

"Argh, these stairs are killing me. Why me, why?" as Hermione was crying for her ill-luck she was running the corridor hoping to reach the class before professor Snape. As she sat her seat, professor Snape entered the classroom and started talking about his rules and what he wanted from them.

"As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through the human veins, bewitching the minds, enhancing the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even stopper death - if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." his robe was fluttering as he was walking between students.

Even if the classroom was very large and had large windows it was cold in the morning without natural sunshine.

"Today you will learn how to brew "Cure for Boils" as its one of the most simple potions. Open your books page 25 and find a partner to work NOW!" said Snape as we partnered the person sitting next to us.

"Good morning, Hermione. Let's work together for brewing the best potion," spoke the Padma as she smiled.

"Good morning, Padma. You can count on me even if I have no experience (a lie) I read the potion and know how to brew. So would you bring ingredients while I begin?" I said and she went to find the right ingredients.

I remember this potion that Neville caused the cauldron to explode resulting Harry to be blamed by Snape.

"Here are what we need: 6 snake fangs, 4 horned slugs, 2 porcupine quills, pungent onions, a dash of folbberworm mucus, ginger, Shrake spines," said Padma and put them on the table.

"No Padma. According to Magical Drafts and Potions we only need 6 snake fangs, 4 horned slugs, 2 porcupine quills. The others are written in the Book of Potions." I said and separated the ingredients.

"Sorry Hermione" she stacks out her tongue.

"I want you to crush fangs in the mortar while I measure others" we started. Padma gave powder of fangs and I added 4 measures of powder of snake fangs and heated the mixture to 250 for 10 second and waved my wand and let it brew for 33 to 45 minutes.

I observed other groups in case of accidents like Neville had luckily we had none. I wonder how you cause the boil potions hurt and burn while it's for boils.

"Padma, could you pass horned slugs to me it seems it brewed enough"

"Sure. Here you are."

After mixing horned slugs I took cauldron off the fire then added porcupine quills.

"Padma do you want to finish the potion?"

"Yeah. Tell me what I have to do"

"You know. Just for reminder, stir it five times, CLOCKWISE and you're your wand to complete. Hurry before it's too late."

We finished our potion and asked Snape to control. Even if he didn't praise us like Slytherins he awarded 15 points because we were the first group to finish a successful potion.

We smiled at each other and waited for others to finish. I checked on my potions books fo difference between them like boil potion. The second group was Hufflepuffs, Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones. They were awarded 5 points. (Long live mighty rules)

The other Ravenclaws were grinding their teeth for not finishing before some Hufflepuffs *sigh* (morons, it doesn't mean that they are idiots or you are better than them)

Time passed by and the first potion lesson finished. I left the class with the Padma as Lisa and Sue joined us. Next lesson is DADA. Today we have no joint class with Gryffindors. I'll meet Harry at the library it seems.

Professor Quirrell informed us classroom 31 is out of bounds because of third-floor corridor bans. That's why he taught the lesson in the temporary room in dungeons. 'I guess he needs dungeon for troll' thought Hermione.

The classroom was smelling garlic, 'to ward off a vampire he'd met in Romania and was afraid for the second attack' he said between his shutters.

I knew he wouldn't teach anything useful so I brought my sixth-year DADA book disguised with first-year book cover. I read section of Inferius (like a zombie) dead body reanimated by Necromancy.

"They are corpses, dead bodies that have been bewitched to do a Dark wizard's bidding. Inferi have not been seen for a long time, however, not since Voldemort was last powerful... He killed enough people to make an army of them, of course." was written as a description.

The known dark wizards using this spell were Gellert Grindelwald in 1899 and Voldemort during the First Wizarding War.

They are not alive but mere puppets to fight for the puppeteer and they can be burned to ashes only by fire.

They can't feel the pain that's why Cruciatus Curse is ineffective against them even so they are resistant to most spell.

I kept reading and until the bell rang I finished reading of Inferius. The next lesson is Magical Theory one of my favourites. Finally, I'll get rid of dungeons.

Class 67 is located on the fourth floor. It's taught by professor Vector, an old wizard who smiles all the time and ask questions to the students. "All you will ever need to know about what makes spells work." said professor and kept explaining theories behind creating spells and runes.

"You've got to be careful. It's not a game and one wrong move and you'd have one less rib or leg who knows." He warned us severely. I got 50 points for Ravenclaw.

"Mr Nott can you read the paragraph on page 13?" asked professor.

"Of course, professor.… Tamper with the deepest mysteries ⁠— the source of life, the essence of self - only if prepared for consequences of the most extreme and dangerous kind.…" read aloud Theodore. We took notes while he read as per the teacher's word.

"It's time for lunch finally I'm starving. Let's go, Hermione." Padma held my hand and ran towards great hall. It was crowded and each student was moving there.

I ate steak and peppermint humburgs with ketchup and pudding for lunch. After the second DADA for today, I went to the library. Before looking for books, librarian Madam Irma Pince reminded library rules. I was a long one. Even if you cough it may cause to be kicked out.

I didn't find Harry in the library maybe I will talk to him later in the Great Hall. It was late and I need to return to the common room before dinner.

"I can bring tears to your eyes; resurrect the dead, make you smile, and reverse time. I form in an instant but I last a lifetime. What am I?" asked the portrait.

I thought for a moment before answering "Memory" and the door opened. I went to the room, had a shower and went down the stairs.