

*Hermione's POV*

Professor Snape was walking through tables as he was lecturing about the history of Flobberworms and how to extract mucus known as Flobberworm Mucous. He talked about its uses and suddenly chose a Hufflepuff boy who was drawing something on his parchment.

"Tell me, in which potions Flobberworm is used as an ingredient?" As professor suddenly appeared in front of the boy, the poor guy couldn't answer his question as he was shaking and trying to say something but couldn't make a sound. Snape got angry and deduced ten points from Hufflepuffs.

"You tell me, Ms Patil. Where do Flobberworm is used?" When he caught Padma chuckling, Professor Snape turned around and asked her and from his looks, he got angry when he heard others chuckling and whispering without his consent to speak.

"Cough cough. Yes, sir. Flobberworm Mucous is the slimy green mucus exuded from the Flobberworm and is used in the Wiggenweld Potion, Herbicide and the Sleeping Draught. Each eight bottles of Flobberworm Mucous cost one Galleon and rumour has it that Flobberworm Mucous can boost the immunity of infants. " After answering his question Padma sat down and waited for him to speak.

"Hmph. You are right Ms Patil but there is something you forgot to mention. The question I asked was in which potions FLOBBERWORM is used not Flobberworm Mucous. So five points from Ravenclaw for Ms Patil's mistake."

When Professor Snape chose another Ravenclaw boy called Michael Corner, Padma got furious as he sneered and deduced points from the house even if she answered partly correct. Professor Snape didn't deduct or reward extra points from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff instead we had to write every word he said until the end of the class.

"Now the class ended. I wait for your five paper long essays about Flobberworm and Flobberworm Mucous due next class. Class is dismissed."

"Argh, why he always ask me? Others were laughing and talking but he had to choose me and deduct points even if what I said was true just I blurt out. " I tried to console her as it wasn't the first time Professor Snape was messing with her.

"Now, now. Forget about it. Let's go to the library to write the essay before others storm into. You knew he was going to pick you because of his grudge as we know about his history with Gryffindors and how he punishes them because of something happened during his pupillage. Hope that he won't remember when your children become students." Even though I was trying to cheer her up my words damaged her more than Snape because she stopped moving and squat down to draw circles.

"Sorry, my bad. I didn't mean that actually…" at first, Padma looked up hopefully but my next words finished her remaining health and it was GAME OVER for her. 'it's just my words were arrows breaking her heart as she was looking at me with dead eyes as if she ran out of hope.'

"You are so bad, Hermione. I'm here getting into depression and all you do is rubbing salt into my wound *sniff* *sniff* " She hit my arm while trying to fake her tears.

"I'm sorry princess. What if I serve my humble head as a punishment or a cone of ice cream for your hurt soul." I tried to imitate a knight serving his princess and finally, Padma got out of her thoughts.

"Ah, Hermione. You and your humour sense. Please try to be more sentient. Your words are sharper than a knife. The damage is more than Professor Snape's poisonous mouth. "

Finally escaped from punishment of Padma I searched Harry in the castle. I didn't know their schedule as it was the first day of the semester I tried my chance to find other Gryffindors. But I didn't find an acquaintance. In times like this, my urge to steal the map from twins gets stronger.

Without a choice, I knocked on the door and waited for an answer before entering the room.

"Have a good day, professor. I'm sorry to disturb but do you know which class second year Gryffindors have today?"

"Good afternoon Ms Granger. What business do you have to find out about my house's schedule?" Professor McGonagall replied while writing some letters and raised her head when I entered her office.

"I forgot to give something Harry before we get off Hogwarts Express and I couldn't find him as its first day of school and we didn't exchange our schedules. So I thought you would know where he is."

"Let me find their timetable. Here it's. They have double DADA in the morning and double Herbology in the afternoon and it will end in ten minutes. They are in the Greenhouse. Do you have anything else to ask?"

"Thank you, professor. No, I don't have another question. More power to your elbow'" I left the room while thinking she will need all the power to finish her work.

I walked outside of the castle to find Harry and after finding the greenhouse they were having class, I waited in front of the door. When the bell rang, Gryffindors and Slytherins left the room.

"Hey, Harry."

"Hi, Hermione. How are you? What are you doing in front of our class?"

"I needed to find you for something so I waited here for you."

"But how did you know about my schedule? I didn't have the chance to tell you, yet."

"Haha, don't worry. I asked your fellow students." 'But they didn't know and I had to find your house head' I couldn't say that or he would be upset. Hence I just smiled and waited for him to pick up his books.

"Hey, Neville. What's the matter? You look sick, are you alright?"

"Hey, Hermione. I'm fine. I couldn't bear when Mandrakes cried out and am feeling dizzy but it'll be okay in a few minutes."

"If you say so. Do you want to join us? Maybe you'll feel better if you come with us."

"I'm not sure about it. I think sleeping will help me if I lie down until dinner. Thanks anyway. See you later." Neville left after refusing my offer. The boy is unlucky but he will be a great man in the future.

"I'm ready. Where are we going?"

"It's a secret. Now follow me"