What Brings You Here?

They escaped, nearly unscathed. 

Before the men could notice or pursue them, Luo Wanting took her by the wrist, and they made a mad dash toward a dark, but an open trail. They were running blindly, and Shi Ailin was glad she opted for flats instead of heels. 

"I think we lost them," Luo Wanting said, breathing out when they stopped. 

Shi Ailin held onto her knees, catching her breath. "We left our stuff back there."

Luo Wanting started walking past her. "Leave it," he said unkindly. 

"But our phones…"

"Forget about it. We can't circle back now," Luo Wanting mentioned, walking ahead. 

She trailed after him, bunching up her skirts, so she didn't trip over the hem of her dress. "Wanting…Wanting. I'm sorry." 

He stopped short and made a sharp turn. "If you'd just listen to me—"