

It's been three days since I met Harry. He didn't come to the library, hope he's okay. I don't want to think about what would happen at Dursleys. I plan to inform police if they threaten Harry's life in any way.

"Hey, what're you thinking Hermione?" asked Harry while sitting the chair.

"What! Oh, Harry. Don't frighten me like that. And also where have you been? I didn't see you after we parted ?"

"Sorry, Hermione. I didn't mean to scare you. I just called you but you didn't hear me. I couldn't come because of aunt Petunia. I had to clean the whole house and do housework."

"It's not just that, right Harry. Hold your arm and let me see it?"

"No, Hermione. There's nothing to see," said Harry as he hid his arm under the table.

We discussed their wrongdoings and how Harry should go to the police but he just believes that no adult would help him after what's been happening for years.

"Look, Harry. According to the laws, they are your guardians but it doesn't give them the rights to do what they want. They can go to jail for their crimes. All you have to do is telling the police and showing your bruises and injuries. What if someday your uncle hit you so hard that you die? Do you have a death wish? I want to help you, Harry. Please let me help."

"Even if they hurt me they looked after me since I was a baby. Also, they would know it was me who told them. "

"We will do the hard way than Harry. We'll tell the police but they won't know who tell them. But when the police come to you to ask questions you have, to be honest. Do you hear me? You can't let your uncles do what they want" I tried to persuade Harry tried to rationalize.

You can't wait for a single boy living under abuse and violence to rise against one day just because someone wants him to do. What if the said person left one day, all left would be him returning his old days may be worse than that. ' What should I do?' Suddenly I had an idea and I believe it will work.

"Harry, I found it. I found a way of helping us without suspicious. Do you wanna hear?" I asked hurriedly and it seems it attracted his attention. We planned for days looking for routes for our plans. Our plan was ready. All we had to do was waiting for the right time and the time came. 'Let's find how you'll evade that Dursleys? '

"Hello, it's nine-nine-nine. What's your emergency?"

"Please help. He will kill him. You've to hurry. Please." asked a crying young boy.

"Who are you? What are you talking about? Can you give more details? Please be calm and tell me so I can help you?" asked the operator trying to calm down the person he was talking and understand if it's another call for fun trying to gain attention.

"I, he..heard him. He was gonna kill. Oh my, I can hear the boys cries. He's gonna kill him this time. please help him. Please."

"Be calm. Tell your name. and where you're. Can I talk to your parents?"

"It's 4 Privet House. I need to go or he will find me too." suddenly call ended without further on.

"Good job Harry. All you need to do is to go back home and wait for the police. If no one comes in twenty minutes I will call the police again until that try to irritate your uncle so that he will lock you up again but don't exaggerate we don't want to see you hurt, ok?" I repeated Harry our plan one more time. He's still shaking from the conversation.

After sending Harry I changed my location to. I don't want to be found by the police or I can't explain. Two blocks away I found another payphone and dialled nine-nine-nine again.

"Hello, it's nine-nine-nine. What's your emergency?" asked the operator.

I put a handkerchief and trying to sound like a sickly woman and answered." Cough... cough. Can you hear me? I need your help. I want to complain about my neighbour. It's too loud. cough..cough... I'm a patient who needs some rest but because of them, I can't. Shut cough..them .. cough.. up. Why are we paying taxes? "

"Hello, Ma'am. What's your name? Can you give an address, please?"

"My name is Aby Adding. And the house it's 4 Privet House, Little ..cough... Whinging, Surrey. I want to see someone here immediately." I hung up the phone and left immediately. After calling the police two more times for Harry I started observing Harry's house in the bushes after arriving there.

Thirteen minutes later cops came and asked questions and arrested Vernon. They brought Harry to the hospital for health record and questioned Petunia after she returned home. She was shocked finding cops at her house and her husband at the police station once asked. They also asked questions to Dudley. The scaredy-cat confessed immediately.

After the case Vernon was convicted and sentenced four years, Dudley was released because of his age and Petunia denied and claimed that she didn't know about violence but still she will be observed by social security in case something similar happens again. Harry had to go hospital for his broken bones and treatment. His aunt still is his guardian but she can't threaten him again or she would be sent prison like her husband.

The days for Dursleys was hard without Vernon and his salary. But it seems that Potter's payment them for Harry helped them. Harry is feeling guilty for sending his uncle to jails and it seems his aunt and cousin is blaming him for that even so Harry smiles more and that's worth it, I guess.