Learning weapons' reinforcement

With the help of Yassir's father, Adam managed to buy a very small store in the best market in the city with 100000$. Adam doesn't have a lot of skills or weapons to sell yet. So a small store will do the job for now. And when the time comes and his business grows he will move to a bigger one.

After he bought the store, he was still in the market so he decided to buy ten ordinary swords to resume his training with Weapon Reinforcement Technique. Adam only has 9000$ left in his bank account as each sword was 100$.

As the Weapon Reinforcement training was a little bit dangerous, Adam decided to resume his training in the forest instead of home, especially to not scare his mom.

He ran toward the forest with a bag full of swords dangling behind his back. He chose a quiet area then he started meditating. Unlike yesterday, now he was able to sense the inner energy that came out of his body easily. So it was time to move to the final step: inserting his inner energy in the weapon.

He took a sword from the bag with his right hand. Then he started to direct his energy into the sword. But like last time, the sword blew up as it shattered into pieces.

My inner energy seams too strong for these swords. It's normal though, I am already a D ranker and with the inner energy reinforcement technique, my energy is twice as strong as my peers.

After another five failures, this time glowing black energy enveloped his sword. Excitedly, Adam lifted his sword high than tried the slash a tree nearby. Unfortunately, before he could land his attack, the sword broke in the middle of the air sending metal piece in every direction.

One of the metal pieces that was covered in dark energy pierced through the tree with astonishing speed and didn't stop until it slammed another tree two meters away from the last one.

Seeing this Adam was too happy to know that his skill was this powerful even he had failed. Those giant trees were as strong as the body of a nine-stars E ranker. So if fully mastered his technique could even take D-ranker easily.

Adam now has one three swords left. That means he has to succeed in three tries. He grabbed another sword from his bag, took a deep breath then flowed his energy inside the sword. Black inner energy started covering the bottom of the sword while steadily rising. first breath, second breaths, third breaths.


The sword shattered after three breaths unable to take Adam's strong inner energy.

Unwilling to give up, Adam took another sword and repeated the same process while trying to be more careful. Yet, after another three breaths, the sword exploded. Some of the flying pieces managed to injure Adam's body this time. His understanding of the skill has reached a high level thus it's power had naturally increased. Now it can injure a one-star D-ranker.

Adam realized that he had done everything the skill's instructions mentioned yet he still can't succeed. "Maybe, it's the low quality of the swords or because of the inner energy refinement technique that made my inner energy very condensed. Or maybe both." he thought.

He looked at the only sword left in his bag, but he knew he won't be able to use it. Not with his highly condensed inner energy.

"Next time I will buy a mid-tier weapon or even a high-tier one," Adam said as he decided to go back home.

In his way out of the forest, Adam killed the occasional beasts that blocked his way. "Go away crazy suicidals. I wouldn't have killed you if you hadn't attacked me first." The beasts in the forest borders are very weak, most of them are below the E-rank. So naturally, he didn't want to just massacre them for no reason.

Multiple black shadows have arisen from the dead bodies just to be eaten by Adam in no time. Yet their energies were too small and insignificant for Adam to feel anything. So Adam increased his speed and only killed the ones that he couldn't dodge.

He was very frustrated about the fact that he couldn't master the skill that day. He wanted to open the store as soon as possible. To do that he needed to learn both the weapon reinforcement and weapon enchantment techniques so he could create enchanted weapons. Even though he can start the business by selling the skills he owns, they weren't a lot and the store would look very empty. He needed a lot of swords, spears, axes, and bows to attract costumers' attention.

Adam desperately headed toward the forest's exit still dodging or killing the beasts that attacked him. Suddenly, he remembered something very important. The inner energy refinement technique purifies only the energy that's inside his body during the refinement process. That means that the energy he absorbs later will be just normal the same as any other D-ranker.

Adam smiled from excitement while turning back then burst into an astonishing sprint returning to where he was to resume his training. Now, he still has the hope to learn the skill today.

As soon as he reached his training place he threw his bag aside and started meditating. This time he wasn't trying to sense his inner energy when it's outside his body because he already learned that. Instead, he was trying to sense the faint unrefined energy that he had just absorbed.

After 30 minutes Adam's excitement had faded away. No matter how hard he focused he couldn't track his unrefined energy because the refined one was so strong and dominant.

"If I can't focus enough to be able to trace it. I will just boost my mind's ability."

Adam used the same skill he used in the classroom the day he fought with Hamza to enhance his intelligence.

As soon as he activated the skill, his mind underwent a huge change: his thoughts became clearer and faster, and his senses sharpened.

His heart beats sounded clearly in his ears, even the blood in his vessels could be heard. But he needed more than that. "Focus!" The previous sounds faded as he became able to sense strong dense energy, yet it's not enough. "Focus more!" He poured more inner energy toward his mind. Finally, a little quantity of faint recessive energy could be sensed.

Adam scurried toward his bag, grabbed the only sword he has left then inserted the unrefined energy into it slowly but steadily.

After three breaths his sword was covered entirely by dark faint energy. Seeing that Adam stopped pouring his energy toward the sword.

Adam remained still and silent for another ten breaths while watching the sword which was bursting with power. Yet, this time it didn't break.

"Finally, I did it," Adam said after been sure that the sword isn't breaking. He then started swinging it in every direction, before slashing a big tree nearby.

The tree as hard as the body of a nine-star E-ranker, showed no resistance as it was cut like butter.

"That's just amazing. When I learn how to seal this energy into the sword I am sure that it will be sold pretty well."

Adam was daydreaming about his business growing and his family being rich. When he heard the sound of something evaporating far behind him. He turned around instantly to see what's happening.

But, he was flabbergasted by the sight of the creature running toward him. "No! Not you again."

It was a clay slime similar to the one that attacked him when he had met with Yassir for the first time. But this one was in a humanoid form and was running instead of crawling like a snail. Wherever it steps the soil melted and evaporated from the high concentrated acid fused with its body.

Just in a matter of seconds, the creature had reached Adam and started attacking him furiously. Adam took a few steps back as he knew from his previous experience that he shouldn't attack the monster with his bare hands. Besides being very acidic the monster's body was also sticky.

"I must stay away from him. A fight in close-range is a suicidal mission." Adam thought while climbing a nearby tree.

The creature's hands turned into small canons then started shooting clay slime balls toward Adam.

Adam quickly activated "Inner energy feet" and jumped from that tree to another. The branches that were hit melted instantly. But unlike last time, Adam's speed has doubled after practicing the Inner energy refining technique. Adam kept dodging while jumping from one tree to another. Yet he wasn't in a good situation if he made the slightest mistake his enemy would hit him.

"If only Yassir was here with me. This slime wouldn't be a problem. His sound attacks were able to uncover the creature's core that stabilizes its body."

"I need something that will do the same effect as the sound. And when the core is uncovered I will destroy it with my sword."

Adam kept thinking of something that might help while still dodging the acid balls. And suddenly a brilliant idea popped into his mind as he looked at the small stones on the soil.