
~41~ SHOCK

*Harry's POV*

"I know you follow me now and then. " How did she find out I didn't know but I'm tempted to learn. While I was thinking she kept talking, answering my doubts.

"It's not so difficult, you know? When you feel eyes on you even if you don't see." I understand it was my intent she sensed even if it wasn't the whole truth I guess but I didn't confirm her guesses it instead kept listening, finding faults of my stealth but she changed the topic.

She said we needed to go dungeons, but why should we. "Where are we going, Hermione?" As she didn't explain I had to ask to verify my doubts. But she shifted the subject. 'Ah, I know where we are going but why she keeps it secret' I thought when we arrived in front of the kitchens.

After entering the door, she greeted the elves and the elf responsible for the kitchen led us to empty chairs at the end of the table furthest of the right. I observed the interaction between Hermione and elves while they were talking. It seems that she kept coming to the kitchen if she is so friendly with them. I knew she got ice cream last year thus Aunt was concerned when she found out her secret and cautioned me to keep an eye on Hermione when they moved to Australia. I don't think, I will tell on Hermione but I can threaten Hermione for her own sake even though she wouldn't know about it.

While I was reminiscing a plate of chocolate cookies and a glass of fruit juice was served. I tasted them and it was delicious. Now I knew why Hermione couldn't give up eating. the elves know what they are doing.

... "The usual menu or our special for today, Missy?" Hermione asked something and Bitsy replied while I was eating cookies. As it turns out, she orders from the kitchen before mealtimes. What's their usual menu, anyway? and does Hermione teaches the house-elves new recipes? There are lots of questions I want to ask but it's not time yet.

We watched them cooking meals and left the kitchen when our order was ready. "Thank you for the snacks, it was delicious and for the meal" even though I don't know its taste.

When they heard my appreciation, they got emotional and smiled while crying. 'Is there nobody to thank them for their work?' Ah, I don't know. After finding an answer to one of my questions new questions pop out.

"Now that our meal is ready, it's time for the big surprise. Are you ready, Harry?" Hermione was excited and I could see her worry in her eyes but why if she is excited?

"I'm not sure but yeah, I'm ready" I replied after which she reassured my again and dragged me to the stairs when she learned that my invisibility cloak was on me. 'I need that cloak for sudden circumstances and it's safe with me.'

We climbed upstairs under the cloak and reached the seventh floor. I watched as Hermione strolled the corridor and a door appeared in front of us. "Surprise! Do you want to open the door, Harry? Don't chicken now!" Why does she love teasing me so much I don't understand but I won't fall into her trap by answering so yes, I opened the door, and no it is not because of what Hermione told me. Its because I am curious, yeah, I am curious about it. That's all. 'Why I'm trying to prove myself I don't know' *sigh*.

When I opened the door I couldn't believe what I saw but I knew it wasn't true but I see it in front of me, so how is it possible? That's why I blurted out my thoughts. I think Hermione feels great now that she got me but she will pay for it.

"I'm not dreaming, right? Because if not, why are we in the basement of your house even though we were in Hogwarts seconds ago." I don't believe it. There must be an EXPLANATION, I screamed in my mind.

"No, you're not dreaming neither are we in my house. It's the speciality of this room. You saw me walking in front of the door, right? It just created a room I imagined while walking." Now that I think about it, it's true. We are living in a magical community and it's not so simple to transport out of Hogwarts. I read about it in a book and according to the author, the warding of the school rejects apparitions. But there must be other requirements to fulfil or the rooms would be known by now.

"So, we are still in Hogwarts but in a magical room where the room is designed according to the needs of its user. Is there any restriction? It shouldn't be so easy, I suppose." Imagination is necessary and her steps I guess. Maybe its the number of steps or the number of turns. I'm not sure yet. There must be limitations as well or not it would be to easy and put into practice by former wizards.

"Yes, genius. You were chickening out a few minutes ago and now trying to show you're in the control. " I don't know what she is talking about nor will I drop myself to her level, hmph.

Finally, she retired to the topic and it seems that the room duplicates what we imagine or has been created except food or drink because of the time flow. Think about a book published ten years ago. The room finds it and the shape wouldn't change in ten years, right? But what if the same thing happens for the food? All you could find out would be the ashes or the remains of the spoilt food.

It means that Hermione imagined her basement and bookshelf at the corner before. It's been a while since I stopped by their home. After spending my holiday in Australia with them, I had to work for the court of my godfather than spending time with him and visiting family properties and journeying to France before returning for shopping in Diagon Alley. Now that I have a chance, I should practice.

We had a duel and unfortunately, Hermione won this round and now our score was 12 to 11 Hemione's lead. I got tired and was sweaty when the room changed its structure. The gym became a beautiful dining area and a bathroom. I got showered and we ate the meals in the boxes. Hermione told me it was a tradition in Japan to prepare meals in special boxes for lunch or snack time. The chicken curry was spicy but delicious. I wanted to eat more.

After finishing our meal the atmosphere became serious. Hermione told me she chose to be sorted in a different house because of her dreams which are known as the feature of Seers. She said that we would be in the same house if not for it. I got worried when she expressed her fears and anxieties about the future and how her decisions change it even now that we are talking about. As if confirming my suspicious, Hermione wanted me to vow and I accepted. I want to share her burden although I know she will keep some secrets and don't tell me whole truth yet.

I'm worried though. The unbreakable vow is known something difficult and carries fatal consequences. Hermione summoned Bitsy whom we talked hours ago and asked her to be our witness. After giving her a familiar wand which I don't remember where I saw, we clasped our right hands.

"Will you, Harry James Potter, keep secret whatever you learned in this room and afterwards as a secret?" I feel magic pulsing and encircling us.

"I will," I answered firmly and saw a thin stream of fire emitting from the wand Bitsy was holding.

"And will you, to the best of your ability, help the cause if it's not against your will and ideals?"

"I will. " The fire weaved around our hands one more time.

"And should it prove necessary... If it seems the secret will leak to a third party without my consent... will you keep the secret at the cost of the third party even if it's our friend or family?"

"I... I will." even though I haltered for a moment, I resolved my mind and answered her in the end. When the vow ended I felt dread because of the sensation which felt like I would die if I broke my promise and there was no possibility to betray my friend.

Later, Bitsy warded the room mumbling by some words I couldn't understand and left. When I entered Hermione's mindscape I got shocked because I didn't know we could use our mindscape and magi like that. She designed a place similar to a garden and there were cushions, lots of them in different colours. I chose one of those different cushions. Hermione told me that they were called beanbags and they were comfy. I should order them in real life when I got the chance.

Deciding that its time to explain what it was all about, I asked Hermione. "I want to know what it's all about to keep it secret at the cost of our life" maybe some of our friends as well.

"Sorry, Harry. But it was necessary. Now, where to begin? Hmm, from the beginning I guess." Hermione was holding her hand in her chin and thinking about how to explain it to me. I could feel she was going to keep some secrets although I 'll keep secret. It looks more serious than I thought.

She expressed her shock when she found out about her ability, how it would be difficult for her in the Gryfinndor or why would she be in danger if she chooses it. Moreover, her involvement had butterfly effects in minor details or as a whole.

Hermione also mentioned about professor Quirrell and him kidnapping me but I don't recall it. It should be her or she was also part of it whoever did block or erased my memory but why? I got lots of unanswered questions today and Hermione was right, it was a big surprise for me, Not only I discovered a new room and the ability of Hermione but also learned about the plans of Voldemort. When I thought I would have a new beginning and peace after getting rid of Aunt Petunia and her family, I jumped out of the frying pan into the fire.

We decided to tell Neville about the room but secret. Except for him, we aren't going to tell another soul for now, unless necessary. Also when Hermione reminded me about Weasley sibs, I decided their fate right there and then. They will pay for it if they dare to include me in their plans. Should I put a spider in Ron's bed or cause Ginny to have freckles and red spots in her face or I could let them walk around the school by spouting nonsense about Draco and his mobs causing a rift between them. I could also change their hair to matching colours to green and silver, they would be walking Slytherins for a while. No, no, no. It's too simple. I should find something else to punish them. Maybe Hermione has something in her mind. Time to find about it, shall we?