

It's August and we have no more than ten days to board Hogwarts express. Since we returned from Australia I've been brewing potions for practising and selling. Even though I knew lottery numbers I couldn't buy them all the time or I'd be investigated or imprisoned because I couldn't explain it as luck. I also had planned to sell potions to earn Galleons without my parents' knowledge.

Last week dad and mum got invitation letters from Australia. The offer included accommodation and hefty sums of salary. They also got privileges so after discussing, they decided to move to Australia. I also persuaded them for reasons such as me leaving home most of the year and having house elves looking after the house. I also suggested them that elves could teleport long distances easily so whether I had a problem or they wanted to send letter, all they had to do was giving or receiving letters from them as it was our only communication way. That's why Wilmey will leave and look after my parents and do household chores while Colley would look after the house and deliver messages and letters to me.

Colley and Wilmey are different from the first time I saw them. At first, they were diffident and nervous but after learning our lifestyle and attitude they also changed little by little. Nevertheless, they only have simple clothes and tiny rooms for now as I couldn't change their mindset too much. But I offered ten Sickles as their salary because they didn't want to have money as it was seen insult for their services still I mentioned about servants and maids working for muggle families and how their salary didn't reduce their efficiency instead raised it. As an employee of my house, they were obliged to obey the rules of the muggle world or I would not let them work for me and look for new house-elves. When they heard how I would choose other house-elves if they disappoint me, they got frightened and begged for forgiveness and accepted ten Sickles as salary.

I plan to offer a higher salary but as I said before nothing changes overnights and I should take baby steps for now. Mum and dad don't know the appearance of house-elves all they know is that I employed people from the wizarding world for errands and house chores to help them. The elves wouldn't interrupt their daily lives and also would help them to get in contact with me. Last year, they couldn't send messages until I sent them owl so it will assure them now to know and they could inform me easily.

Of course, they weren't used to maids at home and had to pay for them but when they got used to have breakfast and dinners ready for them when they leave to and return work and see their daughter not leaving home unless necessary and having time for each other more and more they also accepted the elves. I also informed that if they didn't want anyone at home after observing the first month I would send them away they said nothing and let me do as I wished.

_ _ _

"Mum, look after dad and don't let him overwork, ok?"

"What are you talking about young lady, I am not a workaholic, right honey?"

"I'm not sure about it. When you focus on your job, you even forget eating until I bring your lunch so Hermione is right" Mum winked at me and smirked at dad who was on the verge of crying. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh off his family for teasing him.

"Look after yourself and let us know if something happens. You should eat healthy food and stay away from ice cream if not a different summer will wait for you." After teasing dad, mum turned to me and began telling me things to do and not to do one by one. As I was suffering from listening to the same things for the tenth or fifteenth-time dad was grinning without intending to help. His eyes were looking at me as if saying "Now, it's your turn for not helping me" *sigh* When we were waiting for boarding, I heard the announcement for the plane.

"Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 14A to Sydney, Australia. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately five minutes. Thank you."

"We've got five more minutes. Dad, mum look after each other and let me know if something happens. You can also use money in the account if needed. Cooley went in advance with your trunks and stuff and will wait for you at the airport. After landing, you should look for a taxi with your name. "

Even though I intend to send them away from the war and for their protection, as a part of my selfish side, I want to spend time with them. Nonetheless, I know it's for the best and thanks to Sirius, it was easier to persuade them and they let him look after me when they were away.

"Aunt Rose, uncle Henry be careful out there and don't worry, I'm with Hermione and will look after her and aunt Rose I'll send letter if Hermione eats ice cream too much"

"What, you traitor, how could you?" I couldn't finish my words as it was shocking to hear Harry betray me and separate me from my ice cream.

"Ahahaha, thank you, Harry. Look after yourself and write when you miss us. I will entrust Hermione to you" mum laughed heartily when she heard what Harry said and saw my expression.

"Dad, not also you. " I couldn't accept when even dad was laughing at my sufferings. I knew I shouldn't say it earlier, he was holding grudges for selling him before and now it was my turn.

"This is the final boarding call for passengers on flight 14A to Sydney, Australia. Please proceed to gate five immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for passengers on flight 14A to Sydney, Australia. Thank you."

"Mum, dad hurry. It's the last call. Doors will close." I urged my parents who wouldn't let me go and hug and kiss me for the last time.

"Ok. Take care, sweetheart. We'll miss you and don't forget we love you" dad said before holding mum's hand and leaving.

"I love you both, too. Don't worry and take care." I screamed after them forcing myself for not running after them and hugging for the last time. They turned around and waved before leaving the door separating passengers and others.

We waited till the plane took off and returned home. Their journey began and now it was my turn.