

They arrived at the gate concealing wizarding world, Leaky Cauldron. A pub has a bar and also serve as a hotel for those who want to stay which appears as a broken-down old shop on Charing Cross Road to the muggles.

Hagrid greets Tom, the innkeeper as he says, "This is it, the Leaky Cauldron. It's a famous place."

Old witches were sitting in a corner, smoking and drinking. A little man and barman talking quietly.

It was like a creepy place for dangerous men if you don't know where you are.

"Mr Hagrid, what kind of currency are you using, I mean they don't seem to use pounds," asked Hermione.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot you don't know the wizarding world. We don't use pounds here. But you can change it to galleons. It's a wizarding currency. Do you see that gold one, it's a galleon and that silver one is sickle, and bronze one is Knut. There are 20 Sickles in a Galleon, and 25 Knuts in a Sickle." replied Hagrid as he shown us the coins.

"That means 500 Knuts in a Galleon" calculated Hermione as it was different in the story and was hard to follow normally.

After they passed thought and arrived Diagon Alley their first stop was Gringotts. It was the only bank of wizarding world and goblins own and operate it.

It was a snowy white building towered over the other little shops and was easy to spot.

Hagrid warned them as they walked. "Never mess with goblins. Not only are they clever but also great warriors. But not the best beasts there. Still, Gringotts is the second safest place in the world after Hogwarts and for anything you want to keep safe."

After they walked white stairs leading bronze doors, they were led to the entrance hall and another set of doors in silver guarded by goblins in uniform. There were words engraved to the doors:

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

They reached the counter for exchanging muggle money and wizarding currency.

Mrs Granger asked the goblin as she nervously said: "Hello, I want to exchange pounds. May I learn currency conversion?"

Goblin answered through the glass separating them. "Five pounds is equivalent to one Galleon. How much do you want to exchange?"

" 35.000 pounds, here."

"Here is your 7000 Galleons and as a gift for your huge trade this pouch is also yours it is weightless and you can store your money in there."

"Thank you"

Mrs Granger put galleons in the pouch hurriedly because they needed to go lots of places before stores are closed.

Firstly they went to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions to buy Hogwarts school uniforms.

As the shop bell rang, a grey-haired woman came out and welcomed, "Hogwarts dear?" "Ah, yes ma'am, the first year," replied Hermione as she bowed her head.

It was Madam Malkin. She led them to the back of the shop where her assistant as she measured her. Hermione had to stand still or needles would stab her and she didn't want to it to prick her.

"What materials would you like for your robes?" asked Malkin as she noted down the measures.

"We don't want something expensive because we need to buy new ones as she grows up but need a sturdy one. What do you suggest?" asked Mrs Granger as she wasn't sure the material they use.

"There are Nylon, Cotton and Silk. Of course, you can choose leather of magical beasts, too. But according to your needs, I suggest cotton." replied Madam Malkin.

"Cotton, then." chose Mrs Granger as she ordered school uniforms. She also ordered two everyday robes in black and silver and two dress robes in dark blue and black one and paid 14 galleons.

Madam told her that their purchases would be ready in two hours so they left the shop and headed off to bookstore not before purchasing a trunk with enchantments.

The trunk Hermione chose was a black one with lock system only she could open it, four compartments one for bookshelves, one for school equipment, one for her wardrobe and one normal size in case muggles control at the airports. It could shrink items put in there and enlarge when it's taken. Also weightless or she couldn't carry it as it would be too heavy. It cost 135 Galleons and worth it.

As Hermione finished buying her schoolbooks from first to third grades, she also purchased books about Harry Potter, wizarding laws and regulations, introduction to wizardry world for muggles, Hogwarts a History, Wizarding History, Magical Races, A Beginner's Guide to Wizarding sports and games, Broomsticks and Everything You Need to Know About it. Also, a Rulebook and Guide for Hogwarts seems to be gifted to the first years to know about the school before the term begins. all of them cost 25 galleons.

She wanted to buy other books but she couldn't because if Hagrid knew and told Dumbledore it'd be a disaster for her.

At Slug & Jiggers Apotheracy she purchased two sets of basic kits for potions class, the ingredients, veils and stirring rods and the best cauldron on sale from the Potage's Cauldron Shop.

They passed Magical Menagerie but she didn't want to buy a pet for now. She could pick later if she wanted.

At the Amanuensis Quills, she bought enough inks, quills and parchment to last for two to three years as she needed to practice before school begins.

Finally, they made their way over to Ollivander's wand shop, where Hermione would buy her wand.

The shop was narrow, shabby, dusty and full of thin, long boxes. It was a tiring day but Hermione was excited about to buy her wand finally.

"Hello" called Hermione as she noticed there was nobody behind the counter. All of a sudden a white-haired, silvery eyed old man came out from backroom.

"Hmm, I remember every wand I sold but you are new faces. How can I help you?" asked Mr Ollivander.

"I am here to buy my wand. If you're not selling anything else?" replied Hermione as she was angry for his abrupt question.

"I'm sorry. Of course, you want a wand from a shop selling wands. Which hand do you use?"

"I'm right-handed, sir" answered Hermione not changing her expression.

He nodded and continued speaking, "Every Ollivander wand has a core of a magical substance, Ms. ?"

"Granger. Hermione Granger."

"Yes, Ms Granger. No two Ollivander wands are the same." he then went back into the back room and returned carrying a few thin boxes.

"Right then, Ms Granger. Try this one. Nine inches. Unicorn hair. Acacia wood. Nice and quite bendy. Take it and give it a wave"

She took the wand and tried but nothing happened.

"No, not this one. Try this" as he passed her another wand before snatching she was holding. But it was the same.

"Try this one. Dragon heartstring core. Vinewood. Ten-inch in length. Unyielding and flexible. Excellent for quick and light magic. "

As she waved it, she felt magic surrounding her. It seems this time she found her wand.

"How much? Oh, and I want a cleaning kit and wand holder, too." Hermione asked excitedly.

"Nine galleons" Ollivanders got surprised but answered her question, as students tend to forget about wand holder.

Her journey is beginning as Hermione wonders what the future holds for her.