

When I heard the door knocking and hearing the voice of Neville, I opened the door and let him inside.

"Oh, there you are. Hi, Harry and hi, Hermione. Did you see Trevor? I lost him again. "

"Hi, Neville. It's nice to see you again my friend. Would you like to spend your journey with us? " Harry hugged Neville while trying to let him sit with us.

"Hi, Neville. You grew up a bit. Let me find your toad. Put out your hand, please."

"Accio, Trevor." when I cast magic, we heard a girl's cry and a toad flying towards us.

"Here you go. "

"Thank you, Hermione. I should learn that spell so that I won't have to search this mischievous toad. Harry, could you hold Trevor while I'm gone. I should pick my trunk." before Harry could say a word, Neville quickly dashed out and hit other students and apologised. It appears that his clumsiness didn't recover, yet.

We waited for a while and when the door opened suddenly I thought it was Neville, unfortunately, the person standing in front of us was Ron Weasley.

"May I sit here? Everywhere else are full. " He had a fake smile but I could see it because I was like him and even though it looked like I was happy all of it was an act to show the world I was happy. When I was preoccupied with my thoughts, Harry and Ron were staring at each other without talking.

"I'm back. " suddenly the door opened once more and Neville entered but halted and hesitated.

After his entry, I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to Ron who was waiting for an answer and isn't know what to say when he started feeling awkward.

"I'm sorry. It's full but if you wish you can switch to the compartment Neville left before others occupy it." I smiled and showed my teeth as if I was trying to help him instead of kicking him out. His face reddens and I could feel his anger even though he tried to hide it.

I could read his mind and knew that all of it was an act to be close to Harry, and take advantage of his fame and become more famous than his elder brothers. But when Harry didn't help him and let him sit down with us, his resentment got better of him. Ron left without saying a word and we forgot about him soon and chattered.

"How was your holiday Neville? What did you do during the summer?" I wondered his summer because we only sent each other a few times and I got busy with my practices and my parents. Then Harry filed a lawsuit.

"Grandma invited a potion master to tutor me because of my potion marks. Unfortunately for him, I exploded another cauldron and his beard got burned. He got so angry that he didn't come back after his second lesson and grandma didn't ask another potion master, instead she oversaw. " His face told us that it wasn't a good experience to spend his time with his grandma.

"I read the newspaper and when I heard about Sirius Black, I got shocked. Who would know that he was innocent and spend his youth in Azkaban? I'm glad you got back your godfather Harry." Neville grinned and kept talking about his summer and the new book about Nerbology he found in their mansion library.

According to Neville, his parents had a chance to recover but healing magic wasn't so advanced that's why it would take decades or even centuries before the cure was found. When Neville overheard the conversation between his grandma and the dean of the St. Mungo, he decided to become a healer and find the cure by himself. I sympathized with him and recalled my mother.

"I support you, Neville. You can do it. But before that, you should change your wand because it's not compatible with you you can't perform magic successfully." Harry and Neville got surprised when they saw me so hyped but didn't think too much. Harry also voiced his support.

We departed and left behind London, all I could see is countrysides. I got hungry and before I could say it, we heard trolley witch who asked us if we were hungry. ' She must have her ways to find students who are hungry' I inwardly thought.

"Anything off the trolley, dears?"Trolley lady asked. I bought pumpkin pasties, pumpkin juice, Drooble's best blowing gum with sugar-free crazyberry flavour, jelly slugs, liquorice wand, chocolate frogs and Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Harry also bought a little bit from each and lots of chocolate frogs. Neville only got pumpkin pasties, pumpkin juice, chocolate frogs and Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. We spent almost fifteen Galleons.

"I love pumpkin pasties the trolley sell. they are yummy. Even though Honeydukes has pumpkin pasties as well their taste is worse I think. Maybe I'm hungry so I feel it yummier. " We had lunch and tried Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans.

"Rock, paper, scissors."

I got rock, Harry had scissors and Neville, paper so we tried one more time.

"Rock, paper, scissors." Harry and I got paper while Neville had scissors.

"Yeah. You are first, Neville." Harry and I smiled wickedly.

"Yummy. It's a chocolate flavour. Now it's your turn." Neville grinned.

"Rock, paper, scissors." We showed our hands at the same time sadly Harry won and it was my turn to taste beans.

"Argh. I don't want to savour anymore, It's terrible." I ate liver flavoured bean and it felt so real.

"It's so hot. Why I choose the same bean every time we eat. I hate hot" Harry drank his pumpkin juice quickly between his murmurs. He ate chilli beans.

"Ahahaha, you are so red Harry. Would you mind if I pour water for you?" Neville was chuckling and teasing Harry. After a while, the effects wore off.

"One more time. I'll see what will you do if you get worse flavours." Hary fumed when we laughed and teased him so he demanded another round.

"Rock, paper, scissors."

"Yeah. I'm lucky. Both of you will eat at the same time."

"Why are you so lucky Hermione?" Harry and Neville nodded and swallowed the beans at the same time. Neville breathed fire and his ears and nose smoked at the same time while Harry was grinning like an idiot.

"Neville got pepper imps, what about you Harry?" I wondered.

"It's a toffee apple flavoured bean. Now it's your turn, Hermione."

I swallowed the bean as soon as I chose, Luckily, it's a grapefruit flavour. We ended our game and chose chocolate frogs as our next sweets.

"I have five Dumbledore cards, an Adalbert Waffling card, two Nicolas Flamel and a Bertie Bott, What about you? " Neville asked. He was lucky because Dumbledore cards were rare and hard to find.

"A Dumbledore bonus card, two Professor Armando Dippet and six Beaumont Marjoribanks. I'm not as lucky as you Neville" replied, Harry.

"You are wrong Harry. Dumbledore bonus cards are myths. They are auctioned for Galleons because it's too rare to find them. there are eleven cards known till now and yours is twelfth." Harry and I were gaping. Neville is more knowledgeable than us, it seems.

"What did you get Hermione?" Harry asked after he got out of shock.

"I have two Dumbledore, a Bertie Bott, two Bowman Wright, three Cyprian Youdle, a Carlotta Pinkstone, Dymphna Furmage and a Cliodne "

"WHAT!" Harry and Neville stood up and gasped.

"What, what happened? Get away from me."

"Sorry, I lost myself" Neville blushed and sat down but still was looking at me as if there is something in my face.

"Do you know who Cyprian Youdle and Bowman Wright are? They are famous Quiddich referee and developer of Golden Snitch. "

"Would you like to exchange one of your cards with me? You can choose any one of my cards" Neville said before Harry could finish his words.

"It doesn't matter which card you exchange. both of you take one of each card. " I held the cards and waited for them to choose from. Harry traded his Dumbledore bonus card while Nevile chose two of his Dumbledore cards as they were rarer than Quidditch cards I believe.

"When I show these cards to those guys in the dorms they will be jealous of me" Harry grinned and thanked me for trading cards.

"I think your cards are much more valuable than mine. Are you sure you want to trade? I can gift them to you."

"No. We should honour previous tradition. You can think they are better but for boys, it's better if we have Quidditch collection. At the end of the year, there is a competition to find out who has more cards and the winner gets Quiddich equipments or brooms. It's a matter of honour. " Neville excitedly explained and I let them be.

"Do what you wish"