Good Together

Shi Ailin woke up right at daybreak. She was entangled with Luo Wanting, their legs crossed. She fitted perfectly against him, despite their height difference. 

He stirred sleepily, shifting on the bed, as the early sunlight cast over him. Shi Ailin bit down her lower lip, propping herself on an elbow, watching his evened-out breathing. His ash-blonde hair covered his eyes, and he looked very much like a prince. 

Shi Ailin wasn't the type to romanticize crime and violence, or villains. But she recalled that there were two types of villains: the ones with sad background stories, people who are forced to take a route they never asked for due to their circumstances; or the kind that are pure evil—doing it for the sake of power and self-interest. Only one of those kinds deserves redemption, and she knew it was him. 

Dazed from her sleep, Shi Ailin delved the courage to kiss him. She pecked his lips, fast and soft. But he didn't wake.