

Days went by Hermione got used to her program. At first, she decided to use Time-Turner in the Room of Requirements but in second thought she decided against it. It was too risky.

What if professor Quirrell appears to control Horcrux there? A dark Lord was roaming around the castle freely and headmaster didn't know about it (he was a legitimate of course he could but did nothing to intervene) so she decided to practice in her room. She had an extra 10 hours each day and was used effectively.

Nothing interesting happened lately. Hermione went to her lessons, won points and got the recognition of the teacher becoming their favourite. Unlike the old Hermione, she wasn't bossy or impulsive and got friends surrounding her.

They even had their study group. Within the group was first-year Ravenclaws, all of them, this year's group was united instead of belittling others they saw them as a rival but also helped each other. Also, Harry, Neville, Parvati, Lavender, Seamus, Dean and Ron came from Gryffindors but Ron, Seamus and Lavender left quickly as they didn't wish to study all day long.

Even if Lavender and Parvati became best friends Parvati didn't leave and studied with her twin fearing to be left behind the smart choice. Also, Hermione got friends with Cho Chang and she joined their group. Even if their lessons were different Hermione knew more than her and helped when she needed help. Harry also offered his help.

A few days ago it was announced that Slytherin and Gryffindor would have joint flying lesson causing rampage. Even if Hermione chanced the course of things still somethings are bound to happen.

Neville lost control of his broom and flew. During his fall he reminded of what Hermione said before about subconscious act to protect himself when he fell to awaken his magic and luckily his body became, similar to 'Spongify', bouncy and he didn't break his arm but still, Madam Hooch carried him to the hospital wing. 'That boy is strong but doesn't know how to control his magic.' *sigh*

After their departure, Ron, that idiot, provoked Draco as he found the remembrall of Neville. Because of provocation he threw it towards the towers, nothing better to do, Harry flew to catch it eventually leading him to be the youngest seeker of the century, without his content, but he got angry to Ron and distanced himself and didn't speak unless necessary. When Hermione visited Neville she learned them all.

Hermione congratulated Harry but warned him to keep it secret. Harry spent more time with Neville. He helped Neville's potion and charm classes and Neville helped him for Herbology (the genius Herbologist of the future).

After the fiasco, Draco challenged Ron to wizard duel and mocked him to be chicken if he doesn't accept. Ron, of course, accepted his challenged and wanted Harry to be his second but after all the things happened Harry refused him with the excuse of professor's recognition to be referee. That's why Seamus became his second.

The duo got caught in the trap and lost 30 points each. Neville wasn't stuck in the hospital wing and as he was with Harry most of the time he wasn't outside and Hermione wasn't in the Gryffindor so the only ones to lose points were Ron and Seamus. They were easily caught before even escape. *chuckle* They got what they deserved for being reckless.

Fred and George Weasley learned about the duel and told everyone how Draco was a coward and turned him to a chicken as a punishment. At least they were better than Ron and didn't lose points and caused Draco to be humiliated.

There is no Hermione to save the day by earning points Ron lost so the balance broke and Gryffindor kept losing points. (Remember the movie. Ron and Harry got in the problem losing points and instead Ron accused Hermione of being bossy and obstructing their plans because of his jealousy.

Every Gryffindor was looking Ron as to eat him. Ron got isolated even his brother Percy stopped him to cause more problems for the house. The only ones supported him were George and Fred for his bravery against Slytherins. Also, his roommates didn't isolate him nor encourage for his behaviour. They were neutral.

Harry kept secret that he was the seeker of the team from others except for Neville and Hermione. So Draco couldn't find out it too. Ron discovered when he saw a Nimbus 2000 in the room before the match and got angry and became jealous forgetting that he nearly caused Harry to be expelled (he and his inferiority complex)

... One month later Hermione's POV...

Today Gryffindor and Slytherin will have Quidditch match opening the season of Quidditch and the first match of Harry as a seeker. But only I knew that Quirrell would try to sabotage Harry. I'm ready for him. Even if Harry loses control for a millisecond I will save him.

Harry prepared for the match but was too nervous to eat anything for the day. So I had to force him to eat something.

"You have two choices, Harry. One, you will eat this sandwich by yourself or two, I'll force you to eat even if you puke so choose wisely, NOW"

After my thread, he forced himself to it the sandwich and drank the orange juice Neville held out. 'Finally, he calmed down *sigh*'

The match began and Slytherin scored pints easily with their dirty tactics. Slowly the score became 60-20 with Slytherins lead.

As I was watching Harry I found the problem easily. I quickly observed Quirrell and found that he and Snape were moving their lips while looking, Harry.

I ran to them and hid behind their stand and found Quirrell's seat. "Incendio" suddenly Quirrell's and professor Sinistra's robes were caught fire. I wasn't stupid enough to do magic against Vodermort even if he is just a parasite now. He would know immediately. I couldn't risk there. So indirectly I caused his robes to burn as well.

He lost his contact with Harry and his spell countered by Snape. Harry hopped on his broom again and after a couple of minutes, he saw the flying Golden snitch.

When he flew toward the snitch, seeker of the Slytherin also followed him. They raced to catch but thanks to Nimbus 2000, his innate talent and bravery the other seeker gave in so he caught the snitch normally without swallowing.

Madam Hooch blew the whistle and ended the game. Gryffindors won with a score of 170 to 60. The stands celebrated their win while Slytherins were cursing for their bad luck.

I don't like this game at all. It seems like to show the greatness of seeker. Even if other players flew and risked their lives in the end with a move seeker let his team win. Undeveloped game. The only reason I watched it to stop the accident nothing more.

Harry became the star of Gryffindor and got more attention now. His titles keep increasing. He had to skip our study group most of the time but still kept coming when he found time between his practices. He got close with Cho they had more similarities now.

Cho was interested in Quidditch and would become our house's seeker and rival of Harry. She got influenced by him and joined the player selection and became reserve seeker of Ravenclaw. What the future holds for us, only fate knows.