

"You know, Harry. When we were sorted I didn't want to be in Gryffindor. I knew muggle horns and half-bloods are mostly sorted in there but I wanted my privacy and books. I guess you were given chance to choose other houses, as well. There was another reason for my choice of house. But before that, we have to vow secrecy, known as the unbreakable vow for both of our safety. Can you do that Harry?"

Harry listened to me carefully but I could see him worried about me, and the reason for the secrecy. Nevertheless, he didn't question me instead accepted my request immediately. I explained the details of the vow and possible results which may cause death, but he didn't waver and encouraged me.

"I'm ready, Hermione. Let's do this already." After confirming his resolve, I summoned Bitsy and asked her to be our witness. I passed Quirrell's wand and we started the ceremony.

We knelt opposite each other and clasped our right hands. Bitsy hold the wand, standing quite close to us, and placed it onto our linked hands, as Bonder. I asked a certain number of vows to Harry.

"Will you, Harry James Potter, keep secret whatever you learned in this room and afterwards as a secret? "

"I will." As Harry accepted the term, a thin stream of fire emitted from Quirrell's wand, weaving around our hands.

"And will you, to the best of your ability, help the cause if it's not against your will and ideals?"

"I will." another stream of fire emitted and weaved around our hands like a red-hot wire.

"And should it prove necessary... if it seems the secret will leak to a third party without my consent ... will you keep the secret at the cost of the third party even if it's our friend or family?"

"I...I will." With a final thin stream of fire, our vow ended and I thanked Bitsy for her help. After retrieving the wand from her I asked Bitsy whether she could boost the security of the room which would even expel house-elves until we leave the room activating after she left. Luckily she knew a few tricks and helped us, then disapparated.

Even though I knew no one else could watch and eavesdrop us, I let Harry into my mindscape after taking cautions such as sitting in front of Harry while covered by his cloak and casting some spells.


It was a beautiful garden surrounded by magical and non-magical plants and trees. Grey and white stones laid randomly gave the seating area French country feel. The paving looks great with purple and white blooms. Beige hanging chairs and colourful beanbags are comfy. I sat in the hanging chair while Harry tried the beanbag which was new to him.

"It's beautiful and comfy. I didn't know we could use our mindscape like that."

"Thank you and it was an experiment to find out whether it's possible or not. Luckily it was a success. Let's get back to the subject."

"Yes. I want to know what it's all about to keep it secret at the cost of our life."

"Sorry, Harry. But it was necessary. Now, where to begin? Hmm, from the beginning I guess."

"When I first boarded Hogwarts Express, I saw something for a moment but I forgot it until the same phenomena happened again during sorting ceremony. I saw a scene which frightened me. It was during Halloween festive. I was alienated and shut myself in the bathroom after Ron told me something causing Troll to attack. When I was sorted I recalled that scene and decided Gryfinndor isn't my cup and chose Ravenclaw."

"When it really happened I got frightened because I wasn't in the bathroom but still not in the Great Hall as well. Hence I prayed for your safety until finding you and defeating it. Different from the sight, there was Padma, Neville, Sue and Lisa. That was the moment I realized something is bound to happen but my choice could change it overall. That's why I tried to change the future I saw once again which was the dragon Hagrid was keeping secret. I saw you having detention because Malfoy found about it so I persuaded Hagrid to call for help. Then the future I saw changed. You weren't caught because you weren't there when it happened, sorry, you were sneaking around within your invisibility cloak."

"There was also a moment when professor Quirrell or should I say Voldemort included you to his plans. I tried to that future as well but you were kidnapped by him, in the end, risking your life as a result of my interference. I was able to save you but I didn't feel great to cause danger."

"I researched this phenomenon and the result I found was SEER, people who predict the future. But it doesn't mean I can see future every time I wish nor would I see every single person I met or not. It's unpredictable and the future changes with every choice so what I see can be rubbish or the opposite of things happening in the future. Nevertheless, it's a big help for your future because everything I predict includes us and Voldemort."

"Harry, you are in danger. Voldemort plans to revive and kill you. Last year, he tried to use Philosopher stone and this year, with his diary. But please don't ask details because the more you know, the more your actions change the future furthermore the diary is easy as a pie if I play my cards correctly." After telling Harry some details about last year and the near future with some half tries and lies, I asked him to work out and practice in RoR from now on.

I also mentioned about time turner but just one of them. We planned to invite whom to practice with us in the room and decided to tell Neville for now. He needed all the help to improve himself. We could mention about the room to others if necessary. After concluding our schedules and planning, I discussed Weasley duo and the love potion. We should punish them.