What’s Between Them

The next morning, Wu Genji's alarm rang aloud, startling her awake. She jumped, rising out of bed immediately. She checked the time and said, "Crap!" She then darted toward the bathroom, gazing at her dull reflection. She looked and felt like shit. 

She washed up and dressed in jeans with a t-shirt and an olive-green cardigan. She removed her piercings and dabbed on some light makeup, putting on mascara, and applying blush on her cheeks. She then parted her hair and tied it up in a neat, sleek ponytail. Wu Genji then put on her spectacles before she went to grab her purse. 

When she went back toward the hall, she bumped into Yuan Ning. 

"What are you still doing here?" she gaped. 

He frowned, wearing fresh clothes. Wu Genji had almost forgotten that he still had his stuff in her apartment. "I wanted to check how you were this morning," he said, and then looked at her strangely, poking at her spectacles. "What are these for?"