

It's been two weeks since Hermione returned from Diagon Alley with her shocked mother, as it's been nerve-wracking for her.

Her daughter would start a new life full of magic, not just simple magician show but real magic.

Hermione sneaked the Diagon Alley without permission of Mr and Mrs Granger for books about mind control. She didn't want anyone else to learn about it by reading their mind.

Hermione wanted to be a normal but bookworm girl who thirst for knowledge about the wizardry world but also a naive child who can't threaten their ploys.

She persuaded her parents for dropping school and homeschooling for a year until new term. She told that she wanted to be ready and not an ignorant girl humiliating herself or family. At least that was her excuse. Moreover, original Hermione had EQ problems and an unsocial girl who had no friend waiting for her.

It seems that her IQ and EQ were poles apart.

But it's not only her problem but also other students who bullied and isolated her plus Hermione's bossy, know it all character.

And result was hiding her books, drawing her desk, scratching her notes, soaking her tracksuits...

'Ahhh, pitiful Hermione. Don't worry. I'll make sure to have friends' thought Hermione as she was reading dairy of the original. She wanted to blend in and live as an 11 years old girl so she needed all the help she had. Sometimes Mr and Mrs Granger would look at her as if there is some problems something they couldn't explain but changed their daughter. But they considered as a side effect of magic and puberty. 'Oh, if they knew how wrong they were. Their daughter was not in this world anymore.

Hermione planned her schedule before Hogwarts:

1. No magic practice until comprehending magical theory.

2. Reading books she bought from Diagon Alley in order starting with first-year books but firstly Magical Theory and History of Magic for foundations

3. Do yoga and clearing her mind

4. Jogging every morning, healthy body healthy mind

5. Investigating Harry Potter

6. Calling the police in case of child abuse or violence. You can't trust wizardry world for everything and you are living with muggles so solving Dursley family problem without magic if necessary

7. Visiting libraries and learning about the 1900s

8. Money. She needs lots of money if she wants to achieve her dream, world tour

9.Begin practising simple magic but wandlessly after six months

10. Reviewing knowledge about chemistry, biology, economy, technology, etiquette

11. Learning Latin because chanting in Latin makes magic more powerful.

Money problem isn't urgent. She can find a way after learning potions or finding 'the room of hidden'. She would run in the morning and go to the library till noon. After lunch, she would investigate Potter's situation. She didn't want to live knowing a boy living under harsh conditions if needed she would help.

Returning home she would study magic theories and wizardry laws. She didn't want to be sent Azkaban and she would use loopholes for her advantages. Before sleeping, she would do yoga for relaxation and clearing her mind.

She needed to follow this routine without failing if she wanted to be strong enough with her limited time until Voldemort's return.

She didn't know if she had plot armour protecting her or the universe would reject her because of her influence. She needs lots of things to be done and has a year until school begins.