Yassmine from finishing her sentence.

Yassir grabbed her shoulder and said: "Don't worry, he will be alright."

"I hope so."

Hamza rushed toward Adam and throw a heavy blow targeting his face. But Adam managed to block it in time with both his arms crossed.

Hamza launched another three punches but they were blocked by Adam again. Every time they clash, Adam was pushed back slightly.

"This man is just a 9 stars E-ranker but he must have trained his body to an outstanding level." Adam analyzed from the previous clashes. He intentionally let himself be hit to measure his opponent's powers.

"Are you scared to attack me? Hahaha...We will see how much blows you can take before being crushed. "

Hamza struck with a heavy right. But this time Adam didn't block. Instead, he dodged and counterattacked with a punch to the stomach.

Yet Hamza didn't budge. Adam quickly retreated then looked to his opponent's abdominals in surprise. They had turned into stones.

"Things are getting very bad. I am still drained out of energy. Thus, I can only use one skill. I don't think it will be able to break his defense. I must think of something."