Private Auction (2)

The auction began, and Shi Ailin was grimly aware of the absence of any ambient sounds until the presenter showed up on the stage. He wore a small, wireless microphone wrapped around his ear, landing short of his lips. The man didn't provide a formal introduction before it started, which made her puzzled. 

"This isn't a conventional auction," Luo Wanting whispered right next to her, his lips pressing against her ear. Though he was close, and his voice was low and breathy, it made her conscious that people might be listening, watching. 

"What do you mean?" she whispered back. 

"These items are very exclusive, and not marketed in regular society, nor do many people know of its valuable existence." 

Shi Ailin nearly gaped. "Exclusive to whom?" 

"Most Underworld societies. Not all of the guests are from there, though, but they have some type of connection."