Union (4)

Shi Ailin kissed Luo Wanting long and dragging until they were out of breath. When they parted, Luo Wanting looked at her, drinking in the sight of her dazed expression, astonished by her sudden audaciousness. He smiled, running his thumb of her cheek. "People are watching us, princess," he said fondly.

Shi Ailin grinned at him. "That's okay," she told him. Shi Ailin was about to embrace Luo Wanting when she felt someone yank her by the shoulder. She turned around as Li Biyu moved her hand through the air. Shi Ailin instinctively raised her arm and blocked the impact of her slap, surprising herself.

"What do you think you're doing, Ailin?" Li Biyu questioned. "Luo Wanting is mine."

"Is that what you tell yourself?" Shi Ailin countered, lowering her arm. "Forcing someone to become yours? Doesn't that seem desperate?"