

*Hermione's POV*

It's been a month since I came to this world. I was busy reading books day and night. Even my parents started worrying about it that's why I began hiding my books when they were around. During the day they would go to their clinic and be busy leaving lunch for me. All I had to do was reheating.

They are famous dentists so they rarely have rest at home except Sundays. I got used to being with them and the idea of protecting them is growing day by day seeing how they show their love and take care of me. Dad is joyful and would protect me from a mom who strictly follows her rules.

Sometimes I become frightened of what if they learn that I am not their DAUGHTER. But an IMPOSTER. So, on the one hand, I behave as their daughter and try to love them as my new parents, on the other hand, I want to isolate myself and become a cold character as if it has resulted of my new magic but I know that it's unfair for them. I am afraid my insecurities will lead my demise one day if I don't find a solution.

Of course, they would argue but theirs is a habit. Mum lets me follow her rules, for example, no ice cream without permission. But dad would give me behind her.

I'm only allowed to eat ice cream or a sweet on Sunday when we have a family meal together.

Can you imagine a girl without her sweets or ice cream? Noooooooooo. It's a nightmare.

But dad would buy ice cream without mum finding and giving me secretly. Love you dad. Ehehehe.

Let's return beginning. What was I saying? Yes. I was talking about my busy days. As I was reading a book about technological development during the 1900s I met the famous Harry Potter. It's true, you didn't hear wrong. It's our protagonist, Harry Potter. So you can imagine my shock meeting one of my favourite character from HP series.

I didn't start conversation but observed him at first. His existence would disappear if you don't focus. He is a ninja, an assassin. Just kidding. He is too short for his age and wearing shabby clothes too big for him with his messy hair and round glasses no one would look at him for a second time.

He searched fantasy books for children of his age from the shelves and after finding what he searched for he sat to the table next to me and started reading. Time passed silently and it's been hours since we started reading. I swear that I heard his grumble but he didn't leave his table. I couldn't bear it so I stand up and walked to him.

"Hello, my name is Hermione. Hermione Granger. What's your name?" I asked nervously. What if he didn't want to talk to me or ignore me? When I was fighting myself for not returning my table I wasn't aware that he was looking at me as if trying to affirm that the person I was asking question is him not someone else.

You can criticize me all you want. It's not I am nervous because I am trying to talk with ten years old boy who looks like seven or eight years old. No. It's because I am nervous about speaking one of my favourite characters as I grow up reading his book and watching him and it's not similar to my situation at home.

Even if I saw Mr and Mrs Granger but their scene time was too short for me to be nervous around them except trying to live as their daughter. Would you not be nervous when you walk in the street and suddenly find out that your idol is walking towards you? It's similar to that in my case.

"Hello, were you asking me?" answered Harry as he was worried if the girl would complain about something odd he did unconsciously.

"Yes. I was wondering what you were reading?"

"Oh. I'm reading some trivial stuff nothing to care about and my name is Harry... Harry Potter" he said trying to hiding it.

'Hmm, he is reading The Wizard of Oz. It seems that he's suspicious about his power and tries to find about it. That's it. I'll use it.

"Hello, Harry. It seems like you also like books as much as me if you spend hours in the library without getting bored. Do you want to be my friend?"

Harry couldn't answer my question. It seems trying to be his 'friend' shocked him. Ah, what should I do? "If you... don't ... want to befriend with ... me, I would understand." I said as I returned my back to him and started walking slowly. 3..2..1.."Stop. Don't go"

'Yes, knew it. ' I returned and looked at him silently waiting for him to talk.

"Sorry. I didn't mean it. I was shocked couldn't believe you want to be a friend with a freak like me" said Harry hurriedly and trying to hide his face between his arms.

"What do you mean a freak, what I see is a boy reading his books, not a freak, do you suspect my credibility?" I asked trying to look like hurt and angry.

"No-no-no. It's just nobody would like to be with someone like me. It's not about you."

"So do you want to be my friend or not? I don't care about 'freak' you are talking."

"Thank you, thank you. We are friends. Even if you don't want to befriend with me someday I would accept it." said Harry his eyes teary.

"Yeah. We are friends and to celebrate it we are going to have lunch together. It's on me" I said as I held his hand leaving the library to find a place where we can eat of course not before returning in books we were reading. I don't want to be prohibited from entering the library again.

At first, Harry was timid letting a girl paying for the meal. But after I told him that it's me who wanted to be friends first for the fifth time, he accepted it. It seems his hunger won against his rationality. We ate burgers and french fries with coke and it seems like it was the most delicious meal for Harry as he was eating happily. Maybe because of the meal or his first friend.

We talked about Oz and his adventures. "I wish I had a power like him. If I had I would change my hair colour or length or if someone makes me angry I would change their hair, too" I said, trying to remind Harry his hair growing overnight or changing his teacher's hair's colour.

Harry was listening to me but when I mentioned hair colour his pupils began growing and he was sweating. "I..em.. do you believe that there is magic? What if it's just an illusion? Is it not freaking you?" Harry asked waiting for my answer nervously. "Hmm. I don't know if there is magic or not but I believe that it would be amazing. It 'd be a gift, not the opposite. The person who has magic would be lucky because not everyone has it"

Hearing my answer Harry reassured himself and explained the reason why he said he was a freak. "I 'll tell you something Hermione but if you don't want to be friends after listening, I understand. " "Tell me. But I don't think I will change my mind"

"Ok. Sometimes things happen around me. That's why my uncle calls me a freak and to him, I'm not normal. What you mentioned about hairs happened to me. I mean sometimes my hair grows longer or one day I was angry at class and suddenly light pulps burst or teacher's hair became pink. By the way, my teacher was a man and he left the class after the students laughed enough to tell him"

"Wow. Can you do that? Can you change my hair colour, too? I was bored looking at the same hair in the mirror every morning. You're lucky Harry. I wish I had magic, too. Are you crazy? You aren't a 'freak'. You're AMAZING" I told Harry excitedly.

"Do you believe that? I mean it's not normal. How can I.." "No Harry. You're not a freak. You have magic. Can you imagine everything you can if you can control your power? And it seems I'm right. You're still my friend" Harry began crying and smiling at the same time as he began talking about his life and reason why he was so afraid to believe in me. So much so that he wouldn't believe one day a girl would be his friend and support his freakiness not afraid of him.