"Moka? Why do you say that name?" the figure asks.
Yukari "That's... That's your name isn't it?"
The figure smiles, "No... I'm Akasha Bloodriver..."
Everyone is confused at her words... Aside from one person...
Moka "Mother?" she asks, her voice trembling.
Akasha "Moka? Is that you?" she mutters, turning towards her daughter.
Moka quickly nods, quickly walking over and attempting to hug her... Only to fall through her ephemeral form. She sends a glare at Harry, "What did you do?"
Akasha "Do not blame him Moka... I am simply a ghost, there's nothing anyone can do about it... I am glad I'm able to speak with you again." she says, wiping a tear from her eye.
Yukari "But... Why do you look so similar to other Moka?" she points out something everyone was thinking.
Akasha smiles, "Unfortunately, your friend doesn't exist as you know her..."
Moka tilts her head, "What do you mean mother?"
Akasha "... I am the other Moka." she says, shocking everyone.
Reima "Well, that's unexpected..." he mutters, not having seen that one coming.
Moka "H-how?"
Akasha holds her hands to her chest, "Do you remember how I died?" she asks.
Moka shakes her head, "My memories are... Fuzzy at that time..."
Akasha "I had decided that I needed to seal your power away, for your safety... There was a beast slumbering under the Shuzen manor... A beast known as Alucard, or more commonly, Dracula."
Nerissa's eyes widen at this, "Dracula?" she asks, louder than most had ever heard her speak.
Reima "Relax Rissa... It's a different Dracula you know of... You do not share any relations with this one." he says, already aware that Dracula was an incredibly common name, myth, and legend that probably extends through multiple universes.
Akasha "Elaborate, what do you mean?" she asks, the atmosphere around her seemingly getting darker.
Nerissa "I am Nerissa Dracula." she states, shocking those not in the know yet again.
Akasha eyes her and floats over, "Dracula?" she asks, running her ephemeral hands over Nerissa's shoulder, reaching her chin before letting go. "You look similar, but your blood is different."
Reima "Yeah, that's what I said... Continue with your story." he says, wishing to push the plot forwards.
Akasha ignores him, "I had been sealed within Alucard and saved by the Shuzen family... But it left our blood synchronised, a dangerous fact considering Alucard could already destroy the world. Our bloodline, the Shinso bloodline was linked with his own, meaning I needed to seal it to protect you."
Moka "How did you die?" she presses.
Akasha has a conflicted expression cross her face, "Alucard awoke, forcing me to sacrifice myself to seal him away... I used the time while the beast tried to absorb my soul to push a shard into your Rosario, I hoped it would be enough to protect you... I must have succeeded, considering how beautiful you've grown to be." she says with a gentle smile.
Moka "But if the other me was you, why did you not remember anything?" she questions, trying not to break down at the new discoveries.
Akasha "I didn't wish to burden you with this knowledge... I didn't give my memories to the other me."
Moka "Wouldn't it be better to let me decide that? Instead of sending me out with missing memories, unaware of the danger I was in?" she asks, her voice rising.
Akasha "There was no time to decide, and you were too young to make that choice... Forgive me Moka." she says with a bow.
Reima coughs into his hand to release the tension if slightly, "So, is this "Alucard" still around?"
Akasha nods, "The other half of my soul is likely still keeping him sealed, I have no idea when he'll break free..."
Reima "Then, I'll just put this out there... Do you want to be resurrected?" he asks, causing the room to look at him intently.
Akasha tilts her head, "Resurrected?"
Reima nods, "Your soul hasn't moved on, and your body is still within Alucard right? Its as simple as replacing a battery. Remove Alucards soul, complete your own. Bing, Bang, Boom, you gotta Vampire." he says, those listening not sure if he's being serious or not.
Moka "Is it possible?" she asks hopefully,
Akasha "I don't know, your friends seems to have abilities I've never seen before, so it might be..." she says, looking down at her see-through limbs.
Harry shrugs, "Being around you Reima is like sitting on a rollercoaster blindfolded, you never know when it'll fall off the tracks and explode." he says with a sigh.
Reima grins, "Your words hurt me Harry, did you forget it was me who trained you?" he says with a chuckle.
Harry "Who could forget? It's not like you'll ever stop reminding me..."
Reima nods, "Damn right."
Harry looks at Moka and Akasha, "Your time is running out, I can only do this for so long... Say what needs to be said and we'll decide what to do another day."
Moka "Why can't we do it today?" she asks, her gratitude to him for allowing her to speak to her mother clashing with his attempt to destroy the Rosario.
Harry "Because I need to organise the four hundred students that've been brought to Ichor... Plus, I need to talk to Reima about the new Hogwarts."
Yukari "The school? You're going to make one here?"
Reima nods, "Yeah, its a win, win... I get competent magic users in my country, and Harry gets to reign over people like Merlin." he says with a smirk.
Harry "Huh? You, a King, are saying that..."
Reima "Yeah, and as your King I command you to get to work." he says, opening a portal which appears where the House Elves are leading the Students.
Harry holds Hermione hand and starts walking towards the portal, tossing the Rosario back at Moka, "Your mothers specter will remain for around ten more minutes, say what you need to say. Goodbye." he says, stepping through with the portal closing behind him.