
~39~ SURPRISE!!!

"I know you follow me now and then." I didn't turn around to see his face even though I'd imagine his surprise 'How did she find out?'

"It's not so difficult, you now? When you feel eyes on you even if you don't see." He keeps his silence so I could speak more. But sorry, it's not time yet.

"Now we passed the entrance hall, all we need to do is to take stairs to downwards."

"Where are we going, Hermione?" Finally talking, huh. But don't try to change the topic, it's my job hehehehe.

"I said before. It's a surprise. I might show it to you before but this time is different. We have different plans." I was giggling and teasing Harry. He is so easy to tease.

We stopped in front of a painting of a bowl of fruit. The stone basement corridor was silent because the house of Hufflepuffs wasn't in this part of the corridor. It was almost five o'clock and it was still early for dinner. I tickled the pear on the painting and it turned to a large green door handle.

"Here we go!" The entrance to the kitchen was revealed. The elves were used to see me in the kitchens but They turned to us and focused on Harry.

"Hello, Missy. You brought your friend this time." Bitsy, a house-elf in charge of the kitchen, led us to a small opening where they don't work and offered pumpkin juice and cookies.

"You remember Harry? You, Neville and I visited the kitchens last year. After that, I was a regular here. House-elves cooks delicious snacks as well,"

"Yes. Missy always comes to visit us and teach delicious recipes. We are grateful to Missy." Bitsy added.

"Thanks, Bitsy. You are my friend. Of course, I'd visit you."

"Missy is our friend, Missy is our friend. " When I saw how she responded to the word 'friend' I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. They are always so friendly and hardworking.

"Bitsy, could you prepare a lunchbox for me and my friend, please? We are in a hurry and have to go. Besides, you have to return your work as its dinner time soon."

"The usual menu or our special for today, Missy?"

"Hm, what's today special, Bitsy? If possible the usual plus special one. We can eat a lot." When Harry heard what I said his eyes opened so big that I thought it would bulge.

"Aye-aye Missy. Today's special is Chicken curry with rice and banana cake you taught us."

"It sounds yummy. Please prepare two usual boxed and two special menus."

We waited for meal boxes to be prepared and watched how those humble creatures were working for us even if we weren't aware of it. Finally, after waiting fifteen minutes our meals were ready. We thanked and left the kitchens.

"Thank you for the snacks, it was delicious and for the meal." Harry showed his lunchbox while speaking.

"Your welcome. Mr Potter. We can prepare those anytime you need."

"Thanks, everyone. I love the food you cook and bake. See you soon." I waved my hands ad=nd said goodbyes. The lovely elves stopped their work for a moment and waved as well.

"Now that our meal is ready, it's time for the big surprise. Are you ready, Harry?"

"I'm not sure but yeah, I'm ready."

"Don't worry. It's no big deal. Just a little secret. If Neville wasn't so sick he would also be here. Maybe we can bring him next time. He'd love it." I dragged Harry to the stairs after confirming his invisibility cloak was inside his pouch or we would have to stop by Gryfinndors house.

We stayed under the cloak after reaching the third floor and kept walking. After reaching the seventh floor, I led him to the corridor Room of Requirements was located.

"Wait for a while and watch my steps, Harry." I walked in the corridor and thought a room suitable for duelling and magical practice and after the third turn, a door appeared in front of me.

"Surprise! Do you want to open the door, Harry? Don't chicken now!" I'm sure Harry wasn't as surprised as now and he was begging to tease while he didn't know what to say. His jaws dropped and didn't take a step after opening the door. I had to drag him fearing others to see us if we delay any longer.

"I'm not dreaming, right? Because if not why are we in the basement of your house even though we were in Hogwarts second ago." Harry was screaming to the ends of his speech.

"No, you aren't dreaming neither are we in my house. Its the speciality of this room. You saw me walking in front of the door, right? It just created a room I imagined while walking."

"So, we are still in Hogwarts but in a magical room where the room is designed according to the needs of its user. Is there any restriction? It shouldn't be so easy, I suppose."

"Yes, genius. You were thickening out a few minutes ago and now trying to show you're in control."

"I don't know what you're talking about and I don't recall any of that." He was faking now but I'll let him for now.

"Yes, you're right. The room can't reproduce food or drinks. Because nothing here is real. It's the only a replica created by magic. As it's illusion, it doesn't fill our belly."

I told Harry every advantage of the room and we spent our time practising spells and duelling. We knew how to duel thanks to Sirius. Now we had time to practice as well. We didn't return to the Great Hall for dinner as our meal was ready and hot thanks to the runes on the boxes. I placed an order for special lunch boxes and it paid off. We ate our dinner and I should praise house-elves. The meals were delicious. Now that we practised and ate our meals it was time for business...