

Hermione woke up on a sunny day. She began exercising in the room as it was big enough for that she spent nearly an hour after finishing her routine she had a shower and wore her uniform before leaving the room and descended the stairs. Some older years were sitting in the common room waiting breakfast time to go to the great hall.

Hermione said hi to her housemates and grabbed a book to read. She finished reading dozens of books about magical theory. It had broadened range in the library as she couldn't find it in the Diagon Alley.

"Good morning you early bird" whispered Padma fearing to cause a tantrum. All Ravenclaws were sensitive to noise and didn't appreciate it unless unnecessary.

"Good morning Padma" answered Hermione as she lifted her head off the book.

"What are you reading this early? " asked Padma curiously.

"Nothing. Just a book about magical theory" trying to change the topic she asked about the essay professor Snape wanted.

"Yes, I finished it yesterday fearing to forget and receive his punishment.

They chit-chatted till it was 7.20 a.m. and they went to the hall together. During the breakfast, Sue and Lisa also joined them. Then they went to the first lesson, charms. Professor Filius Flitwick, Head of Ravenclaw, was a cheerful half-goblin also duel champion. He always found ways to make his lessons interesting. Hermione earned 35 points and also won professor's recognition.

Following charms, they had History of Magic by Cuthbert Binns, the famous ghost teacher whose devotion to his lessons caused him to left behind his body unconsciously and teach as a ghost. Hermione was prepared and brought her books of sixth year reading them in the lesson the same as DADA. '

An incredible school and look what happened, teachers who should retire or not given positions are teaching and degrading its name by the greatest wizard of his time, Albus Dumbledore' She sneered at the thought of the famous wizard and his ineligible. He may be cunning, brilliant or powerful but it's an undeniable fact that he's old.

Hermione met Harry and decided the time of their meeting before returning the last lesson of the day 'Herbology'. It seems that she met three house heads of four and the only one she didn't meet was McGonagall 'even if she met during the ceremony she didn't meet her as a teacher'.

Hermione wrote her homework in the library with Padma, Sue and Lisa until she saw Harry coming with Neville and Ron.

"Hi, Hermione. Would you mind introducing us?" smiled Harry as he greeted her and her three shocked friends he wasn't used to talking to other girls except for Hermione.

"Hi, Harry. Sure. Why don't you sit down while we all introduce ourselves?" asked Hermione amused to watch the faces of Ron, Neville, Padma, Sue and Lisa.

"Let me begin then. I'm Harry Potter also a friend of Hermione since before Hogwarts." they nodded him.

"Hello, my name is Neville Longbottom, nice to meet you," said a stuttering Neville. He blushed and nearly fell from the chair when he stood up to talk.

"I'm Ronald Weasley. And I don't know why I'm sitting with three Ravenclaws in the library. I don't like studying too much and prefer to watch Quidditch practices or playing" said an irritating Ron.

'Sorry, Ron. You wrote your death wish by saying those words. *sigh* You don't change, don't you' while Hermione was thinking ways to punish Ron her friends also introduced themselves and they all were looking at her waiting for her introduction.

"I *cough* am Hermione Granger, Harry's friend as well. We know each other from the Muggle world. Before you ask, I am muggle-born and also proud of my parents and being their daughter. I remember I only invited Harry and Neville and don't know why an annoying brat like you came here if you don't like it. You're welcome to leave if you're so uncomfortable." I was looking Ron while accusing him of ruining the meeting.

He was ashamed and blushing for being pointed at by a girl he met for the second time. In both cases, she was looking at him as if she'd kill him. He didn't know what he did wrong.

Others were also amused and surprised as Hermione scolded Ron. Girls giggled they got used to Hermione's poisonous mouth for those deserving it.

Before things went too far they mediated and change the topic. Girls asking questions to Harry, Neville about themselves and boys asking about the girls. They socialized which caused them to be out of the library by Madam Pince in the end.

Finally being alone Hermione thought about her plans. She learned the schedule of professor Quirrell and knew he had double DADA and couldn't leave the classroom to control the Diadem of Rowena ( Horcrux) and found Hermione in there.

She sneakily ascended the stairs and arrived on the seventh floor gasping for breath. The moving stairs delayed and caused her to lose time. She had to be quick.

Hermione walked past the floor thinking a place to hide things and in the third turn, a massive door appeared in front of her. She hurriedly enter after scouting for anyone else and reassured.

Technically Room of Hidden Things is part of the Room of Requirements (a.k.a. RoR). But in the hidden room, she could put or take things but in the RoR she couldn't bring out anything because of them being illusions and would dematerialize the moment leaving boundaries.

'Accio Time Turner' luckily a mini hourglass with inner rings to rotate came toward her. She hurriedly opened the lid of the box she prepared. She didn't risk for dark item that's why put it in the box enchanted to erase any dark spell or corruption except powerful ones like Horcrux.

Hermione cast magic two more times but unfortunately only found another Time -Turner 'you think it's few. You are lucky even if you find a Time-Turner yet you don't like it' if anyone heard her thoughts they would shake or beat her to remind the how rare they were and under control of the ministry.

She tried her luck yet again for an invisibility cloak. "Accio invisibility cloak" a cloak floated to her but unfortunately lost its invisibility. She knew they would lose their invisibility after a while. Even so, she put it in the box, too. Who knows one day she could enchant it to be used.

She left RoH before being caught and returned her room to practice until dinner. She almost finished sixth-year books and in a month she would finish the rest and if she was lucky she could use time turners and would have an extra ten hours and lessen her time.

She planned to use her time wisely. She would use one of them for practising in the RoR and the other for resting or practising in her room. She didn't decide yet as she wasn't sure nobody would try to enter her room or find her roaming in the castle during midnight. She was one step closer to her plans.