The Last Wish (1): 18+



Once they arrived at the Shi Estate, Shi Ailin invited Luo Wanting inside her home.

He followed her, removing his jacket and shoes. Shi Ailin didn't say a word as she headed up the staircase.

Luo Wanting paused and waited at the foot of the stairs, not taking another step until Shi Ailin stopped at the top to turn around. "Aren't you coming?" she asked.

Luo Wanting grinned. He wanted confirmation, and he'd further seek it. He caught up to her, following her inside her bedroom.

Shi Ailin closed the door behind him, breathing out nervously as she held the doorknob. Luo Wanting stepped behind her, running a hand down her arm. "Ailin. Let's just change and sleep tonight," he said.

Shi Ailin turned around, hastily pulling the collar of his shirt to bend his head down for a kiss. Luo Wanting helped her by bowing his head, leaning in to crash his lips against hers.