

After visiting attractions, the group departed to Bouddi National Park which was 45 km away and it took an hour and a half. They checked in the hotel. Hermione and her mother in one room and Harry and her father in another room for safety reasons.

Mr and Mrs Granger couldn't let Harry stay in a room alone in foreign country nor could they let their daughter to share the room with her as they were in their teens and some accidents might occur beyond their control. Besides sharing the room with the same gender would make them relax when they were changing clothes or having showers.

Before leaving for the sun setting the couple brought their fishing gears. they heard they could go fishing and hopefully catch a few fish while relaxing and waiting for the beautiful view they heard about. While the adults were fishing Harry and Hermione took photos as memoirs.

Even though the machine wasn't like digital ones they could enjoy and immortalize the moment. They couldn't use their wand and didn't want the attention of wizards when they were on vacation so the duo decided before the trip for not using magic for two weeks at least before returning to London.

The Putty beach looked fascinating when the sun lights reached to sandstone rocks and dispersed between clouds, it was a feast for eyes and they took a group photo and walked on the coast before returning to the hotel. The street lights and lights on the buildings were illuminating the area and it had different beauty from the one they saw during the day.

When Hermione was looking beyond the mirror she reminisces about her father and the house they lived surrounded by nature and pets. It was similar to the park which could be seen from the hotel and she felt sad and homesick even though she decided that she would live her life as the daughter of Grangers.

When she felt gloomy she opened the trunk and took out her violin, not the magical one, and after putting it under her chin and on the shoulder she played one of her favourites "A Thousand Years by Christina Perry". She recalled how her father would return home after he finished his works in the company and sometimes would accompany her when she felt alone or how he soothed her when she found about her mother and blamed herself.

He was always there for her whether she was weak or strong. He was her strength but she left him alone when she was all he had after losing his wife. Tears were running down on her cheeks unknowingly but her hands didn't leave violin while she kept playing almost for half an hour while reminiscing about her past. She regretted leaving her father alone in the world but she had no way to return all she could do was living a life he would be proud of her.

When she was out of her trance she saw her parents and Harry in the room listening to her play. Her mother hugged her when she put down the violin, her eyes were teary. It appears that she wasn't the only one crying she relayed her feelings through the song. they didn't ask her about why she cried even if they asked she would answer like it was the song which effected her nothing more as it was her deepest secret she couldn't share with others and carry it to her grave.

- - -

They returned to the country after time was up and couldn't left home for two days because of exhaustion and didn't let Harry return his home as well. The journey took its toll on them as they visited everywhere they decided to go and had train and plane travels as a means of transportation. They travelled and relaxed now it's time for business. Hermione got on the bus and off when she was near Leaky Cauldron.

She used the restroom for ladies in one of the restaurant, she cast notice me not charm when she got off the bus in case someone notices her, and changed her clothes she took from her pouch. Hermione drank Polyjuice Potion she brew and added hair from one of her parent's patients. She wore the robe which could change it's length when putting on, bought from Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions with an excuse for Christmas gift for such situations.

She transformed into an average looked young witch with blonde hair and blue eyes. She had an oval-shaped face and smooth chin, oval-shaped eyes and a small nose. Behind the hood only half of her face could be seen she hid her wand and put the wand of Quirrell on wand holder.

After controlling herself from the mirror she left the restaurant with notice me, not charm. She had an hour till she should drink another potion to keep her appearance. When she entered Leaky Cauldron she lowered her hood and quickly went to the wall and after pressing the stones in order the door shaped and she left the pub.

Firstly she went to the Gringotts for converting her money. Her parents bought the numbers she chose and wrote in her letters and deposited in the bank and when she returned they told her about it. She shouldn't have money right now but she persuaded them maybe with a little bit magic and got twenty-three thousand pounds to convert in Grinngotts and they didn't have to come along as she could carry the money in her pouch. She converted the four and a half pound for a Galleon and converted her money for five thousand Galleons and twenty-six Sickles and twelve Knuts after deducting for service of goblin.

She had a meeting with the goblin dealing with her shares in some shops she invested and their profits were rising. After she left Grinngotts she stopped by potion shop buying portions for profiting ones she decided to brew and sell also for Polyjuice Potion for future needs. She visited potion association for signing up as a member for legal trades. As privacy, the pioneers would use an alias if they didn't want to be part of noble houses or live as low-key riches. They could make money easily if they were good at it.

She decided to use Scarlet as her alias and used the wand for magic sign of her. As it didn't belong to her she would have no further problem. She knew Quirrell wasn't fond of potions and there were no signs of being cheating when she used the wand. She showed a sample she carried along and left it for them to rank. If it's acceptable they'd notice her when she stopped by next time as they were busy and she didn't leave and address.

And finally, it was for the main business she changed and hid her identity. As she entered through the doors of Office for House-Elf Relocation under the division of Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. The office was responsible for allocation and reassignment of house elves who lost their master and become free or whose master changed their house-elves for better ones and left them there for their new masters.

Hermione wasn't fond of owning a slave and had her ideas for future but when she read Elf Legislation she fumed for unfairness and cruelty of wizards. As it seems that a free elf without a master or house to attach himself would die in a year if he didn't have magic aid.

Their magic was bonded with ancient rituals in fear of their potential and they were cursed and couldn't use wand as the result of it. They couldn't rebel and had to obey their master. Each master could decide the way to free them but as they were seen creatures rather than part of intelligent species so they were given cloth or fabric and it became a tradition followed by the next generations.

She followed the line while frowning. It was like an auction where wizards or witches would buy elves when highest bidding wins or they would trade elves among themselves. Some clerks would promote the elves. Rather than an office to help elves it was like a slave market and everything was done under the nose of ministry.

Hermione approached the clerk and asked how to own a house elf. The clerk was beaming and showed his dirty teeth as he smiled and gave her a brochure. His breath was smelling bad and Hermione quickly took the brochure while trying to stay away from him and gave a fake smile.

As she was browsing, Hermione realised that young elves were more expensive than older ones also bulky elves were the most expensive. She thought that they would be fed or given potion for better selling prices. After she took a glance at it she voiced her wish to see the elves before deciding to buy. The clerk stood from his chair and brought Hermione to the cages behind the room. They were kept in cages for not dirtying feet of costumers.

As she was walking Hermione noticed two young malnourished elves in the same cage. She asked about them and according to the clerk they newly arrived after their master sold them because of his gambling debts. He offered better elves but Hermione thought about them and asked for the price.

As they were newly arrived and looked like they would die if nothing was done their price was cheap. But they knew how to cook, gardening and had experience of maid and steward for noble houses, they could apparate as well and they were only fifty-two years old and fifty-three years old and were considered young given average ages of elves being two hundred years.

When the clerk calculated as he displayed their good qualifications he offered fifty Galleons for both of them. As a former businesswoman, Hermione knew what the man was up to and after a bargaining war she paid ten Galleons for both of the elves and on the contract, she clearly stated that if each of the elves were given a hundred Galleons by their master they would set free. After signing the contract with her blood the paper shone and burned in front of her. Hermione felt a link between her and elves and through her link, she could perceive their emotion or even let them die if she wanted. Of course, she wouldn't do that.

Hermione left the building in haste as she knew the effects of potion would disappear in five minutes and she didn't want to risk taking potion in ministry as it was forbidden and illegal even if it circulates on market. Hermione bought two robes for child sizes and after walking away she gave the robes to the elves. At first, they didn't want to wear anything new and frightened bit when she mentioned about embarrassing her if they were seen in shabby clothes in a harsh voice they accepted and wore as they were shivering from fear.

When they returned Leaky Cauldron, Hermione didn't stop and left with two figures hid under robes and nobody got suspicious and thought they were children and even if the group got the attention they wouldn't trace them when they left the pub.

Hermione ordered the elves to apparate the address she gave them and asked if they knew the place or not. When they answered positively she let them leave and wait for her there until she arrives. She cast another notice me not charm and changed her clothes and drank another Polyjuice Potion and turned into a young boy. She sneaked from ladies restroom and hailed a taxi before leaving.

After the taxi drove away two wizards were seen waiting in front of the restaurant Hermione entered previously. Because house-elves left in a hidden place the duo didn't see them and thought they were still with the hooded figure. But after waiting for an hour they didn't see the figure leaving the building so they entered and searched her. But even when they read their mind they didn't find the figure and left angrily after erasing their minds without caring about consequences.

Hermione didn't know she avoided a disaster and met with elves and went home. They didn't apparate but used bus for transportation because Hermione didn't want to be traced because of magic and elves used some kind of magic for not being seen by muggles even if they pass by.

Finally, they arrived at the home and her parent didn't arrive yet. Hermione decided using this time to understand and give proper roles for them.

"Ahem... I'm Hermione Granger and your new owner. Previously I was using potion and fake identity in ministry. Now tell me about yourself. Who are you and what could you do for me?" Hermione felt weird sounding different from her usual self but she knew that unless she displayed a bossy role they wouldn't accept unconditionally.

"Master, my name is Colley. I was steward of former master till he lost all his properties and had to pay for his debts. I was responsible for the house and things to be done outside like errands or shopping. " He told while cowering.

"M-ma-master, my name is Wilmey. I was formerly in charge of household chores like laundry, ironing, cooking. I was also ac-accountant for former master as he was single and wished privacy " the female elf said shuttering and was looking as if waiting to be punished for her speech.

"Okay. From now on you will work for me. But before that you have to change the way you are wearing and have a shower, I don't want to see sick elves who couldn't perform their duties because of their poor conditions and you should be presentable and have to wear some new clothes I don't want to be embarrassed because of you" Hermione turned her volume when she saw they were about to object but when they felt her fury they shut up.

"Now you have to go shopping and buy yourself something to wear from head to toe and toiletries for health in case you use it as an excuse for not working and hide when you go shopping and don't be seen by muggles. Money is on the table, use it. What are you waiting for? Go" Hermione scolded them when they were standing there like sculpt and left in a hurry when their new master got angry.

The shopping went smoothly and they returned in ten minutes they showed the clothes they bought to be checked as they didn't know about muggle culture. There was also a bag of towel and some simple toiletries with minimum amount. They didn't spend even ten per cent of the money she gave them. *sigh*

They bought simple white t-shirts and black short pant and a black skirt suitable for children. They bought only one set for each and returned immediately when they found clothes similar to what squib or muggle stewards would wear as their master instructed them to be presentable.

After goblins renovated the house Hermione let them added small rooms in the basement near her laboratory for future and they became handy as her parents didn't know about it and they would change their way if they were near the door to the basement as a safety for their own.

She was afraid of possible accidents and needed her privacy. Harry knew the basement but he didn't tell them about it because he thought they knew it and when they were in the basement the couple would be at work not knowing they were practising magic or how their house became magical in a night, literally, and the house didn't change after renovation and warding because the target was wizards, not muggles so it was invisible.

Hermione instructed them to have a shower in rooms she let them live, each room had private bathroom even though they were small like dorm rooms. She gave them half an hour for cleaning throughout not a single dirt to be seen and even their fingernails should be cleaned. When they returned wearing clean clothes and smelling nice, Colley and Wilmey felt awkward. They weren't used to be treated nicely even if their master excused them being filthy as a humiliation on herself. They didn't know how to respond so chose to be quiet until their master let them speak.

"Now you look nice even though you are so skinny. Now I'll tell your duties and you'd be given a month to be deemed suitable to work for me. Colley, you'll be responsible for shopping in Diagon Alley for ingredients needed for my potions and will gardening in the future. Also, you will help Wilmey if necessary. "

"Wilmey, you will do household chores. But we have machines so get used to them quickly. Both of you will attend muggle courses or schools if possible to broaden your minds. I don't need idiots, got it?"

"Before I forgot, don't be seen by my parents. I will explain your existence but you don't have to show yourselves to them as they are not at home most of the day. Also, eat something to get stronger. I don't need weaklings. You are dismissed." Hermione sighed inwardly while acting like that.

She knew they were restless for being treated normally so she didn't mention about their payments. After the first month, she would mention it or even force them if necessary. She didn't have the noble thoughts of original nor could she changed society overnight. Everything begins with simple steps so her first targets were Colley and Wilmey.