

"We almost arrived at our destination. Please change into your robes and leave your luggage and caged pets in your compartments. " I heard voices of prefects warning students and reminding the first years while passing corridors.

"Let's put away the rest of the sweets and wear our robes." I looked around and found lots of wraps on the ground and picked them and put them into a bag for throwing away after returning to the castle.

"You change your clothes, first. We 'll wait outside. You have five minutes, Hermione." Harry and Neville left and locked the door while guarding the door.

I wore my robe quickly and put Fluffy to his cage. 'Sorry, Fluffy but it's the rule.' *sigh*

"Guys, I'm ready. It's your turn." When I opened the door suddenly, they got shocked how fast I changed.

"You are fast Hermione. One time, I had to wait for my cousin to change her clothes before a party and she left after half an hour and the only thing she did was to choose a pair of earing."

"Stop blabbering and hurry. You have two more minutes until the train stops." They hurriedly changed into their robes and their collar were crooked.

"Hogwart Station! Hogwart Station! Please disembark from the train. Leave your trunks they'll be delivered to school separately" I helped them and as soon as the door opened we disembarked.

"First years, first years over here" I heard Hadrig summoning first years and waved at him before following prefects who leads second years.

"Follow me. We are going this way. Don't fall behind. Be careful of your feet."

The carriages were waiting in line for students. As we were in the first group, we found a carriage and got on immediately. The carriages started moving when Harry and Neville discussed how it could move on its own and whether it was charmed like boats on the lake. I couldn't concentrate on their topic because the horse pulling the carriage got my full attention. I didn't know how to describe them as they were unique.

They were mixed horse and dragons I guess because their structure is similar to horse while their head reminds me of dragons or birds because of their short horns and mouths resembling beaks. They are skeletons similar to the ones in the dungeons of the games or movies of zombies and ghosts. But even if they have no flesh, their black coats cling to their skeletons. Their eyes are white and have no pupils.

As they also have wings they could be mistaken with unicorns if they were not full of death. As I said before they are likely mixed of horse and birds (maybe dragons who knows). I wonder how they can fly with those black leathery wings. I heard that they eat raw meat and when I tried to imagine it I almost puked but held myself back.

"Hermione, what happened? Your face turned pale, are you okay?" Harry got worried when he looked at me. I couldn't tell him that an invisible horse is pulling our carriage and I imagined it eating meat, could I? Argh, I shouldn't recall it. 'Damn it'

"I'm sorry guys. I got car sickness. I'll be fine in a while. Don't worry." After I pull myself together I looked out of the window and watched first years on the boats waiting the rest of their fellow students.

"Hey, it's raining. I feel pity for the first years. They will get wet by the time they arrive at the castle. " Neville worried for the first years.

"Luckily we didn't drenched under the rain," Harry responded.

"Yeah, thanks to the carriages, we don't have to stay out there," I replied.

We arrived at Great Hall and sat in our house tables waiting for the first years. Professor McGonagall entered the hall and prepared Sorting hat before leaving one more time.

Approximately five minutes later curious first years entered the great hall. I recalled our first experience and smiled before returning my expressionless self.

The hat opened a tore along the brim like a mouth and sang its famous song one more time.

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.


You might belong in Gryffindor,


You might belong in Hufflepuff,


Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,


Or perhaps in Slytherin


So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

After bowing his illusionary head, sorting hat waited for the first student to complete his annual duty. We clapped our hands and hall got silenced before professor McGonagall summoned the first student.

The students weren't mentioned in the movies and were side characters. All I could see were red-haired Ginerva Weasley, blonde Luna Lovegood and Colin Creevey.

"Creevey, Colin ." As I was recalling the names, the first known character got called. the boy was nervous but had a smile on his face the whole time.

The sorting hat thought for a while before deciding his fate.

"Gryfinndors" he was the first Gryfinndor of the night and the house clapped their hands and congratulated their newest member. Colin ran to the table and sat next to Harry and tried to talk to him. I knew he was one of Harry's fan but Harry had a troubled face but didn't push him away.

Most of the students got selected into Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. Slytherins also had their new members but there was no new noble heirs like last year.


"Lovegood, Luna." when it was Luna's turn some Slytherins and Ravenclaws smirked and waited for her results. Sorting hat didn't choose her house immediately and thought for minutes.

"Ravenclaw" when it was decided, the house wasn't as happy as the rest of the houses. Even Gryfinndors were applauding louder than us.

Luna didn't care and sat down at the end of the table by herself. She was like me. When I was chosen, I also chose the end of the table. I stood up and walked to her.

"Hello, Luna. I'm Hermione, second year. Welcome to Ravenclaw. If you have anything to ask, feel free to find me. " I greeted her and sat next to her. After I sat down, other Ravenclaws came to congratulate her. Lisa, Sue and Padma chose to sit next to Luna and me. We talked for a while before sorting ceremony ended.

As the last first-year student, Ginny Weasley got sorted into Gryfinndors same as the rest of her family and start of term feast began after headmaster gave a brief welcoming speech.

"The very best of evenings to you!... Now… to our new students, welcome, to our old students, welcome back! Another year full of magical education awaits you…" He warned us not to enter forbidden forest or wander after curfew. There was no notice of forbidden third floor so the courses resumed being taught in there.

"Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you." when he clapped his hands, tables were filled with food magically appearing on the empty plates.

I ate lamb chops, roasted potatoes, pumpkin tarts and my favourite, ice cream. Of course, it was an exception and Harry wouldn't dare to tell my parents. I fulfilled my longing and talked to my heart with Padma, Sue, Lisa and included Luna among us.

Finally, the last plates emptied and we sang Hogwarts song. Weasley brothers chose an epic tune this year as if they were warriors preparing to their battle. The prefect led us to the stairs the portrait lady asked a riddle and as a tradition, we waited for the first years to solve it.

"You live in a one storey house made entirely of redwood. What colour would the stairs be?" I chuckled when she asked the riddle. It was so simple yet confusing.

"None" answered Luna.

" Because it's a one storey house, there are no stairs so no paint." When she saw other first years suspicious, and portrait not answering (on purpose), Luna had to explain clearly before she let us enter common room.

"Welcome to Ravenclaw. Because our house put importance to privacy as it`s important for our studies we have privileges to live in single rooms. Girls to the right and boys to the left" said Head boy. " Head boy and girl said the same words of last year and led the first years to their rooms.

I returned my room which didn't change and found my trunk and Fluffy on the ground. I let him free and put my clothes to the closet and had a shower before meditating and Fluffy got on the bed and slept next to me. After I finished my meditation and magic practices I slept soundly feeling free.