For Both of Us

It required a careful choice of words, some misleading and lying with confidence to finally get rid of the forces that approached Nianzu's home. They trusted her husband, and he passed away not long ago. He used to be an envoy—a messenger that was neutral to both sides, and he didn't betray an ounce of where he leaned toward. The forces didn't trust her. Though strong and unyielding, she was softer than her husband, more sympathetic, and he was the one that covered for her mistakes, her empathy. Without him by her side, the forces could either take her word for it or ultimately see behind her lies. 

Regardless she had seen the serpentine smile of one of the leaders before he took off, right after they searched her property thoroughly. 

Nianzu only hoped Luo Wanting and Shi Ailin were far away.