

Most of the students were preparing to go home for Christmas. It was one of the few options to go home though boarding school is good to concentrate on magic only and get away from temptation they also have no communication tools like phone to use except owlery.

Hermione decided to stay at Hogwarts with Harry and Padma while Neville, Sue and Lisa were ready to go and waiting the day Hogwarts Express to come.

After her emotional break out she calmed down focused on her Occlumency as if her life depended on it. She didn't want someone to use it as a leverage against her. In a fight, it could be deathly. Because she lost her life once she didn't want to lose yet again so early.

Harry was also staying and didn't want to return to his home. He was free to roam around the world and none would stop him but he didn't want to go adventures without preparation. Maybe in his third or fourth year.

What he didn't know was that there was a dark Lord somewhere outside counting the days to return and kill him.

Harry and Neville was playing wizarding chess when Hermione sat next to them.

"Oh, you're playing again? Who's winning this time?" She asked watching them struggle.

"Me. I'm gonna win this time. Even if it's a little bit different from muggle chess, I got used to it. Checkmate!" Harry won the game.

"What's the score?"

"30-29, one more step and I'd be the one winning," said a frustrated Neville. It was a tie but with the latest game, Harry got ahead.

"When will you return to Hogwarts, Neville?" asked Harry.

"On the third day after Christmas. Grandma wants me to return for Christmas party. There are other nobles and their children and I don't like those parties. Since my childhood, I was forced to attend the parties. Adults talking politics, and children bullying me, no I don't want to go but then grandma says father was a great man and I should be like him, not a disappointment. Argh.." They kept silence after he stopped talking and thought about their childhood.

"At least you have a family who loves you and not alone. I was locked in the cupboard and couldn't celebrate or join any party. Moreover ... don't mind" Harry stopped before saying him being worked as a servant and got hit.

The next day when they had breakfast lots of owls came in the great hall sending letters and boxes (Christmas gifts) to the students.

Hermione also got her package. It was a big one but she didn't open it yet. After finishing her breakfast she went to her room and opened it.

Some packages were small while others were big. She sorted out them and controlled before writing the receivers name to be sent.

The first one was a book about medicine and a necklace for her mum and dad. She found it in the bookstore in the Diagon Alley when she went shopping but didn't buy at that time. Now it became handy. The second one was a wizarding chess set for Harry she ordered when they got addicted to the game. Then was a book about magical plants for Neville from Flourish and Blotts.

She ordered muggle cosmetics and asked her mother to buy two sets for Sue and Lisa. She ordered a custom made dress she drew its design for Padma from Madam Malkins. She recalled seeing one in a fashion magazine and it would suit to Padma if changed a bit. For Cho, she bought a beautiful quill which fills its ink.

She ordered chocolate frogs for her friends from the study group and Hagrid. She didn't know what to buy for them and they were not that intimate as well.

Hermione went to the owlery it was crowded. The students staying at Hogwarts and had no owl or needed to send more than one message were waiting their turn. She queued up and waited for five minutes.

She chose a fast owl for sending gifts to her parents. Then sent gifts for others. The only one she didn't send was for Harry and Padma and she paid 1 sickle and 15 Knuts...

She also ordered Peppermint Imps, Chocoballs full of strawberry mousse and clotted cream, sugar quills, Peppermint toads and acid pops to try herself. She may share chocolate frogs with Harry she knew he liked those the most.

The Christmas morning students staying at Hogwarts found a Christmas tree and gifts with their name on it under the tree. As Hermione was the earliest to wake up she saw a magnificent tree next to the fireplace she saw her name on boxes in a corner. She surveyed if there is anything left she didn't see and returned her seat with her gifts. It was a surprise to receive so many of them.

She opened the warping of a purple one. Inside was a book set about adventures and camping she wanted to read and a beautiful pendant sent by her parents. They also wrote in the letter that the lottery numbers she bought before leaving won 1 million pounds and they deposited in her account in the bank.

The second gift had pink warping as she opened she was surprised to find the latest moisturizer potion of Madam Primpernelle sent by Lisa. Sue sent her a blue bracelet with a bronze eagle (their house colours and symbols). She loved her present.

Cho sent a traditional dress similar to a kimono but not the same for her from her homelands. They once talked about Asia and the Far East and Hermione mentioned about her curiosity for their traditions and culture.

Neville sent "Healing at Home with Herbs" a book about Herbology and Healing magic. Harry sent her a magical violin. He knew she played the violin but left at home to not damage it and focus on her studies. 'It must have cost a fortune' thought Hermione but she couldn't take her eyes from her gift. There was also chocolate frogs sent by her friends from the study group and Hagrid.

She was happy and played Crystallize by Lindsey Stirling she listened before. The music covered her room magic played its role and even those out in the castle could hear its soothing sound and get mesmerized.