Never Met Before

In the evening, Shi Yen was nose-deep in her work when she heard a knock on the door. She muttered a 'come in,' and Yuan Shun had stalked in, giving her the reports she requested. 

"Ah, thank you," she told him. 

So cold, Yuan Shun thought. His wife treats him professionally now more than ever, and it was if he was nothing more to her at all. 

"Where's your brother? I asked him to get these for me," she inquired. 

"I came in his stead. He asked to leave early." 

Shi Yen regarded him for a moment, and then she said, "All right. That's all I needed. You may go now." 

So cruel! He thought. 

Wu Genji had returned home after a long and dreadful day. She fumbled with the keys, opening the door wide. She was welcomed with an empty silence, grateful that she had some time to herself before Yuan Ning arrived. That overbearing bastard, she thought.