
The next evening, Yuan Ning didn't come over to the apartment. He had assigned work that held him back, and he told Wu Genji that he'd visit the next day, though she no longer needed his help. Her skin had stitched itself over her wound, leaving a scar that would fade over time. She was able to do everything on her own, and soon enough, Yuan Ning would no longer need to drop by, and they could finally part ways for good. 

Wu Genji felt like she could finally do something she itched to do since she had recovered. 

She went to her room and changed into something dark and tight. She tied up her hair, putting on a surgical mask to cover her face. She then left the apartment, locking it tight as she left. 

She took the stairs, heading for the back exit, toward the street. Her destination was a twenty-minute walk from her apartment. She walked through alleyways, her hoodie covering her head, her dark-blue hair tucked in.