Ominous Feeling (1)

Shi Yen released a breath, unable to shake this ominous feeling she had for days.

She called all her close friends and family members, each of them wondering why she had called out of the blue. She made an excuse or averted the topic by thinking of something on the spot. The only person that didn't answer was Shi Ailin.

Shi Yen attempted to call her throughout the morning, but she didn't answer, which was unlike her. She waited for hours, occupying herself with work duties. And with each moment, she was growing more and more impatient until she finally received a return call. She picked up the phone immediately.

"Yenni," Shi Ailin greeted. "Sorry I missed your calls. I went shopping this morning, and I didn't charge it until I returned to the office."

"That's all right," Shi Yen responded. "I just wanted to know how you're doing. I remember the last time I saw you, you had made a scene with your lover," she smirked against the phone.