

Hermione returned home and slept until dinner. When she went down the stairs she saw Harry helping her mum and they were setting table.

"Oh, did sound wake you up? I was going to call you soon " Mrs Granger said as she smiled.

"No, I was just tired and dead asleep. Because of hunger, I woke up. And where is dad?" Hermione asked.

"He is in the kitchen helping salad. Tonight there is a welcome feast for both of you."

"Thanks, mum"

"Thanks, Aunt Rose"

Mrs Granger cooked tomato soup, broccoli salad, stuffed mushrooms with cheeses and garlic, salmon nuggets with carrots fries, pieces of fish lightly coated and baked were looking delicious, lasagne, chicken pasta and delicious lemon bars when Hermione recalled the time she learned about how her mother learned the recipe she couldn't help smile as it turns out that when one of Mrs Granger' s patient came for her routine inspection she mentioned about her sister who gave birth to a lovely boy two weeks ago.

She told Mrs. Granger that her sister craved for lemon bars during her pregnancy and after she learned the recipe and finally they baked for her she went into labour and thought whether it was magic of lemon bars or not. After Mrs Granger listened to her story she asked for the recipe to try if it's really that delicious or not and after her try she loved it and would bake once a month for the family.

Even though the meal consisted of meat and fish there were vegetables as well. To be honest Hermione ate vegetables at Hogwarts but her main courses were meat and ice cream. She had to say goodbyes to ice cream because of her mum now. She ran in the mornings and meditated at nights at school but she was aware that she gained weight even if it wasn't apparent yet but she decided to lose weight during summer break.

They all celebrated returns of children and watched movies while eating popcorn and drinking coke. 'I missed coke' thought Hermione. Even if she drank seldomly she missed its taste. There was no coke in Hogwarts as it was part of muggle inventions.

After returning her room Hermione looked at it. It was same as the day she left, not even a dust particles. She sat in her bed and meditated, cleared her mind and practised wandless spells while trying to not spelling instead she only imagined it in her mind. After fifth casting, she felt exhausted and stopped her practice. It was a nice way to deplete her magic reserves.

When Hermione was emptying her trunk she saw the wand and recalled Quirrell and how easy he died. She felt nausea but held herself back. She resolved her decision and decided to talk to her parents after Harry left, with magic and hypnosis she believed that she could persuade them to move as Hermione had learnt psychology in her past life after having seances with her psychologist and read books after books as she had nothing to do except reading and playing with kitties and puppies.

The next day Harry returned his home and assured them nothing would happen and he even didn't need help as he exercised and was stronger as well thanks to his morning runs and Quidditch practices. After Harry left Hermione started her plan and step by step installed ideas on her parents' minds. The next week she used her lottery gains as an excuse and convinced them to take a trip to Australia. They also invited Harry.

"Hello, May I speak to Harry?" Hermione called Dursleys.

"Hi, Hermione. It's me. How are you doing?" Harry answered the phone so she didn't have to persuade his aunt to give the phone to Harry.

" Oh, I'm fine. How was your week? Are you okay?" She asked worryingly.

" Hehe, they got surprised when they saw me and wished my well-being. You should have seen their face, it was like I was an enemy who killed them why they didn't think about it when they bullied me for years *sigh*. Anyway, I got used to them so it doesn't matter whether they like or hate me anymore. But it seems that Aunt Petunia found a job and they couldn't spend money sent from my parent's accounts. They are not rich but not poor as well."

Hermione thought about the family described as a nightmare for young Harry and his resolve to fight Voldemort at the cost of his life. The author had humour *cough* when setting his character. But now he had Hermione and his friends rather than a loving headmaster to follow or idiot Ron. When she thought about it, if she didn't help Harry, he would be kept captive behind the bars of his bedroom because of Doby... How could she forget about him? *sigh* She could think about him later.

"Harry, do you want to come with us to Australia for two weeks? It will be fun, I promise." She asked hopefully.

"Won't it be a problem?" Harry was uncertain.

"No, of course not. You also know my parents. They like you as their son. If not for the headmaster and his antics they would adopt you, unfortunately, professor Dumbledore is your guardian so they couldn't. So what's your choice? You'll come, right?" She was mostly forcing him to accept her offer rather than asking his opinion.

"It was more like a threat Hermione. Sure I'll join you but will pay for my expenses or I won't come." He was laughing when he heard her threatening voice. Rather than scaring it Harry felt warm.

"Argh. Fine. But only your tickets nothing more."

"No, tickets, accommodation and meals"

"No. At most you could pay for a hotel but nothing more or I won't accept"

"Sure. Thanks for inviting me. When are we going?" Harry was beaming with joy defeating Hermione. She may not know it but he was rich so he could afford his expenses but they didn't like the idea letting a boy pay so there was nothing to do except paying from his pockets even for his fly and hotel.

"We are leaving two days later so you should come tomorrow night to live with us and we would drive to the airport in the morning and don't think I don't know about your little trick."

"Ahahaha, what are you talking about? I have no idea. See you tomorrow, bye" Harry hanged up immediately without giving Hermione chance to speak.

Two days later they flew to Sydney, one of the most famous cities in the country of the twenty-first century. They visited tourist attractions and her parents fancied its natural beauty and decided to visit the country later. 'I'll use my connections and give invitations to both of them so they' d move to the city. First step is done Now to the second step' Hermione thought when they stopped by a newly built city hospital.