Union (3)

"I don't appreciate the way you talk about my wife," Yuan Shun said darkly.

The chairman staggered back, eyes wide, trying to understand what he was saying. But each word was clear, and he knew that he didn't misunderstand his message.

"What are you saying?" he responded, voice filling with rage.

Yuan Shun sneered. "I will tell you more clearly," he countered. "You've told me that Yuan Bank is mine so long as it merges with Shi Group. Well, it is." Yuan Shun paused to grab hold of Shi Yen's hand. "Shi Yen and I got married this morning. I'm sorry you didn't get an invitation. We wanted a more private ceremony."

The chairman shook with rage and anger. It was true that he agreed to have Yuan Shun hold every power related to the bank, but he didn't want him to share that power with Shi Yen.