Doting Reima

Reima extends his arm out, "Let's go Luna, I'm sure you guys have a lot to discuss."

Luna looks up at him, "Can I stay with Snuffles?" she asks, her puppy-dog eyes preventing him from even thinking about disagreeing.

Reima "S-sure... As long as Rissa is fine with it." he says sending her a questioning look.

Nerissa nods, "Come." she says to Luna, leading the others out of the room and leaving Moka alone with Akasha.

Reima bows to them both, "Excuse me." he says, disappearing in a flash of Turquoise light.

Akasha "Your friends are interesting..." she says with a smile.

Moka "They're your friends too mother... Do you remember them at all?"

Akasha slowly nods, "Slightly, my memories of that time are... Fuzzy, as you say."

Moka "Will you accept Ludvig-sans offer to resurrect you?" she asks, attempting to hold her mothers hands to no avail.

Akasha "It depends... Do you want him to?"

Moka frowns, "Of course! I want you back mother!"

Akasha smiles, "Then, we'll see where it goes, Moka."

The day passes, Reima, Asgore, and Harry all trying to get the housing built as quickly as possible, as well as plans for the new Hogwarts prepared.

Most Witches and Wizards weren't really bothered by the numerous races inhabiting Ichor, their experience with House Elves, and other magical creatures making them more open-minded than regular humans.

There were a few blood-purists that remained, but they understood their positions clearly and knew death awaited them should they step out of line.

All in all the migration from Hogwarts to Ichor was peaceful and efficient, the people's trust in Harry's power and kindness made it easy to direct them.

The next day Reima was knocking on Neissa's door to check how her and the others were doing, there was no answer for a couple minutes, forcing him to knock a couple more times, louder than before.

The door suddenly opens as he was going to start knocking again, revealing Luna in her pajama's, behind her on the bed was Moka with two fluffy bundles of black fur curled around her.

Luna "Reima! Good morning!" she chirps happily.

He rubs her head and nods at the others, "Think they're gonna get up anytime soon?"

Luna thinks for a moment before shaking her head, "Moka and Snuffles were up all night... They were still talking when I fell asleep..."

Reima "Probably not then..." he mutters, finding Nerissa being so social to be a pleasant surprise. "If you're up for it, we can walk around town for a bit... I've got a couple of things that'll blow you away." he says with a grin.

Luna "Ah... We can't..." she says, her smile suddenly turning to a frown.

Reima raises a brow, "Why's that?"

Luna "Mummy said to run if a boy starts talking about blowing..." she puts a finger on her chin, "I'm not sure why though."


Reima "Your mother was a wise woman... Forget about blowing, I've got a couple things that'll knock your sock-... Cheer you up." he says, already guessing that her mother, and probably father, had filled her head with various things...

Luna quickly nods, "Let me get dressed." she says, running back inside and reaching her arm into a mokeskin bag. She pulls out some wizarding robes, frowns, and picks up some casual wear instead. She turns to the still smiling Reima and shoo's him with her hand, "Do you want to watch Reima?" she asks, an innocent expression still on her face.

Reima's back straightens, "Err.. No, I was lost in thought." he says, shutting the door and waiting outside.

Fortunately, Luna was a typical girl, three to five minutes later the door opens again with the full dressed fourteen-year-old. She wore no makeup, but didn't need any as she was cute enough as it is.

Reima "Ready?" she nods and he continues, "Then, let's get breakfast first... What do you fancy?"

Luna "Pudding?"

Reima snorts but nods anyway, "Sure." he says, holding her hand and teleporting them both to a desert shop run by a former prospect.

Afterwards Reima shows her around the town, clothing stores, jewelry, the giant gold statue of he and Solaire in the town square, and many other places. They hadn't reached the best part yet however...

Reima leads Luna by the hand towards a place he'd had specifically designed for children... A farm filled with as many "harmless" animals as possible. They reach the fence surrounding it and could already spot various Monster, Human, and Non-human children petting the animals within...

Luna "Oooohh, is that a tiger?" she asks, pointing at the large killing machine currently being climbed by many children.

Reima nods, "It is... Found it being hunted by Zerrikanians..." he says, not mentioning that the tiger was the only survivor of that encounter...

Luna "Is it happy being climbed?" she asks, finding something strange about it not tearing those kids to pieces.

Reima "I think so... I've only limited its aggression, other than that it gets lots of exercises and food."

Luna nods, "Do you have any Hippogryphs?" she asks, glancing around.

Reima scratches his chin, "Yeah, I think the Elves brought a few over."

Luna "Then, did you save any Thestrals?!" she exclaims, drawing the attention of nearby watchers.

Reima grins, "Yeah, I did... You wanna see them?"

The young girl rapidly nods and Reima takes this as a yes, taking her hand and teleporting to where the Unicorn and Thestral herd had previously been seen.

Luckily, it seemed that they were still nearby, small golden furred foals skipped nearby and played with one another, occasionally accidentally running into a Thestral which playfully knocked them away with its skeletal wing.

Reima looks down to speak to Luna, but finds her already skipping towards the herd. He crosses his arms and watches as she attempts to pet the Foals, only for them to run away shyly. "We should get more Unicorns." he mutters.