Overwhelming Technology

[Hey, someone wants to kill you. Hehe.] A voice from Dylan's head suddenly resounded. It was Daedalus, the super AI chip that he installed into his brain to control the Cloak of Death's nanobots and E-Trans System.

'I can do it!' Purple Dragon's chop moved so fast that it seemed like a blade cutting through the air. He mustered his entire strength and all of his power to that one attack towards Dylan's neck.

"DRACONIC TALON!" Purple Dragon roared on the top of his lungs as his hand accelerated even further! That deadly chop on the neck could even bend steel bars much less a person's neck!

'Boss is attacking Dylan Ford's neck? That's right his neck is the only one which is still exposed! With his speed and catching Dylan Ford in surprise, he could quickly kill him!' Purple Serpent had an extremely fast realization once he saw that attack.

But Dylan had long since been vigilant for any surprise attack. He long since discovered Purple Dragon's intent of attacking him even without Daedalus' warning. When he was talking earlier, he noticed that unlike his fellow purple beasts, Purple Dragon still had the will to live in his eyes!

If he used Daedalus, he could have even seen the unrest in Purple Dragon's neural activity as soon as he noticed those unrelenting eyes. Then, he could have discovered that Purple Dragon was planning to attack him. But he chose not to since he already knew what he would attack.

That would be his neck since he purposely designed the cloak to expose his neck. This was to give his opponent false hope and plunging them to true despair!

It would be akin to having a parachute during a plane crash but once you jump into it, you will soon discover that it was broken and unusable, therefore, plunging to your immediate doom!


A cracking sound was heard when Purple Dragon hit Dylan's neck. However, Purple Dragon the attacker felt there was something off. He felt an impact but he didn't feel that sensation of breaking a neck like he would in the past, 'That's strange...'

Dylan's body seemed to have waned backwards which seemed that he was about to fall. This caused Purple Serpent and the others to be elated as they cheered, "He did it! You got him!"

"Boss, you're the best!" Purple Bear laughed in celebration. No one would understand how he felt right now. He just narrowly escaped death if it weren't thanks to Purple Dragon's timely response!

"That's-" Purple Dragon was going to reply when he suddenly felt extreme pain. In which his face contorted, he let out an agonized grunt as he fell on his butt.


When he saw his hand, it was crushed according to the shape of Dylan's neck. The hand bled severely and multiple compound fractures with bones sticking out of his hand!

The Cloak of Death nanobits was carbon reinforced to the point that its hardness could even rival gold! The backlash of delivering an all-out attack on the nano-bot fabric was akin to courting death.

Dylan suddenly stretched his neck and spoke coldly, "Indeed, he did it. You got a one-way ticket to hell!"

"Welcome to hell!" With bloodshot eyes, he stretched his hands and pierced through each of Purple Dragons' shoulders with his fingers. He skillfully stuck his fingers to the joints of the shoulder to prevent Purple Dragon from moving his arms.

"Gargh! Dammit! You could have killed me with one stroke why? Do you pity me?! End me if you dare!" Purple Dragon coughed up blood as he gritted his teeth.

He grasped one of Dylan's hands with his left hand which was still in good condition. The fact that Dylan did not kill him as quickly as he could had hurt his pride! He was not afraid of death but he was afraid of being disgraced! That was his warrior code!

"Hmph. You think I'm afraid of killing you? Just stay put. I will make you beg for your life later!" Dylan shrugged as he thought, 'E-Trans: Hands of Inferno.'

[Aye Aye! Hehe.] Daedalus replied as he quickly performed the commands to transform the remaining electric energy in the Cloak of Death's storage into heat energy.

In just a split second, Dylan's fingers started burning up. It went from 36 degrees celsius to one hundred degrees celsius! But it did not stop there, as Dylan's fingers continued to release heat in rising temperatures!

"What?! Arrrrghhh!!!" Purple Dragon screamed in pain! It must be known that purple rankers have been trained to possess very high resistance in heat, cold, electricity and more which enhanced their pain tolerance to an inhuman extent.

Yet, the pain of Dylan's fingers that seemed to have come out straight out of the furnace made him scream in pain. The intense pain from the heat was only one of the factors because with the increase in temperature, his blood felt like burning water, his muscles were melting and his bones were even crumbling!

To escape from such torture, Purple Dragon kicked Dylan in the stomach to put distance between them but Dylan was even more decisive than him! Dylan dug his fingers even more as he ripped Purple Dragon's arms from him on the moment of impact!


"ARRRGHH!!" The pain of having your arms removed from you was gut-wrenching. Purple Dragon spasmed on the ground as he felt the searing pain from the burns in his shoulders and the pain of having his arms taken!

"Fuck! (Shit!) (Move, Damn it!)"

The others could only watch the scene with fear… 

Although they were still rendered immobile by the shock, they could not help but curse at themselves for not being able to help their captain!

"Where is Rose?" Dylan asked again.

"The contract... the contract states not to reveal anything to the target... We, masked beasts, uphold our vows... like they were our very own life! So I'd rather die than go back on my word!!" Purple Dragon gritted his teeth.

"..." Dylan was silent and motionless after he heard those words.

"Haaghh, Yaaah!!" Purple Dragon breathed heavily as he relied on adrenaline to move his body while disregarding the liters of blood squirting out of his shoulders. He stood up and attacked again.

Purple Dragon's mastery at the Martial Renaissance Realm and the fact that his life was hanging by a thread allowed him to quickly adapt to his armless body.

 He somersaulted which caused his blood to spurt even further. But it also served as a binding agent when it filled the eye sockets of Dylan's mask. 


Staking his entire life, he executed a beautiful bicycle kick in mid-air as he hit Dylan! 

"Yeah, that's right! We will never desecrate the name of masked beasts!!" At this point, the other masked beasts have fully recovered from the paralysis. 

With the signal of their captain, they also lunged forwards and attacked with all their might!

Without saying a single word, they lunged towards Dylan. It was then that they showcased their perfect coordination, two of them made Dylan trip and fall to the ground. 

Another two came crashing down on Dylan's body with a kick after a somersault. The other four were skilled in locks as they sealed Dylan's limbs individually!

Such a flawlessly done synchronized attack may only be achievable after several years of fighting side by side while you overcome countless dangerous endeavors and a sense of kinship closer than blood relation!

 Seizing that single opportunity, they were able to turn the tides against Dylan!

Another mounted on the body as he continuously pummeled Dylan's exposed neck! The other three went to Purple Dragon as two of them quickly ripped their sleeves and used it to stop the hemorrhage.

Along with their hellish training, they were also individually equipped with survival skills such as first aid, bandaging and other similar skills in order to deal with any sort of unexpected developments during missions.

"We got him boss. It's all thanks to you!" Purple Lion tried to comfort Purple Dragon while they wrapped his wounds.

However, Purple Dragon's attention was elsewhere and his face was still riddled with anxiety and terror. This was because he had personally experienced the horrific wonders of the Cloak of Death.

The cloth covering Dylan's neck may have been thin but it was as hard as pure gold! Thus, he warned loudly, "Get away from him!

But it was already too late as Purple Bear who mounted on top of Dylan's body had his fist broken with his bones shattered into shards after punching Dylan's neck six times! 

He stood up and looked at his bloodied arms in shock, "What is this fabric made of?!"

The others have seen this as well which caused their faces hidden under the masks to pale and their foreheads sweating bullets. "Is that even clothing?! That seems like armor made of diamonds!!"

But their expressions soon started to change when they felt Dylan resisting, the four were being lifted off the ground though they tried to strengthen their grapples.

"How can he be this strong?!" They all looked at each other and felt that this strength was unreal. It was as if they were dealing with a wild bull who is rampaging in an arena.

Dylan's patience was finally extinguished and he shouted in anger, "My patience is running thin! I'm just asking where my wife is! How hard is it to tell that to me?! Argh, you brainwashed imbeciles!"

" Since you all value your honor so much…"

"Then, die!" Dylan gave up resisting as he forcefully dug his hands and toes to the necks of the four who were pinning him down. 

"!!" The four were caught off guard by Dylan's sudden power burst but they swiftly tried to respond.

However, Dylan was no longer in the mood to fool around with these masked beasts. His wife's life was on the line. So, he no longer had any time to waste here. "E-Trans: Thundershock!"

The half of the stress and damage applied to him by the continuous attacks of the Robo-Squad Prime.

 The Purple Dragon Team was converted into four condensed 10,000-volt attacks that penetrated the bodies of the four masked beasts which fried their brains completely!

Their deaths did not even give them the opportunity to scream as their heads exploded from the intense power of the four attacks. The insides of their heads spread all over the parking lot.

"What the-?!" Purple Dragon and the other three masked beasts which were not far from the place of incident.

He saw this gory scene which made their hairs stand on end even with their experienced eyes.

"Monster!!" Purple Bear felt relieved that he unmounted or else he would have also been killed so horrendously like his four companions. But his relief did not last long as he saw Dylan stand in front of him!

"Die!" Dylan's right hand moved like a phantom as it passed through the chest of Purple Bear and was quickly retracted after.

"There's... no pain..." Purple Bear revealed a frightened expression not due to pain but because he did not feel the pain of being pierced in the chest. He saw a hole on his chest and blood coming out of it. But he could not feel anything despite coughing mouthful of blood

All he felt was empty... coldness within him as though he lost something. 


Suddenly, his body felt very silent and that was when he lost strength and fell backwards. 

In his dying breath, he realized the cause of this strange feeling, "He has crushed... my heart..."

Dylan had long moved past Purple Bear's corpse just when he was about to fall. 

He headed straight towards Purple Dragon whose wounds seemed to have stopped bleeding. But he was blocked by Purple Lion and his other two friends.

"I'm going to kill you as a tribute to my friends!!" Purple Lion roared as he and the other two shot the rifles with them in their madness!

*Ratatat* *Ratatat* *Ratatat*

But the barrage of bullets proved ineffective as they could not even put a scratch on the Cloak of Death. Dylan extended his arms as he somersaulted when he was only two meters away from the three. "E-Trans: Hands of Inferno-Max Heat!"

Dylan landed on the back of the Purple Lion trio. His skeletal hands were like Death's hand as they grabbed the heads of Purple Lion and another masked beast by the mouth. The two could not even let out a single noise as their heads melted upon contact with Dylan's hand.

Without stopping, he completely melted the two heads in one second and slapped both hands to the face of the remaining masked beast! The three headless bodies fell on the ground. The remains of their melted heads were like lava as it continued to burn the floor of the parking lot.

"Where is Rose?" Dylan asked Purple Dragon who was sitting on the ground with his head faced down.

"Kill me." Purple Dragon was burning with hatred for Dylan because he killed his comrades. But he hated himself even more because he was powerless to avenge them.

Complete defeat and absolute despair. These two would accurately describe what he was currently feeling as a cripple who no longer had arms. Even so, he stood up and attacked Dylan with a roundhouse kick.

But Dylan caught his foot and with a twist of his wrist, the foot broke. Fylan again asked, "Where is Rose?"

But Purple Dragon did not let it bother him and even twisted his body which further dislocated his foot to attack Dylan again. Sadly, it was caught yet again.

This time, Dylan twisted both feet, thereby, crippling Purple Dragon completely. Purple Dragon fell on the ground and now he could no longer stand nor attack again. Dylan insistently questioned, "Where is Rose?"

"I will never- Gaaaaghhh!" Purple Dragon wanted to say that he would never answer the question but Dylan removed his mask and pulled his tongue out of his mouth. Dylan asked again with the same heartless tone, "Where is Rose?"

Purple Dragon stared at this man with horror. He did not expect that he would actually be this crazy because he could no longer speak properly so how could Dylan get the answer?

"Hacck hoo!(Fuck you!) Kerrr hee(Kill me!)" Purple Dragon did not give up even when he was being tortured.

Dylan again inquired all the same, "Where is Rose?"

"Heh, hi woo ng hew, gch!(See you in hell, bitch!)" Purple Dragon smirked and said.

[It's done! This is what I got from his neurological waves.] Daedalus suddenly rang from Dylan's head.

"So, she's with Dale and he brought her to his office to watch?" Dylan suddenly spoke.

"Huh?!" Purple Dragon looked at Dylan in shock because what he just said was true! But what he didn't understand was how did Dylan get such information when he was just beating him up?!

What he did not know was that Dylan had an advanced AI chip like Daedalus who could detect neurological waves as though they were energy waves and convert it to sound which it would further translate into codes based on the frequency.

The reason why Dylan kept on beating up Purple Dragon was because he had to stimulate his brain with pain while he asked the same question. 

When asked a question you know an answer to, the idea subconsciously pops into our thoughts.

Thus by repeatedly stimulating Purple Dragon, Daedalus was able to differentiate the data derived and translate the thought of Rose's whereabouts.

"You no longer have any use. Die!" Dylan crushed Purple Dragon's whole neck with his foot and left. He turned around and headed back to the executive elevator.

But, he saw that the elevator was not working. So, he broke the ceiling and jumped to the top of the elevator. He looked above as he said, "Dale, you better have not hurt Rose or I'm going to make you face something more brutal than that Purple Dragon!"

Then, he jumped from wall to wall as he scaled Omega Tower and headed to floor 107 where his brother's office is!