Inner Energy Bomb

The humanoid clay monster was sending a barrage of acid slimeballs from his arms that had turned into canons. His clay feet were penetrating deep in the earth sucking the elements like tree roots so that he could shote the balls none stop.

Meanwhile, Adam was dodging while activating his inner energy feet to speed up his movements. He had hidden behind a large tree and had picked up a stone, the size of a clenched fist, before starting to run again. The tree couldn't hold up for long, as it collapsed as soon as he left. But this time Adam stopped running away, instead, he was heading toward the clay creature while dodging all the slimeballs.

When he was about fifty meters away from the monster, Adam released his refined Inner energy inside the stone. Then he kept running toward his enemy in zigzags.

After two breaths, he infused his right arm with inner energy then threw the ball with astonishing speed.

"Third breath!" Adam said full of anticipation.

The stone that was just a few inches from the creature's face suddenly exploded in a fog of energy the size of a human adult with a very strong repulsive force that dispersed the clay slimes everywhere on the ground. Only a small purple gem remained floating in the air.

Adam used the fact that the frail stone won't be able to contain his strong refined inner energy, and would explode just like the swords after three breaths.

After the explosion ended, the clay slimes on the ground started twitching, ready to reattach with the gem.

Seeing this, Adam wasted no time. He infused his sword with the last bits of unrefined energy he still has, then threw it directly toward the gem that was shattered into pieces.

"Yes, it worked." Adam was too happy to survive and defeat such a strong enemy. "Wait...why there is no shadow coming from that beast."

Adam approached the beast's dead body and inspected it. It was just some clay slimes dispersed everywhere on the ground lifelessly. If someone didn't see the creature before he died he wouldn't think these clay slimes were the part of a dead monster.

"It seems like this isn't a beast as I have thought. Because if it is, I should be able to absorb its shadow. This is rather someone's ability or the work of an artifact." Adam thought while looking at the creature's remains.

"If what I am thinking is right, this thing is just a puppet controlled by someone. And that can explain how it had changed from the previous form it had last time to this humanoid one. There must be someone who is creating these things and perfecting them."

"Anyway, it's good that I have found a way to defeat them. After adding my condensed refined inner energy to the stone, just like the swords, it exploded after three breaths. That's amazing I can use this trick as a mid-range attack from now on. Or I can find a way to create a weapon by using this phenomenon. I will call it Inner energy bomb." Adam thought full of excitement and anticipation.

Adam felt a little bit tired from the huge loss of energy, during the training, and the fight. So he quickly grabbed his sword from the ground, put it in his bag then headed quickly to Independence city. He was afraid that he would be attacked by another clay puppet in that exhausted state of his.

Adam arrived home in the evening, he found his mom in the kitchen preparing dinner.

"Hi mom, how are you doing?"

She turned around toward Adam, a warm smile on her face and she said: "I am very good, I spent the whole day relaxing in the house as I don't have to work for the Scarlet flame family anymore. And You where have you been? You look so tired and your clothes are dirty."

"After I had bought the store from the hunters' guild, I went to the Stealthy Cloud Forest to train my skills. And it looks like I had put a lot of effort." Adam didn't lie to his mom but didn't tell her the whole story as he thought there is no need to scare her.

"That's good but you shouldn't go very hard on yourself. You know it could backfire on you," she said with a concerned face. "Anyway, go take a shower and change your clothes. Dinner is almost ready."

Adam did as he had been told then joined his mom on the table. He ate slowly while talking to his mom about different things. He enjoyed every moment of this rare family time.

Even though they used to live in the same house they didn't meet each other often, let alone having dinner together. Because when his mom arrives home late at night, he would be already asleep, and when she left for work at dawn he will still be asleep.

After finishing his delicious meal, Adam went straight to his bed and fall immediately asleep. He was so tired that he couldn't train his skills as usual. And he needed to restore his inner energy and stamina so that he could start practicing when he wakes up the next morning.

Although tomorrow was the weekend and Adam won't go to school, he still has a lot of things to do. He wanted to master the Weapon Enchantment Technique as soon as possible. So that he can open the store and start selling weapons before the tournament starts. Because he knew people are looking for weapons and all sorts of stuff that can help them win. So he wanted his new product to benefit from that.