Creating enchanted weapons 1

When most of the people in Independence City were still sleeping comfortably, Adam woke up from his heavy slumber. Both his inner energy and stamina fully restored.

He looked at the sky through the small window overlooking his bed. All he could see was the darkness of the night with faint rays of artificial light that gleamed from downtown and the other rich regions. As for his neighborhood, there was no light in the streets. because most of the people there don't pay their electricity bills. They were struggling every day to just guarantee their food and drink.

That area is the poorest in the whole city, it was mostly habited by criminals, gangs, and cripples(people who can't absorb World Energy). The city guards visited that district rarely because it was a place where society disposed of its unwanted individuals. Thus, that area wasn't ruled by any laws. It only followed the law of the jungle: "every man for himself"

Before Adam had awakened his ability, his mom was obliged to pay protection fees to a gang. But after Adam annihilated them, no one dared to mess with him again or with his mother.

"I must buy a new house in a better place. We can't live among these criminals forever." Adam thought as he looked at the dirty streets. But he knew he doesn't have enough money, so he had to wait until his business succeed.

Adam fully opened the window to let the cold fresh air enter his small chamber to chase away the laziness from his mind. After washing his face, he quickly went to the kitchen, took his breakfast, then returned to his room, and locked the door behind him. All of this in less than five minutes.

After that, he took the Weapon Enchantment Technique's scroll from his drawer. And, as usual, he sat cross-legged on the old brown rag, while his back resting on the side of his bed.

He kept reading the scroll's content for a while. Until he had fully understood it and memorized it.

To enchant a weapon, he needed to insert his inner energy into the weapon just like the Weapon Reinforcement Technique. Then he had to seal the energy by engraving the Sunbo family's special inscription on the weapon.

Adam took a blue pen and an empty paper from his school bag then started to copy the inscription on it. He wanted to practice on a paper first before moving to a real weapon to make it easier and to not ruin the weapon in case he made a mistake.

To draw the inscription was unbelievably hard. It was like copying someone else signature but a thousand times harder. As the inscription was large and has hundreds of small but complicated characters. And not only that, but he also needed to draw all of that in a matter of three seconds or the energy will leak out of the weapon before the seal is completed.

First, Adam didn't care about his drawing speed as it was another problem that he will deal with later. He only tried to get used to all the gibberish symbols and weird lines.

After an hour Adam finished his first try. But it was imperfect and far from resembling the real one so it won't do the job. It was useless. But Adam didn't give up. He quickly went to the kitchen to drink water then started his second try.

But After another hour the result was still the same. There were a lot of mistakes in his copy. Sometimes, because his hands shook, or because he forgot a symbol as they resembled each other pretty much or just because of the lack of concentration.

Adam didn't stop there, he kept trying and trying until he was exhausted. But he was very far from making a perfect copy.

It was already noon. When he realized that his progress was extremely slow as his drawing skills were very low.

"If I continue with this slow pace, I won't be able to master the technique even after a month, not just the weekend," he said sounding a bit disappointed. But as soon as he finished his sentence, his face brightened as he figured a way to speed his progress.

He instantly directed his inner energy toward his mind. After a matter of seconds, his thoughts were cleared and his intelligence had increased several times. Also, his senses became sharp. And even his control over his body increased.

He inspected the large gibberish inscription on the scroll carefully, and it started to make sense. He kept looking at it for some minutes and it was engraved in his mind. So he folded the scroll then he put it in the drawer again. After that, he took the pen and started drawing the lines and the symbols at a very high speed.

Only the image of the inscription appeared on his mind while all his sensed were directed to the paper in front of him. His hand moved smoothly as it drew perfect circles without shaking. After ten minutes a perfect copy of the inscription was engraved on his paper.

Adam didn't stop as he drew another one but this time just in five minutes.

After that, He felt his inner energy was close to being entirely consumed. so he wasted no time in gathering all that he has left to drew his third successful inscription. This time he managed to do it in just one minute.

As soon as he finished it, he felt very tired while his sight became blurry and his mind became dizzy. He put both of his hands on his desk trying to prevent himself from falling. He kept breathing deeply to regain a bit of his stamina. That was the cost of using all his stored inner energy.

After a couple of minutes, Adam's state stabilized, and was able to walk again normally. Even though he still felt really tired. He went to the kitchen and sit on a chair while waiting for lunch.

After he had had his lunch with his mom, he walked back to his room then fall asleep on his bed immediately. He wanted to restore his energy so that he could finish his training. He decided that he won't waste time training his drawing skills. But instead, he will just boost his mental ability to copy the inscription.

Adam had slept for a long 8 hours before he woke up in the evening. He had successfully recovered his inner energy and was ready to resume his training.

But before that, he went to the kitchen and ate whatever he had found. Because he was starving. He felt like he hadn't eaten anything for a whole weak. That was because his body needed a lot of nutrition to recover his power.

Adam returned to his room, picked his pen, and took a new paper. Then he directed his inner energy toward his mind and started drawing with astonishing speed. He finished his drawing in only 50 seconds. But it wasn't enough. To seal his inner energy inside a weapon he needed to engrave the inscription on it in three seconds or the energy will start to leak out.

He drew the inscription, again and again, every time faster than before, even though his progress kept shrinking with each try as he was approaching the limits.

After more than a hundred times, he finally was able to draw the inscription in three seconds.

"Yeaahh! Finally." Adam shouted from joy.