
Wu Genji went back to her apartment, shaken by what Yuan Ning said to her: telling half-truths and lies. She was afraid of him, and not in the sheer terror type of way. She was afraid of his impact, of his ability to catch onto the subtlest things because he was beginning to know and understand her better, and she couldn't afford that.

There were parts of her she had to keep hidden, protected, so that she may have a chance with her nephew, the only family that counts. 

Wu Genji took a bottle from her cabinet and took a swig of the drink in her mouth. With the ways things were going, she was also beginning to think that her nephew may be a lot safer and happier without her--far away if he no longer had any involvement or ties with the Wu family. She'd then have to break the promise she made to her sister, but it looked as if it was the best outcome, even if it'd shatter her heart to do it. 

Hunan Province: