The End


This part requires a lots and lots of changes. I wrote this when I had not even read the full Volume 5. You may read from here if you want but it will definitely change in the future.


Today was humanity's darkest day.

There was a bright sun hanging in the sky hiding behind the clouds.

The clouds dispersed and the rays of light were shown on the ground revealing everything to the naked eye.

The surrounding was full of dust and blood mixed with thousands and millions of corpses that were showing signs of very heavy battle.

On a very big rock at the centre of the area sat a young looking man.

His left arm was torn off and was bleeding profusely.

There was also a gaping hole in his chest.

It was a very grotesque sight to see. Normal person would vomit at such a sight.

It seemed that the young man was in lot of pain but there was still a hint of a smile on his face and his eyes were shining, showing an excited look, as if he was looking forward to something.

This young man was Fang Yuan!

Yes, our very own righteous MC whose ultimate goal was to achieve Immortality.

He was looking forward to a bright future.

After years and years of ongoing fight, he had finally defeated and killed all the Gu Immortals of the Heavenly Court as well as separated Star Constellation Immortal Venerable from Heaven's Will and killed her too.

Dealing with Heaven's will and Star Constellation Venerable was the toughest battle he had ever faced where every second his life was handing on a thread and a single wrong step could have killed him.

During the past years, he had done his fair share of research for Eternal Life.

He had now gained true Inheritances of all 10 venerables as well as Inheritances of Heavenly Court as well as Longevity Heaven from past hundred thousand years.

Unfortunately, he could not save Spectral Soul since Heavenly Court Gu Immortals in their last ditch attempt extinguished Spectral Soul's soul and thus ending his life.

Also, the rest of the members of Shadow Sect such as Bai Ning Bing, Hei Lou Lan, Ying Wu Xie, Sixth Hair, etc could not survive the disastrous battle with Heavenly Court.

Ying Wu Xie and Sixth Hair went mad due to end of Spectral Soul's life and retaliated very heavily against the Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, even disregarding their own life.

Heavenly Court was already at it's last legs and due to this heavy retaliation, it fell apart.

The Gu Immortals were in total chaos. In this last battle, although Heavenly Court was thoroughly defeated, it took down the lives of almost all of Shadow Sect members including Ying Wu Xie and Sixth Hair.

Fang Yuan fortunately managed to survive because of his persistence and cunning nature. But a huge part of it was because others except for Bai Ning Bing sacrificed themselves to save him.

Bai Ning Bing lost his life against a Rank 8 Heavenly Court member while he was trying to escape.

Fang Yuan felt a bit of sorrow since he had spent a lot of time with these guys, however he choose to kept the sorrow aside. He had not yet achieved his goals.

Though, he now already had an inkling as to way he had to advance forward to achieve his goal of Immortality.

Today he had taken a very important step on the path of his goal as now there few to none who could oppose him on his future path.

The past hardships he faced, battles he fought, tricks he played, schemes he used, sacrifices he made, were all for the goal of achieving Immortality.

Fang Yuan took out Rank 8 Man as Before Immortal Gu and used it to restore himself to before he fought this last battle.

He was almost healed except for some areas which even Man as Before Gu could not heal. This were the wounds he suffered by Rank 9 Fate Gu and Rank 8 Man as Before Gu had limited effects on it.

He then checked his Immortal Aperture. Due to over use of Reverse Flow Protection Seal and other Secluded Domain of Heaven and Earth during the battle, he had depleted his Heaven and Earth Qi.

If the situation persisted, even his Sovereign Aperture could fall apart.

He quickly placed his Immortal Aperture on the ground to replenish Heaven and Earth Qi.

The Aperture was full of resources and wildlife. His Aperture was at the 7th level of development, which was classified as the highest level of development of an aperture.

At this level of development, the aperture would even produce wild Immortal Gu of Rank 6, Rank 7, Rank 8 and although very rare, even Rank 9 Immortal Gu.

Even their food requirements would be satisfied in the aperture itself. This level required one to create a natural eco-system similar to that of a real world inside one's aperture.

No one in history had reached such level and it was even classified as a myth/a legend.

Fang Yuan could only reach it because he has Rank 9 Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu as his aperture which had a construct similar to that of outside world with a total space of 335000+ square kilometers.

Soon, Heaven and Earth Qi was replenished.

Fang Yuan started thinking about his future plans.

He was currently a Rank 8 Gu Immortal. However his battle strength could be said to be that of a Rank 9 Venerable.

Otherwise, how could he have defeated Heavenly Court.

His most important priority right now was to use those Inheritances he had collected along with the information in <>, while using the light of wisdom from Wisdom Gu to create a recipe of either an Immortal Gu or an Immortal Gu Formation, which could help him attain Eternal Life.

He instantly went back to Lang Ya Blessed Land and greeted First Supreme Elder.

He then used Change Soul Immortal Killer Move using Change Soul Immortal Gu and other Gu's to transfer his soul into Immortal Zombie body.

He then went into a secret room. There was a gu which was floating in the air playing around in Blood Zhi Forest.

It saw Fang Yuan approaching, hence it quietly sat down in a place and began emitting rainbow coloured light of wisdom.

Watching this, Fang Yuan had a smile on his face and he sat down with his legs crossed and started deducting the recipe for Eternal Life.


5 years later.

Northern Plains

Lang Ya Blessed Land

First Supreme Elder had just completed a transaction of Immortal materials in yellow treasure heaven at a very good price. He was very happy.

Ever since Fang Yuan had defeated Heavenly Court, unrest had spread amongst Gu Immortals all over the world.

There was frequent killings amongst them and all signs of law and order were missing.

2 years ago, the barrier covering the five regions suddenly dissipated causing a very huge commotion. Many lives were lost due to this.

It was actually due to Fang Yuan re-refining Rank 9 Fate Gu since he required that Gu for his ultimate goal. He had spent a very huge price for this refinement and was on the verge of going broke. If not for Wealth Gu, he might never have succeeded.

Now there were no barriers, hence Gu Immortals easily surpassed the regions and started wreaking havoc everywhere.

Mortal lives were as cheap as grass and was easily stamped upon.

There was no controlling authority since both Heavenly Court of Central Continent and Longevity Heaven of Northern Plains had been totally defeated by Fang Yuan.

At this point of time, variant human faction led by First Supreme Elder came into picture.

It started a war against the human Gu Immortals, making the situation more chaotic.

The Gu Immortal started selling their resources in yellow treasure heaven at a cheap rate so that they could quickly earn some immortal stones to overcome the current chaotic situation.

Lang Ya First Supreme Elder just purchased a rare Immortal material at very low cost.

He was about to start the refinement process of a Immortal Gu using this material when suddenly, he placed his attention towards the secret room.

He knew of everything that happened in Lang Ya Blessed Land.

In the secret room, there was a person sitting crossed legged with his eyes closed.

He had been sitting like this for past 6 months while bathing in a rainbow coloured light.

"Finally, it's done" the person exclaimed.

He slowly opened his eyes. His eyes was shining as though he had completed a very important task.

This person was Fang Yuan in his Immortal Zombie body.

During these past years, after so many trials and errors, he finally found a way to achieve immortality!

He created a recipe of Rank 10 Immortal Gu which encompasses the whole Gu world.

Yes, the way to achieve Immortality, his ultimate goal, was to refine Rank 10 Longevity Sovereign Gu!

It was a known fact that Longevity Gu/Lifespan Gu is a mortal gu. However, this Gu, if upgraded to Rank 10, could possibly achieve immortality. However, it was only a hypothesis.

Rank 10 Longevity Gu was a Sovereign Gu, which was even a level higher than Immortal Gu.

The recipe he had hypothesized, using his attainment levels while using Wisdom Gu and all the Inheritance he acquired from Venerables and Immortals, was refinement of Rank 9 Spring Autumn Cicada, Rank 9 Wisdom Gu, Rank 9 Love Gu, Rank 9 Luck Gu, Rank 9 Strength Gu, Rank 9 Fate Gu, Rank 9 Hope Gu as primary components of refinement formation, all other Immortal Gu that are in existence and lives of each and every single Gu Immortal as secondary component of the refinement formation!

It was because each and every single Gu Immortal had an understanding of part of the Great Dao and every single Immortal Gu contains fragments of Great Dao. Rank 9 Gu are the greatest representations of the Great Dao because they contain the biggest fragments.

Humans are the spirit of all living beings and Gu are the essence of heaven and earth, the essence of the world itself.

Mortal Gu represent the traces of the Great Dao.

Immortal Gu represent the fragments of the Great Dao.

Rank 9 Immortal Gu represents part of the Great Dao. It is even said in legends that at the same time, there cannot be more than 10 Rank 9 Immortal Gu, otherwise the heaven and earth will fall apart.

A Gu Master using Gu is not simply using the Gu as a tool, but rather, it is a way to understand the Great Dao that encompasses heaven and earth.

The basic requirement of refining Rank 10 Longevity Sovereign Gu is to gather every single part of the Great Dao into the refinement formation.

Only when every single Immortal Gu that contains the fragment or part is either used in the formation or destroyed, and when all the Gu Immortals having understanding of the part of Great Dao is killed, will fulfill the basic requirement to form the perfect Great Dao for the use in the refinement of the legendary Rank 10 Longevity Sovereign Gu.

You question that if only the basic requirement was so ridiculous, then what are the other requirements other than having above Rank 9 Immortal Gu's?

There were a total of 4 requirements.

Second requirements was having Great Grandmaster attainment in every basic path and Supreme Grandmaster in Refinement Path. This was because every path has essence of heaven and earth and form the basis of Heavenly path.

It is to be known that Longevity Gu/Lifespan Gu is a Heavenly path Gu. Also, no one can refine Lifespan Gu as it's production is controlled by Heaven's Will.

Heavenly path is accumulation of all other path and Fang Yuan can only refine Longevity Sovereign Gu using this recipe is because it encompasses everything from Heaven to earth, also including the Great Dao into the refinement.

Third requirement was having an indomitable will and resolve.

Fang Yuan did not mind this requirement much because he had been fixed on his goal from the very beginning.

He even became the owner of Reverse Flow River due to his indomitable will to achieve Eternal Life.

Refining any Gu requires mental energy.

Since refining Rank 10 has a requirement of having the full Great Dao, it requires one to have a indomitable will.

Final requirement and most difficult one was to be a Rank 10 Gu Immortal. This was because this refinement would consume large amounts of essence and ordinary reserve of Rank 9 Immortals is insufficient to activate the refinement formation.

No one in this world had ever been a Rank 10 Gu Immortal and thus it was not known how it could be achieved.

Fang Yuan felt a headache coming due to above requirement.

He understood that the process of refining the Rank 10 Longevity Sovereign Gu would be very very difficult.

If not for Fang Yuan, it would have been impossible for any other Gu Immortals or even Venerables to achieve this.

But Fang Yuan had the confidence. He would first start with wiping out Gu Immortals and collecting as many Immortal Gu as possible.

He stood up and walked out of the secret room only to find First Supreme Elder standing in front of him.

"You are finally out of seclusion. This session must have been very beneficial to you" (Lang Ya spirit)

"Indeed. I have finally completed the recipe." (Fang Yuan)

"Great. Can you let me look at the recipe? I can offer you great amounts of resources." (Lang Ya Spirit)

"It's not that I can't but I am afraid you can't afford the cost" Fang Yuan said with disdain evident in his eyes.

He had spent years and decades for this recipe. There was no way he was going to hand it over unless handling it over would be beneficial to him.

If Lang Ya Spirit came to know that the recipe required Fang Yuan to kill all the Gu Immortals and collect/destroy all Immortal Gu's, then he would use every resource at his disposal to Fang Yuan since even the Hairy Man Gu Immortals and Variant Humans would have to be killed by Fang Yuan.

Also, if anyone came to know that Fang Yuan was planning to collect all the Rank 9 Immortal Gu, the Gu Immortals would do everything to take it from Fang Yuan.

Hence, Fang Yuan could not reveal this recipe to anyone. It would bring much harm to him then the benefits.

Lang Ya Sect had too many Immortal Gu and Fang Yuan was planning to deceive the First Supreme Elder and collect all those Gu's.

One way was to transform into hairy Gu Immortal and become accepted as a master by Lang Ya Spirit.

Another way was to use force to make the Lang ya spirit use up all his Immortal Essence stones, and then trapping it. However, the Lang Ya Blessed Land had a huge foundation and it would be very difficult to deplete it.

Both the methods had shortcomings but Fang Yuan preferred the first method. He just had to find the body of Hairy man Gu Immortal.

Fang Yuan started to plan.


Central Continent

Heaven Overseeing Tower

After defeating Heavenly Court and Heaven's Will, Fang Yuan had used Lifespan Gu of 5000 years and spent a total of 2000 years before reaching the final step to refine the Rank 10 Longevity Immortal Sovereign Gu.

In the past 2000 years, he had relentlessly chased after Gu Immortals and spent lots of efforts in collecting as many as Immortal Gu as he could and destroying the rest and also raised his attainment level and cultivation level.

Rank 8 Dao Traces Gu helped him in finding out locations of Gu Immortals and Immortal Gu since they both have traces of the Great Dao.

Finally, after 100 years of Heavenly Court's defeat did Fang Yuan manage to kill all the Gu Immortals and collect as many Immortal Gu as possible.

He was trying to collect more Immortal Gu since higher the number, better the chances of success in refinement.

Even if it increases chances by 0.01%, Fang Yuan would put in his best efforts.

After that, Fang Yuan spent next 900 years increasing his attainment level.

The most difficult part was to reach Supreme Grandmaster in Refinement path.

He only achieved the attainment levels with the help of Dream path Rank 9 Dream of the dead Gu.

This Gu can help the Gu Immortal experience the lives of any person under Rank 9 who he had killed.

The most beneficial death was the death of Star Constellation Immortal Venerable.

Since, Fang Yuan had killed almost all the Gu Immortals in the world, he lived through countless lives during the 900 years leading his attainment levels to soar.

He also gained a deeper understanding on how the world work along with understanding of heaven and earth.

The path to Rank 10 cultivation was an unwalked one.

Fang Yuan was Rank 8 when he defeated Heavenly Court and currently he was Rank 9.

He ascended to Rank 9, 50 years after defeating Heavenly Court due to infusing lots of Grotto Heavens of dead Gu Immortals in his Immortal Aperture.

After his attainment levels reached the requirements after 1000 years, he immediately began to prepare for Rank 10.

Over the years, he came to understand that to become a Rank 10 existence, he has to be above heaven and earth.

One way would be enslave and control heaven itself.

Ever since Star Constellation Immortal Venerable died, Heaven's will lost it's craftiness and became much more easier to subdue.

But it was still quite a difficult task for a mere Rank 9 Gu Immortal.

Fang Yuan created a Immortal Gu Formation using 150 Immortal Gu and millions of Mortal Gu which covered whole of the 5 regions and also Black and White Heaven.

This Gu Formation used a large amount of Immortal Essence, most of which it recovered from the natural world.

It was a Emotion path and Enslavement Path Gu Formation

It's purpose was to influence of every single will and thought covered by the formation to be under the subservience of Fang Yuan.

Since, Heaven's Will was the will of the world and the Gu Formation covered the entire world, it was also influenced by the Formation.

But the formation took time to take effect.

The stronger the will, the more time required to make it subservient.

After 1000 years, all the living beings as well as Heaven's Will was subservient to Fang Yuan.

He finally took the last step and ascended to Rank 10 Sovereign!

This was a very different feeling for him.

He was like an Omnipotent and Omniscient being who was in total control of this world.

He knew of each and every thing happening around the world.

Bit as he had suspected, his aging did not stop even after reaching the peak Rank 10 cultivation.

His lifespan Dao marks were continuously being consumed.

At this rate, even he would die within the next 3000 years if he did not consume any lifespan gu.

Also, there was hard limit to many lifespan gu he could consume, making it impossible for him to achieve immortality through Lifespan Gu.

This made his decision to refine Rank 10 Longevity Immortal Sovereign Guildford even firmer.

Currently, Fang Yuan was refining the Rank 10 Longevity Immortal Sovereign Gu.

He had been in the refinement process for past 6 months!

Yes, for the past 6 months he had been continuously exercising mental energy to refine the Gu.

During the past 30 years, he had been simulating the Gu refinement process using Rank 8 Simulator Gu.

He had simulated the process thousands of times and was perfectly prepared.

But still there was a hint of nervousness on Fang Yuan's face since today was the last day of refinement process!

If he succeeds, he will achieve his goal of Immortality.

If he fails, then the backlash of failure of Gu refinement will probably kill him.

For a second, a thought flashed across Fang Yuan's mind

'What shall I do after I achieve Immortality?'

'Heh Heh, that will be my concern after I achieve it' Fang Yuan immediately thought back with a smirk showing on his face.

It's not that he didn't thought about it before but everytime he let it off at that since this was a faraway goal.

Fang Yuan was holding the Rank 9 Spring Autumn Cicada on his right hand.

The past memory started to surface in his mind when he looked at this Gu in his hand since it was because of this Gu that he got to restart his life and reached this level where he finally was going to take the last step on the path of his goal.

Even if he died right now, he would have no regrets.

This was the last step to refining the Rank 10 Longevity Immortal Sovereign Gu where he would stop the flow of River of Time using the Rank 9 Spring Autumn Cicada and freeze it at that point causing time to be forever stopped for Fang Yuan and everyone on this world.

This is how he was going to achieve Immortality, by never aging.

He put his Sovereign Essence into the Rank 9 Spring Autumn Cicada.

After the flow of River of Time pauses, he was going to mix the Rank 9 Spring Autumn Cicada into the refinement formation causes the state of time to be stopped forever.

Other Gu such as Rank 9 Luck Gu, Rank 9 Wisdom Gu, Rank 9 Love Gu, Rank 9 Fate Gu, Rank 9 Strength Gu and Rank 9 Hope Gu were added to the refinement formation beforehand so that neither Luck, Wisdom, Love, Fate, Strength nor Hope can affect the flow of time.

In the Legends of Ren Zu, the humans were created when all the above emotions started to take up sentience.

It was said that with these emotions, anything and everything can be affected, even time itself.

Hence, to avoid any complications, Fang Yuan added the apex of all these path into the creation of the ultimate Rank 10 Gu.

After adding the final Spring Autumn Cicada into the formation, the Rank 10 Longevity Immortal Sovereign Gu will be created and will forever stop the time using the power of the Great Dao.

No one in the future will be capable of understanding the Great Dao and there will be no Immortal Gu henceforth.

Fang Yuan will be the ultimate entity in the world who will be unchallenged and he shall do as he please.

That's how he is going to achieve the proper Immortality.

Right now, Rank 9 Spring Autumn Cicada had been activated.

Fang Yuan felt as if his entire body, each and every nerves in his body had freezed, had stopped aging.

The entire world went into a commotion.

Many mortal Gu masters felt renewed and unlimited energy in their body since their body had stopped aging and their power remained constant irrespective of how much energy they used.

Meanwhile, Fang Yuan secretly calculated in his mind.

"I could keep this activated for max 24 hours using my Sovereign Essence"

"I have to mix the Spring Autumn Cicada into the formation within these 24 hours, otherwise the refinement would fail and I would die from the backlash"

"Hehe" Fang Yuan let out a smirk.

"How interesting. Let's see, according to my calculations, it should mix within the formation in 15 hours. However, even if something unexpected happens, I have a backup of 9 hours. That should resolve most of the issues, if any"


16 hours passed

"It's finally about to be completed" Fang Yuan sighed.

He had been concentrating hard for past 6 months and had used up lots of mental energy.

The past 16 hours had been too tiring mentally for Fang Yuan.

A single mistake could have caused the formation to fall apart.

Now, the Spring Autumn Cicada had merged into the formation.

In a few minutes, the formation would take effect and a new Gu will be born into the world.

Even Fang Yuan was feeling unprecedented sense of excitement.

The whole refinement formation started to shake and then suddenly a bright light shown from the centre of the formation.

Fang Yuan had to slit his eyes and was only able to make out the rough outline of the legendary Rank 10 Longevity Immortal Sovereign Gu.

This gu was the embodiment of all paths and anyone who looked at it would feel such a strong sense of reverence that they would fall down on their knees and kneel.

Even Fang Yuan was affected and felt a strong urge but he resisted himself.

The gu had yet to take form.

This event was going to be marked as the biggest and unprecedented event in the history of this world.

Even though the whole surrounding was covered by lights, Fang Yuan was watching each and every changes happening to the Gu.

The Gu was beginning to have a proper shape.

Soon, the aura releasing from the Gu also began to rise.

It had almost reached the peak and even Fang Yuan was overwhelmed.

Suddenly, the whole Gu world started to shake intensely.

Fang Yuan had a bad premonition and the look on his face started getting ugly.

One minute went by. The shaking continued.

Ten minutes went by. The shaking continued.

One hour went by. The shaking still continued.

The look on Fang Yuan's face got uglier and uglier

Originally, the Gu was supposed to be formed with mere moments, but a hour had went by but it the gu had yet to be formed even though it had almost taken a round shape.

Fang Yuan was continuously expending thoughts to figure out the situation but he still couldn't come up with any conclusions.

Two hours went by in a whim, suddenly the aura started to wither.

The Gu refinement process was a failure.

"How could this be? I simulated the process thousands of times and I had found the best way to process the Rank 10 Longevity Immortal Sovereign Gu."

"Every step was carried out perfectly too. Also, this was definitely not because of natural rate of failure since the Gu had already been formed."

"Is there a problem with the recipe? No, that's not possible. I personally created this recipe from the experience of Rank 9 venerables as well as my Great Grandmaster attainment in a paths. I verified it countless times and I do fulfill all the requirements."

"Then where did it go wrong? What did I not consider?"

Fang Yuan saw that the whole refinement was slowly crumbling apart.

But the odd thing was none of Immortal Gu used in the formation came apart. Also, Fang Yuan did not suffer any backlashes.

It must be understood that during failure of refinement process, the higher the rank of Gu being refined, the higher backlashes. Also, the Gu used for refinement may either be injured or destroyed.

In the case of Rank 10 Longevity Immortal Sovereign Gu, which is an apex gu even amongst Rank 10s, even Rank 10 Cultivator might very well die if refinement process fails.

However, in the current scenario, it was clear that the process had failed but Fang Yuan suffered no backlashes and also all the Rank 9 Gu used and all the other Immortal Gu used were neither destroyed nor injured.

It was simply like they did not exist and have been totally merged into the new Gu.

The above conditions showed signs of success but actually the refinement process had failed which was signified by breaking of the formation.

Even Fang Yuan was confused since this was the first time in his 2500 plus years of experience that he had seen such a case.

"The Rank 10 Longevity Immortal Sovereign Gu has yet to disappear. Although it's aura is decreasing, at this rate, it may take more than 5 minutes to completely dissipate. Some thing's wrong. I should maintain some defence mechanism in case of unexpected circumstance. " Fang Yuan thought to himself and activated Sovereign Essence Shield.

At Rank 10, even Sovereign Essence itself can be used to attack and defend without the Gu.

It takes a physical form using the world's natural power as a base. Rank 10 cultivators can totally manipulate their environment using their essence.

They can even make it impossible for Gu Formation or Gu Immortal to summon power from their surroundings.

That would make Rank 10 cultivators practically invincible amongst lower ranks

Suddenly, the aura stop decreasing. Instead, it started to increase exponentially.

There was a huge release of blinding white light and then came outburst of sudden power.


Fang Yuan's eyes went round with shock. He braced himself for the upcoming impact.

The Gu had exploded. Yes, the legendary Rank 10 Longevity Immortal Sovereign Gu had exploded releasing its full power.

This gu was said to have the power to freeze river of time permanently while absorbing the power from the surrounding.

Now, the same power, instead of being used to freeze time, was directly being reflected upon whole of Gu world.

Anyone below Rank 9 power would find it impossible to withstand this power.

All the mortals and gu and other animals in the world were instantly crumbled to dust.

Even the mountains and rivers were starting to crumble.

The whole world itself was forming cracks.

It was a forgone conclusion that the whole gu world is going to be destroyed along with white and black heaven.

When Fang Yuan saw this, a hint of sadness and regret passed through his eyes for a brief moment.

Yes, even though Fang Yuan was to die on the path of his goal, he would have no regrets.

But now that he saw the whole world crumbling, he couldn't help but feel sadness and regret.

It was this world that gave him hope of immortality in the first place.

He knew that even if he were to survive this, his hopes of gaining immortality might be gone forever.

Even at this moment, Fang Yuan was of rational mind.

He did not place his hopes for any miracle to happen as he was striving to look for ways to survive.


Another hour went by.

The whole world was in peices that were just floating around except for the area around Fang Yuan.

It was totally void without any signs of life with not even a hint of an atmosphere.

The only reason Fang Yuan managed to survive was that he was in total control of natural energy in his surrounding area which negated the effect of the portion of energy directed towards Fang Yuan from the Gu explosion.

The remaining energy which managed to pass through was not enough to harm Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan was staring intently at the surrounding while keeping his Sovereign Essence active.

He knew that death was impending once his Sovereign Essence was depleted.

Suddenly, a ripple flowed out from area where the Rank 10 Longevity Immortal Sovereign Gu had manifested following which peices of the Gu world started to flow into it.

Every single particle started to be attracted towards the ripple.

The suction force was constantly increasing in power.

Even Fang Yuan had to increase Sovereign Essence consumption so as to prevent himself from being attracted towards the suction force.

Everything went into the tiny little hole and as time passed, the hole increased in size.

Not only the particles, even energy as well as light also started being absorbed by the hole as it grew bigger and bigger.

Fang Yuan's face went pale as he saw this.

He recognized it!

This was a Black Hole, a term recognized by scientists on Earth which consisted of a region of spacetime exhibiting gravitational acceleration so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it.

It could affect time itself!

However, no one has gone through it so no one knows what will happen if ever one was to enter into it.

Fang Yuan carefully considered his options. Right now, he had two options : first one was to resist the black hole using Sovereign Essence hoping that black hole would use up its energy and dissipate and then wait for a miracle that a new world would form while his second option was to use the remaining sovereign essence to resist the gravitational field and enter the black hole and find some new hope.

Do not underestimate the might of Sovereign Essence.

The scientists on Earth would argue that it is impossible to resist the gravitational force generated by the Black hole.

However, Sovereign Essence was generated from a Rank 10 cultivator, the sovereign existence in the entire gu world.

Fang Yuan knew that sometimes it was better to take risk and go forward directly embracing the challenges rather than passively waiting for a miracle to happen.

This was the essence of demonic path, there's always times when you have to risk everything without looking back.

Light shined in Fang Yuan's eyes.

Without further thoughts, he brought out the maximum power he could muster using the Sovereign Essence forming a dense layer around him.

He took a step and directly jumped into the black hole!


His Sovereign Essence was being depleted at a much faster rate and would be used up in minutes.

However, the suction force was even greater, pulling Fang Yuan faster and faster towards the centre.

Fang Yuan gritted his teeth and pressed forward.

His whole body was in unimaginable amount of pain.

Each and every was being compressed heavily.

Finally, he made it past the point of event horizon and gravitational forces stopped affecting him.

But the layer of Sovereign Essence around him vanished.

The next instant he felt everything black out.

Before losing consciousness, he had a final thought 'Am I going to die here? Well, this was a life worth it. I even confirmed the theory that Black holes are real. Hehe'

And then everything blacked out.