With a swift scan of the room the kobold then moved to the southernmost corner of the room, where he found a long leather hand sling, preserved, untouched by time, but there were no stones to be found near it, just a few round and metallic objects, no more than a handful of them "Hmm a sling should serve, better to be at range, considering that 3 on my constitution… yes yes, best to be at range" then he took the sling wrapping it on his boney arm.

[Go! You can take whatever you need, just don't touch the statues] ordered Throzahk, his ghostly arm pointing towards the stone archway, prompting a gesture from the skeletal kobold, who pointed towards the round metallic objects, in an indication that meant that he had no idea how to carry the things that would sever as his sling's pellets, at this gesture Throzahk shouted in exasperation [BLESSED BE HER! KOBOLDS! TRULY!... take one of the clothes on the other chair, use it as a bag or something! JUST! GO!] ordered Throzahk with a hint of exasperation on his voice.

The skeletal kobold obeyed Throzahk, moving towards the chair that laid besides a wooden table, the time had done away with it much like the door that he had opened to enter the room, yet the fabric that was on the chair seemed to still be able to bear some use, it had a delicate and small embroidery pattern in the form of scales of a multitude of shades of blue "Hmm, this should be able to carry at least the pellets yes yes" with those thoughts in his mind the kobold then proceeded to make an improvised pouch, putting his pellets on it and tiying the colorful cloth on his ribs, he then began crawling next to the floor trying to fade away within the shadows, soon being at the archway pointed by Throzahk.

The kobold then found himself in another hallway, this one less decorated, containing carvings in the walls, but this carvings had a more religious look to them, detailing the daily rituals of the temple, the usual offerings given, and the way the sermons had to be carried.

All of these images surrounded the carving of a woman, whose figure could be best describe as a mother to the clutch of eggs that laid beside her, some bigger than others, some smaller than the rest, her skin covered with finely carved scales, her face had sharp yet vivid eyes gave her a motherly and stern look, her body definitely that of a woman yet reptilian in build, holding in her right hand a staff atop of which laid what looked to be a gem with the shape of an eye and bellow this a balance that hanged from chains locked on the gem, her left hand holding an egg bigger than all of the eggs on the clutch.

For some reason the skeletal kobold felt observed when he looked at this particular mural, as if something out of this plane of existence had put its eyes on him an alien and strange sensation that the kobold hadn't felt even when Throzahk had put his spectral arm through his chest.

"I wonder what that was… burrgh didn't feel right… sometimes ignorance can be a blessing, yes yes…" said the skeletal kobold shaking his skeleton trying to forget the feeling, continuing then to crawl towards the first door to his right, opening the decayed wooden door with great care not to attract any unwanted attention, rightly ignoring the order given by Throzahk, just to be immediately disappointed by what he saw, an almost empty room, save the stone benches lined up in rows and the simple stone altar that rested at the foremost part of the room.

"Hmm… empty, boring, prayer room perhaps? Now what is that!?" thought the kobold when he saw, an elongated and wide skull raised above the benches, the round snout full of gnarled rows of teeth, clearly this was no kobold or any other intelligent race, then the beast proceeded to put one of its short skeletal legs on top of the bench that was near its head, moving towards the now open wooden door, looking at it with what could be described as a hint of curiousness, "let's see if what Throzahk said is true, yes yes" thought the skeletal kobold as he readied his sling to shoot at the undead beast. Then suddenly the brute beast head reared backwards as the result of the hit from a projectile that came from the sling that the kobold.

The kobold had positioned himself on the shadows near the door, spinning his ling and preparing to shoot the pellets at the beast, which after the first hit bolted swiftly towards the open door, shattering the benches due to its brutal strength and hitting the wall outside with its massive six meter body, leaving cracks on the carved hallways, completely revealing its undead nature, it then stopped to study its surroundings, moving its head side to side and opened its massive jaws in a threatening gesture, with this action it had revealed a jewel of what seemed to be deep blue and black colour to the skeletal kobold, that jewel laid embedded inside its mouth to the back of the brutish beast skull, just right between the eyes, it had a magnificent shine to it, with something steaming out of it, like smoke after rain fell on an scorched ground.

"IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS!?" thought the kobold, forgetting for a mere moment its speaking habit and his intention to shoot again at the beast, who then moved towards the stone altar not forgetting to take one of the fragments of the shattered stone benches , one that fitted his hand but was long and sharp enough to be of use, as sort of an improvised melee weapon, putting the thing on the improvised pouch on his .

"MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! THAT CORE WILL BE MINE! YES YES! PRECIOUS CORE!" thought the kobold, crazed with greed, forgetting the fragility of its body, once he stood near the stone altar, he then scaled it, trying to get into an advantageous position for his greed induced plan, after this he readied the sling to shoot once again at the enormous beast.

The beast received the shot this time not to its skull, but to one of the ribs that broke immediately from the impact, the beast reacted with tremendous anger slapping its tail on the walls shattering parts of the mural, but not even scratching the scaled womanly figure or the clutch of eggs that laid beside her.

Then the beast proceeded to bolt once again at the direction from whence the shot came, this time unhindered by most of the benches, crashing on the stone altar where the kobold stood upon sending the skeletal figure to the air after destroying the thing with ease.

"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! I FORGOT ABOUT ITS REACTION! WELL TO HELL WITH THE PLAN" said shouting in his mind the kobold, trying to position himself in the air, planning to land on top of the brute of a beast.

"YES! YES, COME TO PAPA! GIVE ME YOUR CORE!" Shouted greedily the skeletal kobold on his mind, aiming his body head first towards the back of the undead brute, then the beast suddenly turned, and opened its mouth, receiving the kobold on its mouth, crushing his boney legs in one bite, yet the kobold legs didn't shatter, resisting the brutal assault on them, cracked and battered as his boney legs were the kobold didn't stop at this, he then latched onto the eye sockets of the brute, trying to secure his hold, with only an objective in mind, the jewel on the back of the skull of the beast.

After securing his hold to the eye sockets of the brute beast, the kobold freed one of his arms, taking the stone shard from the pouch tied to his ribs, and with a swift strike he hit towards the base of the jewel, shattering little pieces of bone, not enough to dislodge the treasure sought by the kobold, but enough to make some progress.

Then it began, the beast reacted to this assault, opening its maw, and closing its bestial maw with even more strength than before, then shaking its skull side to side, trying to dislodge the stowaway, but to no avail another hit came with the same strength, angering the brute even more.

"Legs locked on the maw of this bastard, doesn't hurt good, yes yes, YOUR CORE WILL BE MINE, MINE MINE MINE, GIMME GIMME GIMME!" thought crazed once again the kobold, caring little for the state of its leg's bones, aided by the fact that he felt no pain coming from them, he then continued his assault on the skull of the beast, striking with even more greed on his mind, the beast kept its hold on the kobolds legs, and then began rolling in the ground, hitting the walls whit its massive body, trying again to get rid of the stowaway that refused to give up.

"GIMME GIMME GIMME! YOU DAMN ALLIGATOR! GIVE! ME! YOUR! CORE!" though crazily the kobold whilst hitting the skull of the brute, refusing to be chewed up by the skeletal alligator he kept striking around the jewel, pieces of bone flew from the strikes, once, twice, thrice and once again he kept the onslaught, the best kept rolling on the ground, hitting the walls and violently shaking its skull side to side, all to be met with resounding hits on its head, seeing its efforts made little to no effect, it stopped its previous actions, rushing head first to the wall.

With a loud crack, the alligator crashed against the wall, shattering the skeletal legs of the kobold, and dislodging its core from where it once sat, as a chunk of bone broke and let the precious jewel free, it looked like the continual assault of the kobold had had the desired effect, the kobold then tried to run after the core, but once he got out of the now unmoving beast he saw what remained of his legs, only the upper half and kneecaps remained mostly unharmed, showing some cracks that had appeared thanks to the abuse that they had sustained, the lower half were completely shattered, and his feet where nowhere to be seen.

"WHAT!..... WAIT!.... the core yes yes, lets secure the core first and then worry, yes yes" said the kobold in his mind, greed had overcome the shock caused by the sight of the missing halves of his legs, he began to crawl this time moving forwards using his arms instead of his legs, he searched for the skeletal alligator core, finding it in the middle of the now ruined chamber, it was amidst the rubble of the benches and the shards that had propelled from the wall of the final attack from the ruthless beast, he grabbed it, in a sort of embrace, patting and feeling around its surface with great care, looking for cracks or scratches, to finally see that it was unscathed, putting it carefully in the safeguarded pouch tied to his ribs.

"My treasure… yes yes… now what to do about my legs, quite the dilemma to deal with… lets take this damned thing legs, yes yes!" thought happily, as he crawled back at the defeated alligator, he crawled towards the rear legs, they now laid motionless, yet still attached to the main body, he then took the lower half of the rear legs and separated them from the now truly dead brute.