

We went to the great hall as usual but it was different because of Christmas celebrations.

The ceiling was enchanted to look like snow. the snowflakes that touch our robes or skin feels like real snow and melt immediately. Although it looks like real we are dry and not soaked. There aren't many students left in the castle as the majority went home.

I looked around to find my friends they are sitting at the end of the table, yes there is only one long table in the middle of the hall and the hall is decorated with pines and lights and decors. There are a hundred of students at most and except a dozen of first years fifth and seventh year students stayed mostly who are preparing for their O.W.L.s. and N.E.W.T.s. and they look haggard.

"Merry Christmas" I hugged Padma and Harry and nodded others.

"Merry Christmas," they said simultaneously.

"I loved your gifts, thank you both of you" I smiled.

"Thanks for your gifts," Padma said and kissed me and Harry on the cheek.

"Thank you for your gifts. It's been first Christmas I got presents and spent with my friends except for last year when I was with Hermione. " Harry was surprised to be kissed but immediately thanked for gifts. We talked about our gifts and what we sent when Harry told me to meet after the celebrations to talk about something important.

'I guess he got his cloak back'

When everybody sat Headmaster stood up and gave a speech and we clapped and the table got filled with different kinds of plates. We laughed and talked. Everybody enjoyed their meal.

"What's the thing you wanted to talk about, Harry? " I asked.

"When I woke up in the morning I found packages with my name on it and thanks for the chess by the way. I got chocolates from others, Padma sent quill set, a snitch of course not the ones used in the game but for practices form Cho, and a spellbook from Neville and finally an anonymous gift stated as something belonged to my father which is a robe but when I tried it I became invisible " Harry excitedly told.

"Did you show it to anybody else or was there someone when you opened it?" I asked nervously.

"No, you know I run in the mornings and wake up early so when I got my presents there was nobody. I didn't open them immediately and returned to the room. Ron was there but he left to get his gifts as well so he didn't see me "

I recalled I forced Harry to run and wake up early every morning for his health when he drank nutritious potions I secretly bought for him and vitamins. At first, he didn't want to do but when I beat him in our practice for self-defence he decided to win against me and began practice.

"It's good nobody knows about it, Harry. It's an invisibility cloak and they are rare. You should use it carefully and don't talk about it because if you do they might borrow it for breaking rules and if they got caught professors might seize it until the end of the term. "

I need to frighten him for not telling Ron or anyone else about it. It's a trump against dark eaters and headmaster. He gave it back to Harry to roam in the castle but I don't want him to be in danger or a part of the plan of that cunning fox, hmm.

We went to one of the desolate classrooms.

"Colloportus", "Disillusiomento", "Muffliato", "Protego Maxima", "Fianto Duri", "Repello Inimicum" They aren't as strong as in the movie but I just chanted to protect the classroom from others.

I feel my magic is depleted and sat on the ground a concentrate to gather magic through the air. Harry waits by my side silently. After an hour I recovered one-fifth of my reserves and stopped my meditation for now.

"Thanks for waiting for Harry. Now we can experience with your cloak and its abilities." I turned to Harry and said. He took out the cloak from his bag and wore it. I tried to sense him, find with magic but I couldn't detect him. The only way to find him is to touch or take off his clothes and if he makes a sound. I told him to cast "silence" before using his cloak for not causing the noise.

I returned my room to practice when a letter came from my parents. They can't send messages because they are muggles unless I send an owl. I opened it and read. They said that they will visit their relatives after sending me the letter so they should be with them now, they are busy as usual with their patients.

They miss me and wait the day I return to home. I told them I couldn't go home before summer so they are free to travel. They didn't have opportunity last year. I replied to them and sent the letter celebrating aunts and uncles' Christmas too.


Harry found the Mirror of Erised. He showed to me as well after his first try. He excitedly told me that he can see his parents and thought I could also see them.

"Look Hermione, mom and dad are behind me. Do you see them?"

"No, Harry. I only see you and me in the mirror nothing else. " I replied woefully.

I know how they look like from the series but I can't see them because the person in front of the mirror only see what their heart desire.

"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi." I read the phrase inscribed in a gold frame at the top of the mirror. When the name "erised" read backwards it means "desire" a clever mind game.

"Do you know what that means Harry? It says the mirror shows the most desperate desire of a person's heart, a vision that has been known to drive men mad"

"But they are beside me. I saw them for the first time. I know they are dead but I want to see" Harry cried in front of the mirror.

I hugged him "Harry the mirror will cause you to be mad. Your parent might die but they are alive so long as you remember them in your heart and don't forget them. Don't come here anymore Harry if you don't want to lose your mind. I read in a book that even the most brilliant men lost their mind because of it "

"What about you, Hermione? What do you see in the mirror? " Harry asked curiously.

"You, me, Padma, Sue, Lisa, my parents every one of my friends" I lied to him. I was afraid to see what the mirror would show so I glanced before it shows my desires and left the room with Harry under his invisibility cloak.