

Hermione was reading at the library when professor Quirrell went to the restrict section quietly. After a couple of minutes, some sounds were heard.

She was distracted and tried to eavesdropping him to understand who was distracting others. She understood some words between whispering because of the silence it was like a normal sound.

"I tried to ... for ... live ... I can't ... will die ... No no please..." before she could learn more Quirrell left the library as if in pain.

Hermione recalled the plot. It seems that he will find out about unicorn blood and drank their blood to let Voldemort get power. But as he'll lose his lifespan he doesn't want to sacrifice himself and Voldemort will get full control over Quirrell soon enough.

It's mid-October and still early for troll incident. Because of the butterfly effect, the trio didn't find out fluffy (three-headed dog) and when they were invited to Hagrid's hat she hid the newspaper that mentioned Grinngotts burglary. Harry couldn't ask Hagrid about philosopher stone and there was no adventure and problem maniac Ron and Harry were safely living his life.

The next day owls delivered letters but Harry didn't ask about it between his conversation with his housemates. Different from his past, he had new friends minus Ron.

Hermione attended her lessons on time and won over 200 points. The Ravenclaw was leading house cup with 547 points, Slytherin with 459, Hufflepuff with 378 and Gryffindor with 250 points last in the contest. Not to mention Gryffindor lost nearly 130 points by Weasley brothers and Ron. Even if Fred and George would win points as much as they lost Ron was a disappointment. He was only causing problems, fighting Draco and his gang, coming late to classes... Unfortunately for him almost all the time he would be noticed by professor Snape who would deduct points from Gryffindor while not giving or deducting points from Slytherins.

The weather was becoming more gloomy. Hermione was feeling down the more it became dark and gloomy outside. The effect of castle and its surrounding wasn't helping either.

Everyone was aware of her pissed off state. Girls tried to cheer her but to no avail. She always ignored their questions about her mood and changed the topic or left before they. could ask more.

She knew she was being unreasonable and they. were good friends but she couldn't tell about it.

Every night Hermione would do yoga and tried to empty her mind and calm down with Occlumency. and it worked somewhat but she knew that with a little spark she would lose control and do something she would regret or give way.

It's 28 October now and three days before the Halloween celebration and troll incident. Today Hermione lost her control and yelled Harry and Padma. They knew something was wrong with her and couldn't help her so they decided to surprise her with a joke and maybe let her laugh but it went astray.

Their joke startled another student causing him to spill his drink over the book Hermione was reading and making her fury. Harry tried to dry the book without a spell in hurry but accidentally ripped off some pages. Of course, it could be repaired but Hermione was so angry that she didn't let them apologize and wished to be alone.

She didn't speak to them the next day and the next day. Finally, she didn't go to the Great Hall instead found the kitchen and ordered some pasta and random plates house-elves prepared. After receiving her order she left the kitchen and found an empty classroom to eat by herself. Of course, she wasn't too far away from Great Hall as she knew the incident that will happen.

One of the passing Hufflepuff students who saw Hermione told about it to Harry and Padma. They were anxious and sad that their friend wasn't with them now and instead by herself during the festive.

Suddenly a shuttering Quirrell entered the Great Hall and warned them about loose Troll in the dungeons and passed out.

It became chaos. Students tried to leave the hall and nearly caused a stampede. Headmaster Dumbledore shouted and calmed them and let the students leave orderly and wait in their common room without leaving. What he forgot was that there was a TROLL in the DUNGEONS where two houses (Slytherin and Hufflepuff) was near.

Harry recalled what the Hufflepuff told him about Hermione and parted from the group. Padma who saw him also followed him with Neville, Sue and Lisa. They went to the kitchen but couldn't find Hermione and tried to look for her while searching the classrooms one by one when they were found by the troll which should've been in the dungeons.

The girls screamed instinctively and gathered the attention of the troll. They ran away but troll destroyed everything in its way causing damage and blocking their way. When they thought they were gone rod of troll got destroyed then it slipped and fell.

"Reducto" "Flipendo" "Aguamenti" "Glacius" "Flipendo" with the combo of her spells she cast Hermione thanked God that she saved her friends in time.

She destroyed the rod troll was holding and caused the troll to lose its control and gravity centre. She made the corridor slippery to effect it... She knew she couldn't win against an XXXXX class monster with her pitiful magic reserves.

"Run... quickly... Run..." She was yelling the group as they were shocked and afraid to move their feet. Her shouts cleared their confusion and they ran toward her. She waved her wand three more time reinforcing the earlier slippery ground. Troll struggled to stand up but couldn't and fell again and again. It roared but nothing changed.

The group ran without stopping and they knew if they stop they would die. Finally, they climbed the stairs and found themselves on the seventh floor. Even if the troll followed them to the second or third floor luckily it couldn't find them anymore. They stop to breathe. They were sweating and gasping.

"Why... where .. you .. there? You.. could.. have .. die" said Hermione breathlessly and gasping for air.

" There was ... a troll and ... everyone left ... but you were ... not aware and ... we heard that ... you were in ... the kitchen ... so tried to. ... find you" said Harry while breathing deeply as he was sitting on the ground without strength to stand up.

After clearing their confusion and explaining themselves they thanked Hermione for her quickness. She also apologized to cause them to almost die because of her. They waited more than three hours before descending the stairs.

They heard the trolls cries and the announcement before leaving. They promised not to tell professors about the incident fearing to lose points. No professor found the reason why a troll was slipping in the ground and they easily defeated it.