His Story

Ten minutes earlier, three minutes before Dylan's encounter with the Yellow Tiger Team...

Vice- President Office, 107th Floor, Omega Tower

Dale had arrived at his office with two of his personal bodyguards and his secretary.

 These two were also part of the Black Suits, the security organization of Omega where they train young martial artists.

With state-of-the-art combat training facilities, famous martial arts instructors and highly optimizing health programs, the Blacksuits became a defensive force known to have stopped countless attempts to infiltrate, kidnap and even assassinate Omega's VIPs.

All of which were trained extensively that all guards employed as Black Suits have reached Martial Master Realm while the upper echelons of the organization have even reached half-step to Internal Force Realm. 

There are also a select few who have steadily reached the Internal Force Realm!

Although Dylan's Black Suits are incomparable to Diablo's masked beasts, they were still considered as a terrifying security force because their numbers range from 90,000 to 100,000 which is thrice the number of the masked beasts!

These two Blacksuits were part of those select few. Dylan assigned them to Dale to ensure his safety at all times. 

Right now, they were carrying a metallic rectangular box which was 2 meters long and 1 meter wide as they entered the office.

'What are we carrying? This is so damn heavy! It should be at least a hundred and twenty kilograms!' The two thought to themselves as they lifted the rectangular case to a free space of the office.

Dale's office was as large as half a basketball court while being decorated with pictures, tokens and certificates that he gained throughout his service to the company.

"Sir Dale, where should we put the case?" One of the guards asked after they placed the rectangular box for a little breather.

"Hm, that place should do. You may now all take your leave. You too, Mark." Dale sat on the sofa reserved for the host as he poured the hot tea which was prepared by his secretary.

A man with a short frame wearing a formal suit and tie bowed as soon as he finished preparing the tea and snack. "As you wish, sir Dale."

"We shall take our leave." The three bid farewell as they exited the room.

After hearing that the door was locked, Dale touched the table in front of him as a holographic screen appeared.

 He selected the option [Lock Door] which made the door become locked.

From his coat, he grabbed a small device, the size of a match box, which seemed like a control due to the selection of buttons on it. 

He clicked the controller which caused the box to be slit. The newly formed lid was slowly lifted as it opened the box .

Suddenly, something was thrown from the opened box and its trajectory aimed at Dale's head! Fortunately, he was able to duck just in time to evade the projectile.

Dale sighed, "Do you really have to throw your high heel at me? That was from the recent Christian Louboutin series which is not even revealed to the public yet."

"Dale?!" The voice of the attacker was feminine voice with a sweet angelic appeal.

This lady had peerless beauty like a shining pristine diamond with skin so fair they were akin to snow. Her rosy white face was as innocent as an angel. Her lustrous black hair drooped down her shoulder like the flowing stream of a river.

Her blue eyes were like the sky so blue it felt serene and beautiful. Her vivacious body could be considered as a work of art because her curves seemed as if they were crafted by the hands of a deity.

This world-shocking beauty was the world-renowned blockbuster moviestar and supermodel and the wife of the Greatest Businessman, Roselyn Collins or to be more precise, Roselyn Ford.

Dale looked at her with gentle and loving eyes. It was though he was afraid of hurting her with his gaze, "Rose, why is it that you've become even more beautiful?"

"Dale, stop messing around. Where...? We're in your office?" Rose blinked her eyes a couple of times. Her expression was clearly that of wonder and shock. 'Wasn't I...'

"...." Dale did not respond. He seemed to be dazed just by staring at Rose.

She could not understand what was happening to her as she just went on a complete roller coaster ride. 

She was kidnapped and now she appears here in her brother-in-law's office. Talk about bizarre… 

So, Rose asked once more, "What happened to those strange men? Did you save me? Thank you, Dale!"

 She smiled sweetly as she said her thanks.

"..." Again, Dale did not answer. His eyes glued to her as though he was mesmerized by her smile.

Rose did not seem to mind this as she continued speaking.

 She thought that Dale might have not understood, "I was just kidnapped by some people with white masks after I went to the toilet back at the airport. How did you find me though?"

Suddenly, Rose remembered as she frowned, "Oh, where's Hubby, I mean, Dylan? Did you tell him that I'm safe? Can you lend me your phone for a sec? I have to tell him I'm safe or he'll go crazy worrying. He might cause another scene like last ti-"

The silent Dale suddenly bursted with emotions as he shouted, "He's not here!"

"Oh... He must be at home waiting. I guess I should get going now. Sorry about throwing my shoe earlier." Rose apologized for the inconvenience she caused.

"Rose, why don't you have tea with me for a while? After all, it's been a while since we talked to each other." Dale suddenly offered with a smile.

"But, Dylan..." Rose hesitated.

Imperceptibly, Dale's mouth twitched when he heard Dylan's name again but he maintained composure and assured her.

 "Don't worry. I had someone tell him you're safe. A few minutes shouldn't hurt, right?" he said.

"Okay. But only for a short while." Rose finally agreed.

 She went towards the guest sofa and grabbed a cup as she poured tea and sat with her legs crossed. 

She praised after a sip, "That's delicious! Mark's tea is one of the best I've tasted."

Dale smiled, "Why don't we watch a short movie?"

"Hey, you told me it will only take a short while! Dylan's going to get angry at me if I don't go home by 12." Rose cutely pouted.

Dale grinded his teeth upon the mention of Dylan's name but he managed to calm himself down. 

He convinced Rose, "Don't worry. It will be pretty short. It won't take ten minutes. So, just sit back and relax. I'll have my guards prepare a car for you after. How about that?"

"Well... fine. But only because the tea is good." Rose finally gave in.

"Hahaha, alright." Dale nodded. He swiped his fingers at the holographic screen and pressed a button. Subsequently, a holographic monitor appeared beside the sofa.


Rose was just done taking another sip from the tea when she saw the video that was being casted on the monitor. Then, she saw a familiar scene. She had been with Dylan all these years so she was fairly familiar with Omega.

She spoke with uncertainty in her voice, "The parking lot of the Emergency Exit Area?"

Then, she saw two figures near the elevator. She knitted her brows because she could not see the faces of those two but judging from their physique, she could tell that they were men.

"Dale, isn't this-" Before she could continue what she was going to say, Dale pressed another button.

Her left hand that was on the arm rest and her left foot beside the left chair leg was suddenly caught by metallic cuffs that emerged on the armrest and the chair leg.

 There was also another restrainer that caught her waist. "What?!"

She also noticed similar restrainers on the right armrest and the right leg. It was as if it was prepared beforehand to seal her movements. She looked at Dale with shock as she realized something.

She was kidnapped at the airport and she woke up at Dale's office. Now, she was restrained on her seat with handcuffs. "Dale, are you... the one who ordered those masked men to capture me?"

"As expected, you're as quick witted as ever but you realized it all too late. Hm, too bad that you were drinking tea and sitting with your legs crossed. But, you're confined enough to not let you stand." Dale said as he took another sip of his cup of tea.

"But, why?" Rose asked in confusion.

Dale did not answer, instead, he looked at the screen "You wanted to see that bastard, right? Here, he comes."

"Dale, I'm asking you why would you do something like this! I-" Rose was going to continue asking Dale's reason, however, when she turned her attention to the monitor.

 She saw the figure of the love of her life that just got out of the elevator, "Dylan?!"

Then, she recalled the two men near the elevator. Her flawless face paled as she shouted at the screen, hoping that her voice would reach her man, "Dylan, dodge!"

It was also at that moment, that the man nearest to Dylan, fired at him. 

But, Dylan seemed to have heard Rose's cry and he was able to successfully dodge the bullets. However, Rose was still tense when he saw that Dylan was heading towards the other masked man.

"Oh, no!" Dylan stopped after being pointed at a gun which made Rose's heart skip a beat. Dylan seemed to have been saying something as he touched his watch and pressed the handle of his briefcase.

Suddenly, he pointed the watch which transformed into a tiny rocket launcher and the briefcase that became a rifle to the two assailants! After the exchanged fire, Dylan seemed to have gained the upper hand.

Rose let out a sigh of relief seeing that Dylan was safe. She looked at him as a woman who prided herself being the wife of this man, 'Hubby is really cool! He easily took those two assassins on.'

Dale felt irritated seeing that affectionate gaze that Rose used to stare at Dylan. 

This further fueled his rage and hatred. 'Rose, why is it that you love him and not me?! Tch, it looks like that bastard hasn't lost his touch despite being away from the ring.''

Then, several more men appeared and attacked Dylan, disarming him. 

The two parties seemed to have arrived at a ceasefire and started conversing about something.

Anxious, Rose returned his attention to Dale, "Dale, I didn't know that you were this low! Dylan sacrificed a lot for you! What sort of younger brother would have his own brother get killed?! Stop this nonsense right now! Have those men retreat!"

Hearing those words, Dale could no longer take it as he shouted at Rose again as he grabbed documents from his briefcase and threw it at the table, "What do you know?! Dylan, that fucking bastard, he is no brother of mine! He knew about it all along and he hid it from me!"

Rose saw the document with the name, "DNA Results of Dylan Ford and Dale Ford"with a date, June 13, 2055. One of the papers stuck out of the document's folder. 

Within, there were highlighted parts that stated,

'The results show that Dale Ford and Dylan Ford are not blood-related...'

"This..." Rose was shaken when she saw those words. She did not expect that Dylan and Dale were not brothers.

Although they were not identical, there were semblances in their appearances that would lead you to think that they were related. Thus, she has always believed that the two were brothers.

Still, Rose did not give up and tried to persuade him, "Even though you are not blood related, the bond that you both shared all those years... I don't believe that they were worth anything!"

After three deep breaths, he said, "You're right... We did share a bond, a bond closer than blood brothers... But it all changed when he suddenly disappeared... Those six months were the darkest years of my life..."

"What do you mean?" Rose did not seem to understand.

Dale's eyes became darker and his aura exuded deep hate, "Of course, you would never know. It was when he just became a UFC Champion and an undefeated MMA legend he is... That year I was kidnapped because of him!"

"I... I'm sorry I did not know..." Rose was shocked once more. She did not expect that Dale had such a dark past!

Dale spoke as he tightened his fists, "I was tortured each day by those bastards! I was praying for him to come! They used me as a chip to use my brother in some sort of tournament. But at that time, I did not know what was happening. I thought that I was just being used as ransom to extort my brother."

"Fortunately, he did well so I managed to get out. I felt so much gratitude to him at that time that I would follow him until the day I died. Our relationship was as good as it would get at that time. He suddenly decided to start a company that developed as a national figure in several years and I supported him."

" At that time, I finished my studies and I worked at Omega. That was also when the comparisons between the two of us started. No matter what I do, in the eyes of others, I would always be beneath him. The anxiety was constantly building up within me but I paid it no mind because I knew in my heart that I was doing my best to support my brother."

"Then, you appeared..." Dale suddenly paused when he looked at Rose. Dale's gaze turned tender and filled with love.

His voice turned gentle as he recalled those bitter sweet memories, "You were like the light in that dark world. You gave me warmth and bliss I never experienced... You were and have been my everything ever since I first met you..."

Dale's voice turned self-mocking and sorrowful, "I pursued you for one year straight. Then, you finally made it clear that you don't feel the same as I did for you. I understood. You had countless admirers who have been pursuing you for years yet were met with rejection. So, I accepted my fate..."

Then, it became filled with envy and hate, "But! Of all the men in the world, you just had to choose Dylan! Why?! We nearly looked the same! We almost have the same amount of wealth and status! Both our achievements have also reached the peak. He is only slightly better than me!"

Dale moved closer to Rose until he was mere centimeters away from her face, "Does he flatter you better? Does he buy you better gifts than I did? Why did you have to choose him and not me?!"

"Dale, you're too close- Mmm!!" Then, Dale could no longer control himself and suddenly kissed her which greatly shocked Rose but she quickly used her free hand and slapped his face which caused Dale to stagger backwards!

Rose answered with a determined look in her eyes, "It's because Dylan is Dylan and you are you. No matter who is better than you, who is richer, who is more handsome, the fact still remains that you are two different people."

The slap seemed to have brought Dale to his senses as he stood up, "Is that so? Then, why do you love him?"

"I could tell you a thousand or even a million reasons why... But all of it ultimately goes back to one reason... He is the one I want to spend my entire life with." Rose closed her eyes as if she was trying to recall her moments with Dylan. When she opened her eyes, an angelic smile appeared on her face.

"I see..." Dale looked away and evaded the sight of that beauty.

 He turned around and continued his story, "Going back... One month earlier, I reported to his office to leave an important document that needs to be signed by him. But, I saw one of his desk's drawers was slightly opened. It was then that I saw that DNA test result..."

"He tried to explain but I could care less what he had to say. He had broken the trust I had for him. From that point on, I investigated myself. I discovered many things that led me to discover that those six months I spent in the darkness being tortured was due to him!"

"Before I knew it, I was swallowed by hatred but it felt right at the same time. That's why I planned all of this to happen. I was planning to reveal Dylan's true colors to you hoping that you would turn your back against him but... it seems like your love is too strong too crack..."

Dale turned around and looked at Rose who was just a meter away from him, "I guess I'll just have to show you how much I love you that it drove me to this point."

Rose looked terrified when she saw those lust filled eyes. She wanted to scream but Dale covered her mouth and pinned her right hand and right leg.



The door was broken open. The two guards and the secretary were beaten up and were unconscious on the floor. A black cloaked man with a one-horned skull mask was standing by the door!

Dylan roared in anger, "DALE!!! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY WIFE!!"