Ominous Feeling (2)

Luo Wanting's mother smiled wide. "So, you're not like what people say?"

"And what do people say?" Shi Ailin questioned her.

Mrs. Luo's smile died. "That you're a pale imitation of a Shi, of your own name."

Shi Ailin pressed her lips into a thin line, but she tried not to show it. "I believe that not every person has to live up to a name. However, I do consider myself to be as much of a Shi as any other member of my family."

Mrs. Luo took a bite out of her food and chewed it slowly as she kept her eyes locked on hers. When she swallowed, she said, "that's good to know."

Luo Rong and his wife watched the entire exchange, not saying a word, but Mr. Luo's expression was hard and unfriendly.

Luo Rong attempted to lighten the mood. "It'd be great to invite Yuan Shun and his wife over one evening. We rarely have any guests come over."