Union (2)

Shi Ailin stayed close to Shi Yen for the start of the evening. The venue was extravagant and prepared enough to entertain many guests and to momentarily distract her from looking over at Li Biyu with Luo Wanting. 

Shi Ailin went to find Fang Qi, needing a friend that wasn't the one who had all the attention on them for the evening. Being around Shi Yen and Yuan Shun made her feel like all eyes were on them, and she was not used to it. She then slipped away without them noticing, blending into the shadows of the hall when she found Fang Qi kissing Yuan Xinyi gently.

Shi Ailin's eyes widened, and she quickly slid behind a column, hoping they didn't see her catch them. It was also a private moment, and she didn't want to be the one to disrupt them.

Alone, Shi Ailin stepped back towards the centre, circling back to find any of her other friends.

"Miss Shi Ailin?" Someone questioned from behind her.