Lovely Lady

A sandy-haired man wearing a coat that covered from neck to knee observed them with a cold and calculative gaze. "Where's my payment?" he asked them.

Luo Wanting reached for the chest pocket of his shirt. He pulled out a check, passing it to the man. Shi Ailin couldn't identify if he belonged to any of the organizations since most of his skin was covered. The sandy-haired man glanced at her. "Is the bitch part of the payment, too?" he asked Luo Wanting.

Luo Wanting released a mocking smile before he pinned down the man by the neck, hitting his head against the bar table. He bent down and said in a low and angry whisper, "You're fortunate that I'm in a good mood tonight and that this lovely lady is watching me. But don't call her a bitch or confuse her as a companion."

The man's eyes went wide and wild. "All—All right," he stammered. "I assumed…because she..."

"Shut up," Luo Wanting demanded. "You'll make it worse for yourself. Now give me what I ask for."