Don't Push Me Away

Yanmei's grandfather frowned. He asked Anton, "Son, shouldn't it be fly? or at least a mosquito? I would not even hurt a fly?"

Anton's brows drew together. He had heard that idiom before but was not sure what kind of mammal was mentioned in those lines. He looked at Yanmei as if trying to find a solution, but he was quick to find an answer. He said, "Sir, flies, and mosquitos are common carriers of diseases. I would not let a mosquito nor fly land on Yanmei's skin."

"Yanmei is also a protein eater so pigs and chickens are out of the question."

Yanmei's worries suddenly faded, hearing him make up for the mistake. 

"Nice words boy." Said Yanmei's grandfather before giving a laugh. True enough, there was little humor in his lines. 

"Granda, seriously. Anton is just into martial arts and sports. Therefore, he maintains his body this way, but he is truly gentle, especially with me," Yanmei said in defense.