There's More

Shi Yen arrived home with Yuan Shun after the nightclub, normally clothed. Shizi ran, leaping into Shi Yen's arms with excitement. Shi Yen coaxed her fur, taking her to the dog room, making sure she finished her food and water. 

Shi Yen then took some time to play with Shizi until she curled up on her bed, falling asleep. She then left the room, joining Yuan Shun in his—their—study room. Shi Yen sat by the desk while Yuan Shun lounged on the settee nearby. He waited for her to return so they can begin researching the Dark Forces. There was not much about them, but Shi Yen wanted to dig for more information and to assign each organization with different missions. 

The next morning, Wu Genji rose out of bed, feeling replenished from the ten-hour sleep she had. She knew it was time to head back to work soon, so she spent the morning at a legal firm owned by the Qian-Song family.