He Who Knows

[Damned be that ass-backwards pygmy! Giving ME orders, I may be weak now, but soon… soon I will make them fix their own mess…] said Qadarr, sitting on a stone chair [The council should have disbanded by now] said Qadarr, clapping his hands in a thunderous applause, opening a portal in front of him.

He then crossed the portal, finding himself in front of a man in a long hooded black coat that covered his factions, in his right hands he held a long walking staff with an oil lamp tied to it, the lamp shined with a ghastly pale light upon the shape of the man, and in his left hand he held a set of scales with weights that kept the balance on the scales.

Suddenly the man took a turn towards Qadarr [I see… you have come… I have been expecting you… young keeper of rifts… welcome Qadarr] said softly the cloaked figure, beckoning Qadarr to approach.

[I see… I should have known… I salute you Orsar, honorable Keeper of Souls and Guardian of The River, I bow to you] replied Qadarr, bowing slightly as gesture of respect towards Orsar.

[Don't try to flatter me Qadarr, I have no use for praise, you know that] replied Orsar while shaking his head towards Qadarr, talking with a strange calmness [I know why you came here… you seek knowledge, don't you Qadarr…] asked Orsar, lowering the hood and putting it in the back showing his head, showing his cloth covered eyes, a strange golden light came from within the cloth, his face was that of a very young man, with platinum gray hair, and truly pale skin.

[Yes, old man I do seek knowledge… however I now that nothing is free with you Orsar… name your price] replied Qadarr, now his voice had no deference towards Orsar, however neither was his tone of voice disrespectful.

[Ha! You, you are the only one to ask for a price! How amusing indeed! The lot of them simply ordered me to answer] Said Orsar, bemused by Qadarr's proposal [I want a temple Qadarr, and not just a small one, I want a cathedral] demanded Orsar with a joyful tone of voice.

[I can't give you a temple Orsar… at least not right now… but do tell me, WHY?] replied Qadarr, his voice tone denoted the intrigue that had caused Orsar's petition [Look at me Qadarr, look at what I have been reduced to, that should answer your question!] replied Orsar in an angry voice [I no longer have worshipers Qadarr! Lereus made damn sure of it! Damned be him and his Duergar! May the eternal void take them! I no longer have any way to collect the lost souls on the material plane, balance lays broken, can't you see!] shouted again Orsar, his voice filled with anger and seething hatred towards Lereus.

Surprised at Orsar's anger Qadarr replied calmly [I will give your cathedral in time Orsar, no need to get angry at me… you are not the only one that has been wronged by Lereus… at least of that you can be sure…] while he said this he approached Orsar and said [Now, you must know that my followers aren't… cathedral builders.. not exactly…] his voice contained a bit worry [But if promising this to you will both grant me the knowledge I seek and anger that bastard, I will see to it in time].

Qadarr's answer seemed to calm down Orsar as he replied [Fine then Qadarr, ask away you only have one question] with this he made a gesture with his head, signaling to start asking.

[Finally… Who in all the nine hells did you choose to be my herald? I mean he didn't go crazy after being in front of us… that in and of itself is quite a rarity] said Qadarr, his question wasn't what Osrar had expected.

[Well… I sent you someone who is not from any of our domains, he is an outsider, souls like his sometimes pass through our branch of the Zu'thon River, he is essentially a man of law… or at least that's what I told Lereus…] said Orsar, smile creeping from his face [He is someone that you will find to be most useful Qadarr… however…. he seemed to have knowledge of things that did not concern law, quite the amusing thing indeed, he even seemed to be quite enthusiastic about being a herald for a God, he even asked about who he would serve… of course I said nothing… especially not after Lereus inquiries… I hope he causes quite the commotion] stated Orsar, his smile hadn't disappeared from his face, it was even growing bigger.

After Orsar had finished talking, Qadarr face showed a slight hint of eagerness, his strange face showed intrigue at what Orsar had said, seeing this Orsar began to talk [Care to tell me why have you asked this Qadarr, you could have asked a myriad of things, yet… to ask for something so menial… that's quite a bit uncommon of you] his voice sounded inquisitive, he tought that Qadarr would have asked for an alliance, not for something so banal.

[He who knows his allies, knows how to best make use of them, that's my reason old man, I plan to make Lereus pay…. But I need to know best make use of my herald… in time you will have your cathedral and I will have put Lereus in place… but first I need allies and my herald must be one of them, don't you think Orsar?] said Qadarr, now he too shared a smile, although his was more of a tooth showing grin.

[Of course… but you should remember Qadarr, Lereus fancies himself to be the king… the mere act of your insolence towards him will be quite… a sight to behold… but I cannot officially be your ally, not yet at least… and you still have to deal with Zaslene little invasion] said Orsar to Qadarr, his lasts words were most worrying for Qadarr.

[I will deal with Zaslene and her foul creatures, as for how I will only say this, Eal'zhinath Mohzalth, and Lereus may fancy himself a king, but remember that he is not the only one with that ambition] said Qadarr, clapping his hands in a thunderous applause, opening another portal in front of him [For now I must go Orsar, I still have a role to fulfill don't I?] said with a small chuckle before crossing the portal.